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Fighting Sioux vs. Michigan


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Everyone wonders what Hensick did (said). I think it can be told just by watching the two intermission interviews. Chris Porter was on at the first intermission. Class all the way. Hensick was on at the second, and he does not come across well at all. He clearly has an attitude, and reading between the lines you can tell he is blaming the ref that they are behind. I was not impressed with his interview.

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Everyone wonders what Hensick did (said). I think it can be told just by watching the two intermission interviews. Chris Porter was on at the first intermission. Class all the way. Hensick was on at the second, and he does not come across well at all. He clearly has an attitude, and reading between the lines you can tell he is blaming the ref that they are behind. I was not impressed with his interview.

I think Michigan thinks that they are the royalty of the CCHA much like Minnesota thinks they are the royalty of the WCHA. They lose their cool if the game is called somewhat close.

There were plenty more penalties that could have been called but I think on both teams.

One thing they were bitching about was Porters 2nd goal (I think). Right before the goal he slashed the stick out of the defenses hands. I think you should learn to hold on to your stick.

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Ah. Thanks.

I would love to know what he said. All I know KO lipped off to the Ref during the first game yesterday and it was pretty brutal.

So I am sure it has to be pretty earth shattering to get a 10 minute misconduct. I think Beating Michigan and being 4-1-1 against them the last 6 games is even more sweet that beating the brown and yellow rodents.

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I think Michigan thinks that they are the royalty of the CCHA much like Minnesota thinks they are the royalty of the WCHA. They lose their cool if the game is called somewhat close.

There were plenty more penalties that could have been called but I think on both teams.

One thing they were bitching about was Porters 2nd goal (I think). Right before the goal he slashed the stick out of the defenses hands. I think you should learn to hold on to your stick.

Whistler I think your right, its almost like Michigan is a mirror image of Minnesota, in their self precieved royalty. The Michigan bench did a lot of whinning about the officating, fact remains that I believe these other leagues are tired of getting beat by the WCHA. There was a quip about the HE not being happy about not winning a title. I am surprise the other leagues haven't complained about this fact.

Funnything the other night Buffalo scored a goal like Porter did, the player slashed the stick out of the defense's hand and the puck was burried laster on. All season long we have heard its just part of the game. I just like the fact that we didn't get homered. I like the fact that our own leagues refs aren't reffing us during the playoffs.

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Great game by both teams to keep fighting all (most) of the way. In a game with many boneheaded moves (Hensick's 10 min major, Lammy mishandling the puck, Bina getting walked instead of taking the body, the list could go on...) I though one of the bigger blunders was made by Red when he pulled the goalie. I thought it was a bad move to pull the goalie before the face-off and before they had established possession. They were on the PP and only down by 2 goals.... not an insurmountable deficit (think UND coming back on BC in the 2001 title game down by two w/ about 4 min to play). You HAVE to establish possession first and then pull Sauer. And then not to keep him pulled after the Sioux scored the shorty is just a cue from the Coaches to the players that it's time to give up. Red's a great coach but I think he "Buckner-ed" this one big time.

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At the risk of offending the faithful ... I'm not sure the best team won last night. I say that not to rip UND but to note that I think Michigan was really, really talented, and easily had enough to go all the way this year. It is a real credit to UND that they stood up to everything Michigan threw at them and won this game unconventionally. A huge part of it was Lammy standing in for the last 39 minutes of the game and stopping something like 25 of 25 shots down the stretch.

As horrible as the goaltending and defense seemed early in the game, some credit needs to go to the offenses. Think about the goals:

Porter (MI) - a top shelf snipe that Lammy didn't appear to see because of a screen. Not a goalie's fault.

Summers - Lammy stopped a clean breakaway, and the rebound got knocked in. Again, the goalie did his job.

Porter (UND) - Cleaned up on the second whack at a rebound. Not much Sauer could do at that point.

Hensick - A clean look by the nation's leading scorer from 15 feet out. Good luck.

