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Saturday NE Game Thread


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A TV-based recap here:

1. Announcers- I had audio today and I wish I didn't have it. Bredahl (Not Bierdahl as I originally thought) is an idiot. Sorry, but when you broadcast for a team, it's alright if you don't know much about the opponent, but it is inexcusable to not know about your own team. I can understand the slip of the tongue when he called Smaby "Mike Smaby" once. But not knowing the difference between Kyle Radke and Rylan Kaip historically is flabbergasting. Did he do any research at all? FYI- evidentally Kyle Radke missed most of the year last year to Post Concussion Syndrome. :crazy: Sweeney must have bit his tongue off, or bit into Bredahl's stupidity. That's ok, though, in the postgame show, TH said we beat UNH tonight 2-1. :)

2. Zach Jones again taking penalties. It's fast growing apparent to me that the defenseman that I thought would have the shortest acclimation time to DI preseason may have a longer acclimation time than I thought.

3. Lee- Ok, I'm not as much of a homer on Lee as TH is, but the kid can play. Same thing for Chorney.

4. Radke looked AWESOME out there tonight. Great job on a great goal. Duncan's goal was sick good! However, Oshie's pass to Duncan was amazing. Oshie is really raising my eyebrows. Toews got robbed, though Northeastern was thankful for Mason's quick whistle.

5. GOaltending: Northeastern's goaltender is the only reason why this game was close. Lammy's only mistake was allowing the NOrtheastern player to get his stick underneath is skate. Even more running of the goaltender. Next year's "crackdown?" Is it me or did Lammy wander far more than Jordy did?

6. Yup. Mason gave NOrtheastern a gift. I saw a tripping call on Lammy that directly resulted in McCauley's goal.

7. Officiating was consistant at least. What wasn't a penalty last night largely wasn't tonight. What should have been a penalty last night should have been tonight and so on.

8. Stafford and Zajac.... how long will this drought last?

9. Watkins- Dude, you're fast! Use your speed!

10. Prpich was everywhere and probably could have been sent to the box for a few places he found himself. Oddly enough, the hand stayed down. The same thing could be said for the guy who pushed Stafford into the crossbar. That's gonna leave a mark.

I think that's it for now.

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I don't remember where the question was asked about auctioning off last nights jerseys. Here's some info,

Three jerseys, Prpich's, Porter's and Zajac's are being auctioned. They won't be autographed because the money is going to charity (?), to Make a Wish Foundation. You can make a bid at every game. The last day to bid is December 9 and the jerseys will be awarded the next day. I think at the game. For those of you not at the games, call Heidi Murray, 701-777-0835 or email her at heidim@theralph.com for more info.

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For those who were not watching the game on FSSN...during a break they showed a UND fan wearing a "I am not hostile and abusive" t-shirt for about 10 seconds. Even Sweeney made some comments about it being a message to the NCAA...classic!

Good win for the Sioux...I will sleep well tonight.

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Observations from Section 112:

redwing did a pretty good job of describing what action there was. This was a chunky hockey game, folks. It started off with Zach Jones getting called for a hold less than a minute in and that was sort of the story of the game. Lots of grinding and not a lot of artistry.

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Largely, I agree with the two analyses. Lee wasn't as solid tonight as he has been. He was slightly off. There was one time Lee tried to step into a forward on the point, but the puck (and the man) slipped past him giving the guy a breakaway. Fortunately, Chorney got to show us his great closing speed. He completely tracked down the guy, and rubbed him off the puck. There was a penalty called, but Chorney's play was outstanding.

UAF/UM really surprised me. MN must have a ways to go, all comments aside. It is early in the season, and I don't expect this play to continue from them.

Though I believe they got outworked tonight...a sweep is a sweep, and those are two good wins leading into another tough road weekend.

I'll be watching on Friday and listening on Saturday. Go Sioux!

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I want to know if redwing77 is related to Greg Cronin, Northeastern's coach. After my USCHO recap is posted, you'll see why.  :D


That has to be the most undisciplined team I've seen for a long time. Guess Cronin would like to get by with that holding, tackling game that they tried to pull off. Having watched the close calls in the NHL so far this year, I think they got by with a lot fewer penalties than they might have.

