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Keep the faith


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There's a lot of negative vibes floating around out here right now. I for one am not ready to throw in the towel on our boy's just yet. I say this weekend is our opportunity to "turn the corner" on this season. Let's start with small thing's and build. Win a face off, complete a great pass, lay down a thunderous hit, score a goal. Take it one shift at a time, then that becomes a good period. Then put three good period's together, now you have a complete game. Then no looking back. We have the ability, I have seen it. Saturday night vs. CC, we could have skated with anyone. We all have our theories of what is wrong and how to go about fixing it. I offer one simple theory, play FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY (we all know what that is,) the rest will fix itself. Let's start this weekend, wipe the slate clean. The run for the "Big Arch" starts this weekend. The MTU Huskies are the first victims that will be left on the trail of carnage all the way to St Louis.

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There's a lot of negative vibes floating around out here right now. I for one am not ready to throw in the towel on our boy's just yet. I say this weekend is our opportunity to "turn the corner" on this season. Let's start with small thing's and build. Win a face off, complete a great pass, lay down a thunderous hit, score a goal. Take it one shift at a time, then that becomes a good period. Then put three good period's together, now you have a complete game. Then no looking back. We have the ability, I have seen it. Saturday night vs. CC, we could have skated with anyone. We all have our theories of what is wrong and how to go about fixing it. I offer one simple theory, play FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY (we all know what that is,) the rest will fix itself. Let's start this weekend, wipe the slate clean. The run for the "Big Arch" starts this weekend. The MTU Huskies are the first victims that will be left on the trail of carnage all the way to St Louis.

Don't hear any negative vibes from me!

Just towards certain aspects (like throwing individual players under the bus to resolve TEAM problems).

I want us to be competitive and make the post season. I love the Sioux and I will support the boys as long as they wear Sioux colors and even after they're gone!

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Don't hear any negative vibes from me!

Just towards certain aspects (like throwing individual players under the bus to resolve TEAM problems).

I want us to be competitive and make the post season. I love the Sioux and I will support the boys as long as they wear Sioux colors and even after they're gone!

I fully agree with these sentiments. The reality is that we are spoiled with the Sioux making the Frozen Four 4 of the last 7 years. As a Sioux fan my expectations are high every year and I expect to be a contender for the league and NCAA crown each year. When we don't perform to those expectations we all complain but as a true Sioux fan you contineu to support the team no matter what. We can right this ship by doing the little things better. Let's start with this weekend. Get your butt to the game and cheer louder than you did last weekend.

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There's a lot of negative vibes floating around out here right now. I for one am not ready to throw in the towel on our boy's just yet. I say this weekend is our opportunity to "turn the corner" on this season. Let's start with small thing's and build. Win a face off, complete a great pass, lay down a thunderous hit, score a goal. Take it one shift at a time, then that becomes a good period. Then put three good period's together, now you have a complete game. Then no looking back. We have the ability, I have seen it. Saturday night vs. CC, we could have skated with anyone. We all have our theories of what is wrong and how to go about fixing it. I offer one simple theory, play FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY (we all know what that is,) the rest will fix itself. Let's start this weekend, wipe the slate clean. The run for the "Big Arch" starts this weekend. The MTU Huskies are the first victims that will be left on the trail of carnage all the way to St Louis.

When the Feel the Love Tour '07 makes the stop in St.Louis in April, I will be there!

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you guys just aren't true fans. can't you see the ship is sinking and it's dragging the bandwagon down the drain with it? tech clearly has a better recruiting class this year, so the sioux have no chance to win the games. i don't know if will win another game in 06.

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you guys just aren't true fans. can't you see the ship is sinking and it's dragging the bandwagon down the drain with it? tech clearly has a better recruiting class this year, so the sioux have no chance to win the games. i don't know if will win another game in 06.

I like sarcasm, but you should have put a roll-eyes icon at the end so people don't misunderstand.

I haven't totally given up hope, but if we don't start pulling it together soon we will fall too far behind in the WCHA standings and the Pairwise Rankings to catch up. We'll have to depend on other teams losing for us to get in and that is always an unsure thing.

I think what burns people's behinds is that we are 0-2 in our last 2 national title games and 2-3 in our last 5 Frozen Four games. We haven't won a national title since 2000, and people are starting to get antsy about it. While it is unrealistic to win it all every single time you make the Frozen Four, it just seems like we used to win the big games on the big stage when we had the horses to do it (1980's and 90's). We had teams that could have won national titles in the 1960's, but they came up short as well. It's happening in this decade too and I think it's starting to get on people's nerves.

Nonetheless, I will always support this team (and all of our other teams) and I will always bleed green and white 4 life (hence my username). :glare:

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I like sarcasm, but you should have put a roll-eyes icon at the end so people don't misunderstand.