Porter (UND) - Nice deflection, not Sauer's fault.

Oshie - Nice play by Oshie, but Sauer wants this one back.

Toews - On the doorstep on a 5-on-3. Nice offensive play; goalie pretty much helpless.

Hensick - Nice move (but with a luck bounce when he fanned) to get around Bina, but Lammy probably wants this one back.

Cogliano - Bad goalie play.

Bina - A nice shot that the goalie just couldn't see.

Kaip - A beautiful rocket with a ton of leverage on it; might be the nicest goal Kaip ever scores.

Oshie - A lucky bounce for UND; nice play to get it on net, but these usually don't go in.

Oshie - Definitely not the goalie's fault.

Michigan was offensively very dynamic; they were big and they hit very hard. I think the main reason UND won was because Michigan got stupid and took a lot of dumb penalties, not hooking and obstruction, but hitting the head and things that are just dumb, and UND made them pay in an epic way. As fantastic as UND's PP has looked lately, part of UND's success on the PP this game was the result of fortunate bounces. As Red said, the puck was just going in the net.

It doesn't sound good, but I guess my summary is that UND might have beaten a better team because the other team took a lot of penalties and the Sioux got some bounces. Unsaid there is that UND played an extremely disciplined game (limiting their PK time), they got outstanding goaltending in the last 39 minutes of the game, and they played a very solid third period of playoff hockey.

I think Sunday's game will be a lot more like last Saturday's game than last night's. I don't think MN has the offensive sizzle that Michigan has, but they play a more composed game, and they won't take the dumb penalties Michigan did. UND used their bounces up last night, but so did MN, as their third and fourth goals were bounces of the puck as well. Should be interesting and terrifying to watch.

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I think Lammy got put off of his game when he got run over in the first 15 seconds. It took him a bit to get his head back into the game.

In the second period he was pissed about the stupid slashing call. (I don't mind them calling that, but on the other hand they weren't calling crap after the whistler that Michigan was doing all game.) So that put him off his game again.

How long into the game do you think it will be before they run Lammy tonight?

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I think Lammy got put off of his game when he got run over in the first 15 seconds. It took him a bit to get his head back into the game.

I also wondered if that wasn't the case. After Phil settled down, he was fantastic.

Of the first three goals Michigan scored, one was a fluke and two were off of bad Sioux defensive plays and great Michigan plays. I doubt if Phil even saw the puck on those two goals before it was in the net.

Of the two goals he gave up at the start of the second period, one was weak and the other was directly off his mistake. I thought we were in real trouble at that point, but Lamoureux elevated his game and played the way he usually does.

I'm sure the Gophers will try to do everything they can to get Lamoureux off his game.

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At the risk of offending the faithful ... I'm not sure the best team won last night.

I can't disagree with that. I was very impressed with MI last night, other than the stupid penalties. UND does deserve credit for playing the right way to give themselves a chance to come back and win, which they did. But had this remained a 5x5 game, it might have been "good night, Sioux".

In the second period he was pissed about the stupid slashing call. (I don't mind them calling that, but on the other hand they weren't calling crap after the whistler that Michigan was doing all game.) So that put him off his game again.
They did call Michigan for a high stick on Kozek after the whistle, and if I'm not mistaken that might have been the penalty where MI also got the interference call within seconds. But I might be wrong on that.

The most eggregious non-call, IMO, was what looked like a CFB on MI. I gasped at the time and hoped Chorney (?) would be able to get up. I'll have to watch my tape, but it looked bad to me. That was in the 3rd.

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I can't disagree with that. I was very impressed with MI last night, other than the stupid penalties. UND does deserve credit for playing the right way to give themselves a chance to come back and win, which they did. But had this remained a 5x5 game, it might have been "good night, Sioux".

They did call Michigan for a high stick on Kozek after the whistle, and if I'm not mistaken that might have been the penalty where MI also got the interference call within seconds. But I might be wrong on that.

