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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Awesome ... now we'll have enough guys to have a scrimmage in practice! I wondered about the "two years of NCAA eligibility" until I thought some more about it. He played a full freshman year at SCSU (1); he played enough games so far this season for it to count as another year (2). That would leave him with two years to complete.
  2. To be accurate, the NCAA only recognizes their titles and 3 of the NDSU football titles you purport are poll titles (no playoff). And per NDSU fans, only Division I matters, hence, please stick to DI.
  3. Another interesting case of "strange bedfellows" this whole conundrum has created.
  4. Lovely, ... but can I see a shovel in the ground and steel going up? Please?
  5. I didn't say it wasn't a double-edged sword.
  6. Does that make him detweeted? Untwittered? Detwitified? Untwiched?
  7. Who's most happy about Mitch MacMillan going to UND? Mitch and Mark's parents. Their costs go down with both at one place.
  8. Finally someone hears what I've been saying for a year (more?). At risk of repeating myself, the last "state actor" challenge to the NCAA was 1999. Since then there's a Tennessee case that may provide precedent: Given that the NCAA is primarily public schools (meaning government officials mandated to follow the First and Fourteenth Amendments) one could ponder if the NCAA and NCAA leadership is "pervasively entwined" with goverment officials and acting as a state actor. That's one for the Federal courts to untangle.
  9. The 85 to 80 is a nice ruse to distract from the other issue: "full cost of attendance" scholarships. http://www.obsessedwithsports.com/2011/06/07/full-cost-of-attendance-scholarships-could-change-the-college-football-landscape/ Like that story says, So on one hand they'll lower the scholarship limit number (which sounds wonderful and more equitable in a press release or news story) but actually raise the total price of an FBS football program. That works to the advantage of the BCS conferences. The gap widens.
  10. Indeed. If raised that could prove to be rather problematic.
  11. It doesn't matter what I think. I said to ask Jesse Taken Alive and Tex Hall. They are the "opinion makers" on this issue. And the NCAA seems to listen to them. I'd enjoy hearing their thoughts on NDSU's favorite chant now that UND has officially retired the moniker.
  12. So tell me where the real problem with the moniker is. Is it with past UND fans saying "Go ....." or current NDSU fans still chanting "..... suck!" I sure hope the NCAA hears about this incident. NDSU deserves some NCAA "proctology" for a while. I think the Forum should ask Jesse Taken Alive and Tex Hall how they view the phrase "..... suck!" in comparison to say the (Lehigh guy) N-word.
  13. Sure you have ... it's just that Shepherd didn't call them.
  14. The UNC spokesperson says he's graduated from UNC. Given that, I wouldn't be surprised to find out he starts graduate school at UND tomorrow.
  15. The timing on this one (Hanson from UNC) seems very nice in terms of trying to set up and stabilize the QB position.
  16. Anyone know what kind of offense they run at North Carolina? Quarterback Braden Hanson has graduated from North Carolina and will transfer to the University of North Dakota for his final year of eligibility, a UNC official confirmed Monday. http://northcarolina.../2/1146993.html Braden Hanson: http://www.tarheelbl...n_braden01.html Hanson was caught behind Bryn Renner on the UNC depth chart.
  17. UND could only put 17 healthy skaters onto the ice on Saturday v. Clarkson. However shall UND compete against Mighty Minnesota ... (Do I get my certificate from the Sagard School of Lowering Expectations now? )
  18. I've heard lots of talk about the things the football alumni plan to do. I'd like to see the shovels in the ground. I'd like to hear a couple bold statements from the coaches, and administrators, about their long-term plan and goals for the program.
  19. Can we get Aaron Dell a special "Friday the 13th" goalie mask for this game?
  20. UND playing with only five defensemen (yes, yes, Gleason was playing forward) and Forbort in the stands says it all: He's hurt enough to not let him play this weekend. Let's hope that precautionary and to get him ready for Minnesota's Friday the 13th nightmare.
  21. I thought the moniker comparison to slavery was only used by Jesse Taken Alive.
  22. Thank you Dan. And yes, the move to Division I was primarily about ... football. The NCAA moniker policy jammed up football the worst. Football is the big dog of UND sports outside of mens hockey. UND has done everything to clear the path for the football big dog (DI, conference, eliminated possible sanctions). It's time for the big dog to hunt.
  23. Hope for the best; plan and prepare for the worst. I'd love to see SL win, but UND needs to retire the moniker for the distinct possibility that they don't. Key reference point: Both teams in the FCS championship this year had all games up to the title game. Every home pro team won this weekend (including heavy underdog Denver). If you believe in UND football (and UND womens hockey) you can not allow NCAA sanctions to prevent UND teams from playing home games that they had otherwise earned.
  24. This has never been about those "victims" the NCAA claims to be "helping". This is about college administrators making grandstanding proclamations that make themselves look like heros in their wine and cheese party circuits. And those folks control the NCAA. PS - The ND state constitution is not a "punch" to the NCAA. It's at most an annoyance, just like Al Carlson's state law was.
  25. Ask South Carolina and Mississippi. They've been under NCAA sanction for a decade or more because of laws in those states. I'm ready to move on. If the fight is to be won it'll only be won by Spirit Lake, not UND, not the State, and surely not me. But I'm also ready to trade Sioux County (Standing Rock) to South Dakota for a bucket full of warm spit (and we'd be getting the better end of the deal). Sioux County (Standing Rock) has shown what kind of neighbors and friends they are.
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