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Big payday for Bison


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Actually they are an anomaly.

Most fans have no idea that Bisonville or Siouxsports.com exist.

Of the over 1,000 members of Bisonville there are about five of them (IMO) that display the behavior you describe-there are about that same number here on siouxsports. However, that is too many as one off-topic post about hockey, NDSU's football tradition, how great/awful Fargo or Grand Forks is quickly ruin an otherwise relevant, interesting thread. The moderators are doing a good (and ever improving) job of dealing with this. Recently, most contaminated threads have been outside of NDSU specific discussions and those that get out of hand are immediately dealt with.

Personally, I find this sad, not funny.

Funny in my morbid sense of humor. I think that you find it more sad because it is on your board. If it happens on SiouxSports, I get turned off. Perspective.

Anyway, I hope that you are more the norm.

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Funny in my morbid sense of humor. I think that you find it more sad because it is on your board. If it happens on SiouxSports, I get turned off. Perspective.

Anyway, I hope that you are more the norm.

There are plenty of examples of it here on ss.com as well. To paint the entire board over at Bisonville as such is incorrect. Not every thread turns into a Hate the Sioux. As a matter of fact most have no mention of you in it. DaveK is just one example of how "hate" to use his own words comes on both boards and dare I say does not represent you very well. I know both boards have their share of posters who like to ruffle feathers (Ive been accused myself) but I can say that I have not used such spiteful or hateful language in any of my posts. Don't paint with such a broad brush as you will find out the paint will likely be all over you as well.

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There are plenty of examples of it here on ss.com as well. To paint the entire board over at Bisonville as such is incorrect. Not every thread turns into a Hate the Sioux. As a matter of fact most have no mention of you in it. DaveK is just one example of how "hate" to use his own words comes on both boards and dare I say does not represent you very well. I know both boards have their share of posters who like to ruffle feathers (Ive been accused myself) but I can say that I have not used such spiteful or hateful language in any of my posts. Don't paint with such a broad brush as you will find out the paint will likely be all over you as well.

Did you read my whole post?

If it happens on SiouxSports, I get turned off. Perspective.
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Did you read my whole post?

Yes I did read your whole post and was not looking for any arguement over it just pointing out both boards have those folks who post very distaseful comments and I've gotten to that point myself of disliking it. Your post should have read "When it happens at SS.com" not if it happens. If a fan of one really dislikes the other so much then that's their perogative but posting hateful messages stating "I hate them" or whatever reflects poorly on them. That's all I meant to say, and no it doesn't mean that you can't have honest fun with the opposition by poking jabs at each other. If DaveK ever said anything nice about NDSU I would be the first to suggest he see a doctor and get checked to make sure he's OK :love:

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I see no reason why two long-time rivals should "hate" each other. If you take a step back from your own biases and short-comings, you might find that it is possible to have a intense and spirited athletic rivalry without all the negative garbage.

You're new at this, aren't you? :love:

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IowaBison is the norm. There are a few bison fans over at bisonville that freak out over the mention of UND and go on a 3 day rant. But I think they are the select few and most are at least a little respectful towards UND, but obviously dont love them. The ranting does get annoying and I stop reading a thread cause it gets too much. But IowaBison is right, not many bison fans know bisonville even exists. On the other hand, rivals are meant to get under eachothers skin, just some people take in more personally than others.

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I see no reason why two long-time rivals should "hate" each other. If you take a step back from your own biases and short-comings, you might find that it is possible to have a intense and spirited athletic rivalry without all the negative garbage. If you're wondering why the two schools don't play each other anymore just look in the mirror!

My response would be that I countered my negative comment about the bison fans with a postivie comment stating that i wouldn't want the players to be injured so they could continue the good run they have had in Div 1AA. Where is the hatred in that? Honest dislike yes, but no, not out and out hatred...


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That's how I feel about the Sioux/Gophers hockey rivalry, because in that particular case the rival is a classy program that just happens to be in the same conference as my team. I think rivals can have mutual respect for each other in such cases.

Speak for yourself! Gopher hockey classy? Fans yelling "sieg heil" and doing the stiff arm salute to passing Sioux fans as they walk to the X? Yea, plenty of mutual respect there. I'd take a D1-AA Bison football fan ANY DAY OF THE WEEK over a typical Gopher hockey fan.

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Speak for yourself! Gopher hockey classy? Fans yelling "sieg heil" and doing the stiff arm salute to passing Sioux fans as they walk to the X? Yea, plenty of mutual respect there. I'd take a D1-AA Bison football fan ANY DAY OF THE WEEK over a typical Gopher hockey fan.

I couldn't agree more. Arrogant Gopher fans are the worst.

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hopefully someday the Bison will learn what a REAL DI rivalry is all about....as for me...I'm getting my Holy Cross Jersey perfectly fitted for the Goofs game!*

(* - for my ag-college friends...go on POI or ANY gopher board and see how much "interest" you get for your big PAYDAY game...i'm thinking NOTHING :love:)

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That's how I feel about the Sioux/Gophers hockey rivalry, because in that particular case the rival is a classy program that just happens to be in the same conference as my team. I think rivals can have mutual respect for each other in such cases.

NDSU, however, is a classless program that has brought on all of the hatred with their own actions over the past few years since the move to D-1AA was first announced. I'm glad the two schools don't play each other any more.

Poor old davek he's trying to reinvent history - what actions are you talking about? The only classless statements and actions that I know about have come from up north. I'd list them but you all know what I'm talking about.

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Every team in every sport has their share of a-hole fans, including UND as much as I hate to say it. I was referring to the people actually associated with the program, not a handful of morons who have to pay to get into the building.

Here's a picture perfect post of irony if I've ever seen one.

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