The most eggregious non-call, IMO, was what looked like a CFB on MI. I gasped at the time and hoped Chorney (?) would be able to get up. I'll have to watch my tape, but it looked bad to me. That was in the 3rd.

Your right about that leading to the 5-3. But when Kozek got up he got cross checked again, way late. Considering how late it was I think they should have put them down 5-3 right there.

I thought the penalty though was because it was a stick to the head, not after the whistle.

I thought they had at least 3 charges (jumping to throw the check) that should have been called.

I'm not saying that it was a poorly reffed game. I'd take that officiating during the regular season any day.

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I think Lammy got put off of his game when he got run over in the first 15 seconds. It took him a bit to get his head back into the game.

In the second period he was pissed about the stupid slashing call. (I don't mind them calling that, but on the other hand they weren't calling crap after the whistler that Michigan was doing all game.) So that put him off his game again.

How long into the game do you think it will be before they run Lammy tonight?

It appears that teams are watching the film and they are going out of their way in trying to get Phil off his game, and its working big time. I am thinking the Michigan player intentionall ran Phil. His biggest fault right now is his temper and that he is way too emotional, Goalies are not supposed to get all worked up and caught up in all the extra b.s. watch Brian Elliot and some of the other great goalies they are not getting emotionally side tracked. That chop on the Michigan player was not a smart move and could have cost UND the game, but the ref also blew it too because the Michigan players shouldn't have been allowed to skate down into the Sioux end after the period had ended.

The defense has to keep the Gophers off the Goalie and out of the Crease. Stoa is going to be camped out there all game and the defense needs to protect the goalie. The Gophers will run Phil its part of the MO.

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It appears that teams are watching the film and they are going out of their way in trying to get Phil off his game, and its working big time. I am thinking the Michigan player intentionall ran Phil. His biggest fault right now is his temper and that he is way too emotional, Goalies are not supposed to get all worked up and caught up in all the extra b.s. watch Brian Elliot and some of the other great goalies they are not getting emotionally side tracked.

Different goalies have different syles. Wasn't Patrick Roy a goalie who played with his emotions on his sleeve? It didn't always work for him, but it usually did.

While I agree that Phil sometimes lets his emotions get the better of him, it can also work to UND's advantage. Brad Schlossman said that in UND's game at Bemidji at a time during the third period when the Beavers were getting shot after shot on Lamoureux, after one great save he took the puck to the faceoff dot, slammed it down and gave his teammates a tongue lashing. After that, the Sioux tightened up their defense and kept Bemidji bottled up in their own end for most of the rest of the game.

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I think the main reason UND won was because Michigan got stupid and took a lot of dumb penalties, not hooking and obstruction, but hitting the head and things that are just dumb, and UND made them pay in an epic way.

....... I guess my summary is that UND might have beaten a better team because the other team took a lot of penalties and the Sioux got some bounces.

Change Michigan to UND and you could be talking about the first half of our season.

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One final observation on yesterday's game - we scored 5 PPG in just 6 minutes of PP time.

Elapsed PP time:

PP#1 : 18 - Goal

PP#2 : 08 - Goal

PP#3 1:23 - Goal (the 5x3)

PP#4 :59 - no

PP#5 : 05 - Goal (Bina)

PP#6 :23 - Goal (Oshie)

PP#7 1:12 - no

PP#8 1:45 - no

5 seconds, 8 seconds, 18 and 23 ... Maybe Red wasn't impressed with the Sioux PP because they weren't out there very long.

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I had the same thought. I could not believe that a CFB wasn't called. It looked like an easy call to me.

I just watched it on tape and after rewinding it a couple of times it looks like Chorney turned sideways and was taken into the boards that way. Probably a good non-call.

On another note, many of us commented on the somewhat weak interference call to put MI down 2 men. In watching the tape it turns out that the penalty call came BEFORE Toews was knocked down as he skated through the crease. That's the replay they showed on TV of the penalty, but in reality the commentators had already said a penalty on MI had been called prior to when Toews was knocked down. The actual penalty took place off camera.

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