I haven't totally given up hope, but if we don't start pulling it together soon we will fall too far behind in the WCHA standings and the Pairwise Rankings to catch up. We'll have to depend on other teams losing for us to get in and that is always an unsure thing.

I think what burns people's behinds is that we are 0-2 in our last 2 national title games and 2-3 in our last 5 Frozen Four games. We haven't won a national title since 2000, and people are starting to get antsy about it. While it is unrealistic to win it all every single time you make the Frozen Four, it just seems like we used to win the big games on the big stage when we had the horses to do it (1980's and 90's). We had teams that could have won national titles in the 1960's, but they came up short as well. It's happening in this decade too and I think it's starting to get on people's nerves.

Nonetheless, I will always support this team (and all of our other teams) and I will always bleed green and white 4 life (hence my username). :glare:

I'm not quite sure he's being sarcastic. I don't remember this much negativity being on this message board since I've joined the board.

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In fairness it's INCH :glare: , but I don't ever remember this happening. ???

we should be out of any and every poll. we are UNDER .500. which is exactly what we are right now, below average. lets pick it up vs tech and get rolling and get above average where we are suppose to be............................

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fans should be pissed off right now. there is nothing wrong with that at all. it doesnt mean you are turning your back on your team. it is called being realistic. most fans who are pissed still believe we can turn it around but as of today the sioux are playing ok hockey and that wont cut it in this league vs any team as we all know. anyways, lets get the train back on track and it starts with TECH......

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you guys just aren't true fans. can't you see the ship is sinking and it's dragging the bandwagon down the drain with it? tech clearly has a better recruiting class this year, so the sioux have no chance to win the games. i don't know if will win another game in 06.

You realize we have only four more games in 2006 :glare:??? The boys can go along way towards squashing all the negativity this weekend. Crank it up boys and lets play Fighting Sioux hockey :)

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There's a lot of negative vibes floating around out here right now. I for one am not ready to throw in the towel on our boy's just yet. I say this weekend is our opportunity to "turn the corner" on this season. Let's start with small thing's and build. Win a face off, complete a great pass, lay down a thunderous hit, score a goal. Take it one shift at a time, then that becomes a good period. Then put three good period's together, now you have a complete game. Then no looking back. We have the ability, I have seen it. Saturday night vs. CC, we could have skated with anyone. We all have our theories of what is wrong and how to go about fixing it. I offer one simple theory, play FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY (we all know what that is,) the rest will fix itself. Let's start this weekend, wipe the slate clean. The run for the "Big Arch" starts this weekend. The MTU Huskies are the first victims that will be left on the trail of carnage all the way to St Louis.

""TRAIL OF CARNAGE" I think you just came up with the title for the new Metallica album. I'm gonna call Lars and see what he thinks! That is great stuff right there!!!!

You're right. This team can play hockey, we seen it against CC in that Sat night game. I know they can get up for more games like that.

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Yes, my job selling auto parts is quite lucrative, it enables me to enjoy the finer things in life (like owning a hockey team, and drinking grain belt.) :glare:

Well, that explains why my neighbor is living in the lap of luxury! ???

I need to change professions. Contrary to popular belief, there's just not that much money in sudo-reporting these days. :)

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Well, that explains why my neighbor is living in the lap of luxury! ???

I need to change professions. Contrary to popular belief, there's just not that much money in sudo-reporting these days. ;)

:) PCM, I too made some big money in the auto parts business over the years and am now shifting gears to pro hockey. I'm currently working with the city of Winnipeg and the NHL to bring a new team there and the Winnipeg Jets logo back to life! I've been meaning to talk to you about a front office position also.

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;) PCM, I too made some big money in the auto parts business over the years and am now shifting gears to pro hockey. I'm currently working with the city of Winnipeg and the NHL to bring a new team there and the Winnipeg Jets logo back to life! I've been meaning to talk to you about a front office position also.

i didnt know a sudo reporter is considered a front office posoition. man how things have changed ???

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We can right this ship by doing the little things better. Let's start with this weekend. Get your butt to the game and cheer louder than you did last weekend.

Yeah turn off your cell phone, get your butt out of the Bar and watch the game and cheer, if you don't want to watch the game sell your ticket to someone who does.

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:) PCM, I too made some big money in the auto parts business over the years and am now shifting gears to pro hockey. I'm currently working with the city of Winnipeg and the NHL to bring a new team there and the Winnipeg Jets logo back to life! I've been meaning to talk to you about a front office position also.

This is great news, would you be intrested in trading a few draft pick's for vanek and stafford.

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This is great news, would you be intrested in trading a few draft pick's for vanek and stafford.

If your Stafford personally signed jersey collection is included in the offer, I'll consider it.

As for PCM his duties with the Jets will also include kipper snacks and Grain Belt sales, Zamboni repair, and washing jock straps.

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