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That has to be the most undisciplined team I've seen for a long time. Guess Cronin would like to get by with that holding, tackling game that they tried to pull off. Having watched the close calls in the NHL so far this year, I think they got by with a lot fewer penalties than they might have.


As someone who is no fan of WCHA officiating, I have to agree. If obstruction had been called as closely as it was last weekend in Dayton, the Sioux would have been on one continuous power play.

Cronin complained about the checking from behind penalty call on Carter Lee. He said he didn't see it, but one of his assistants did and it was "bogus." He said a UND player should have been called for it on Friday night.

I didn't see the play where Lee was called for checking from behind, nor did I remember the Friday night Sioux check to which Cronin referred. I do remember seeing Drew Stafford checked from behind on a very dangerous play Saturday night. There was no call on that.

While I have no doubt that Cronin was truly upset with the officiating, I find myself wondering if his rant wasn't part of a calculated plan to create greater team unity between the players and coaches -- sort of an "it's us against the world" approach.

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As someone who is no fan of WCHA officiating, I have to agree. If obstruction had been called as closely as it was last weekend in Dayton, the Sioux would have been on one continuous power play.

Cronin complained about the checking from behind penalty call on Carter Lee. He said he didn't see it, but one of his assistants did and it was "bogus." He said a UND player should have been called for it on Friday night.

I didn't see the play where Lee was called for checking from behind, nor did I remember the Friday night Sioux check to which Cronin referred. I do remember seeing Drew Stafford checked from behind on a very dangerous play Saturday night. There was no call on that.

While I have no doubt that Cronin was truly upset with the officiating, I find myself wondering if his rant wasn't part of a calculated plan to create greater team unity between the players and coaches -- sort of an "it's us against the world" approach.


Cronin's approach very well could be what you say, PCM. However, I wonder what he would have said if you had told him that Mason was by no means the worst ref in the WCHA. In fact, he's quite "middle of the pack" in terms of quality. Yes, at times, I wish that CCHA ref would come back because of all the interference I saw in the game, but at least Mason allowed a flow.

As for Cronin being a relative... Nah. Though he and I do apparently have a common interest: The betterment of WCHA officiating.

Oh, btw, they showed one replay of the Carter Lee hit. They only had one angle of it (overhead) and it happened in the lower left part of the screen. It was definitely a hit from behind, but it wasn't the dangerous variety. In fact it looked so harmless that the TV announcers didn't even know what penalty was being called on whom until the REA arena announcer announced the penalty.

I didn't see the Stafford hit from behind.

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Here's the USCHO recap. Greg Cronin obviously isn't a big Bill Mason fan.


Thats fine Greg, your team by far was one of the dirtiest teams I have seen in years come to the Ralph and play hockey. NE is even dirtier than the DU pioneers. The type of play greg's team played is coached and condoned by the coach. The knee to knee checks are one of the most bush league moves that I have seen in college hockey.

After the NE player boarded the UND player, he tried to looked shocked to have been kicked out of the game. To top it all off, NE ran our goalie as part of their game plan. I am sorry there was a deliberate attempt to know Jordie out of the game and good for Lammy stepping into the NE player for trying to run him over.

Edited by Goon
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Cronin's approach very well could be what you say, PCM.  However, I wonder what he would have said if you had told him that Mason was by no means the worst ref in the WCHA.  In fact, he's quite "middle of the pack" in terms of quality.

I wasn't there to discuss the state of WCHA officiating with him. My job was to ask questions about the game and record his comments.

I didn't see the Stafford hit from behind.


I believe it was in the third period in the Sioux zone. From the press box, Stafford was facing the boards along the right side and had gotten rid of the puck. I don't think was was expecting the hit. I vividly remember it because he went face-first into the glass just above the dasher. He appeared to have a horrified look on his face. It wasn't a viscious hit from behind, but it had the potential to be bad.

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As someone who is no fan of WCHA officiating, I have to agree. If obstruction had been called as closely as it was last weekend in Dayton, the Sioux would have been on one continuous power play.

Cronin complained about the checking from behind penalty call on Carter Lee. He said he didn't see it, but one of his assistants did and it was "bogus." He said a UND player should have been called for it on Friday night.

I didn't see the play where Lee was called for checking from behind, nor did I remember the Friday night Sioux check to which Cronin referred. I do remember seeing Drew Stafford checked from behind on a very dangerous play Saturday night. There was no call on that.

While I have no doubt that Cronin was truly upset with the officiating, I find myself wondering if his rant wasn't part of a calculated plan to create greater team unity between the players and coaches -- sort of an "it's us against the world" approach.


North Eastern looked worse than SCSU and the clutching, grabbling, hooking, slashing and holding. I thought the league wanted to do away with this crap.

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All the way home from pheasant hunting I listened to Sonmor crying about the refs in tonite's game.  Just now Schmidt completely overlooked a gopher player hook down a Nanook, steal the puck, and the gophers tie it at 3.  Nanook coach is ticked.


Talk about crying homers and whinners. The fact is that the Gophers were outplayed all weekend and if you leave Briggs all alone with a shooter I am picking the oppostion in that match up. I can't wait till the goofers come to the Ralph, could be a shoot out. The Gophers defense is no better than it was last season.

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Guess their goal has to be to stay out of their own end. THe Gophs lack defensive defensemen :D


Pylons, same as last season. I dare the Gophers fans to say other wise. God I love the Gophers with Briggs in net. Very beatable.

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While I have no doubt that Cronin was truly upset with the officiating, I find myself wondering if his rant wasn't part of a calculated plan to create greater team unity between the players and coaches -- sort of an "it's us against the world" approach.


After being shut out this week end, looks like all they've got is each other. :D

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Northeastern is just plain awful. Slow, weak, and undisciplined. The reason they got so many penalties is they were getting beat to the puck, to the slot, to anything, by UND. In this case, the weak opponent made it tough for this casual fan to assess how good the Sioux will be. A few things stood out on the weekend...

1) The #1 powerplay unit. (Saturday: Toews, Zajac, Stafford, Chorney, Lee.) Crisp passes, tape to tape. Nice rotations, nice plays, excellent puck possession. As they get more time together, and assuming they play together, I think they have the potential to become the best powerplay unit in the WCHA since Wisconsin in the '70's.

1b) Four first-round draft choices skating at the same time. (Toews, Zajac, Stafford, Lee) It took me a while to put 2+2 together, but then I realized that I was watching 4 first-round draft choices ... (assuming Toews goes as expected next year) gotta love it. Certainly a first in UND history, most likely a first in NCAA history. (Gotta get Oshie out with those 4 ...)

2) The Grinder Line, The Red Pepper Line, The Cruiser Bruiser Line. (Kaip, Prpich, Fabian) They simply outmuscled NE all weekend, and kept the puck 200 feet from our goal while creating a fair number of chances themselves. This is a keeper combination. They came out after most powerplays, a critical time in many games.

3) Brian Lee. Has a subtle and brilliant way of making things look easy. So easy, in fact, that I can see why some weren't impressed at the WJC. Magically in the right position a lot ... and making the occasional rookie mistake.

4) Taylor Chorney. Flashier but very effective too. Chased down a potential SH breakaway late Saturday with pure speed. Did some nice dangling on the point. Very VERY agile. Like his dad, who was a Farce favorite, has all-american written all over him.

5) Four rookie forwards - impressed with speed and hands - Duncan, Oshie, Watkins and Kozek... again, hard to say how they will fare against tougher competition. Oshie's style reminded me a bit of Jason Blake, always going full speed, trying to turn the corner on the D at every opportunity, eager to beat the defender to the puck while forechecking and willing to take the hits.

Overall, I think this may be the best collection of raw talent I've seen wear the green and white. I do think that pre-New Years will be a struggle, but if we can win enough games to stay in the NCAA top 13 and just get into the tournament, anything can happen. Come March, UND will be a force to reckon with.

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How about Brad Miller's performance, great speed, great to see him out there last night.  Representing Georgia, give him another game or two then ITS MILLER TIME!!!!!!!


Well when I saw "Miller Time" on the ice it was amazing, his puck pursuit and skills were pretty impressive!!!! The team is not going to advance with him in the middle of the bench!!! He needs to get out there!!!!

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I believe it was Prpich who could have been called for a checking from behind on Friday night.  I would even say he should have been called for it.  From Prpich's response following the hit, turning around and looking to see if he was called for the hit, I'm guessing he thought he was going to be called for it as well.


I'm glad you noticed this...I mentioned it to people I was sitting near and they didn't see it. Prpich was sure he was going. You could see it in his eyes.

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