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Personally I think that is a rediculous argument. I would might need to see a link on that one. Seriously, Jordan earned the position fair and square, Phil did not, that is way life goes sometime.


Fair and Square !!!!!!! What are we in first grade. There is nothing fair about D1 hockey, Lammy given the same # of game as JP would produce as good or better then JP. I would go even futher Ziggy could have and would the done the same. Back in the USHL days Ziggy and Lammy, even Sedevie were better. But the reality is JP had a CHANCE to play and play alot, not because he was a great goalie. "its not what you know, it who you know" or who you are!!!!!!!. I'm not taking any thing away from JP, The last couple of years you could have played Walski in the net and made a winner out of him.

I do not want to see poster so far up JP a$$ saying he earned it because of the way he played!!!!!!

He played for one of the best teams in the country. Answer one ? is Brigg any different the JP. No, both put up good # on great teams and have 0 rings.

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Personally I think that is a rediculous argument. I would might need to see a link on that one. Seriously, Jordan earned the position fair and square, Phil did not, that is way life goes sometime.


Fair and Square !!!!!!! What are we in first grade. There is nothing fair about D1 hockey, Lammy given the same # of game as JP would produce as good or better then JP. I would go even futher Ziggy could have and would the done the same. Back in the USHL days Ziggy and Lammy, even Sedevie were better. But the reality is JP had a CHANCE to play and play alot, not because he was a great goalie. "its not what you know, it who you know" or who you are!!!!!!!. I'm not taking any thing away from JP, The last couple of years you could have played Walski in the net and made a winner out of him.

I do not want to see poster so far up JP a$$ saying he earned it because of the way he played!!!!!!

He played for one of the best teams in the country. Answer one ? is Brigg any different the JP. No, both put up good # on great teams and have 0 rings.

i wouldnt go that far to say walski would have had the same results, thats a bit of a stretch to me, jpar got his shot for whatever reason and ran with it and played very well. now its time to move on and pass the torch to phil as hes the man now.......

and yes i agree, jpar was a hell of a goalie but did not get a ring, hell 99% goalies do not get a ring as only 1 goalie in the whole friken country gets a ring each year but he did have 2 shots at a ring and jpar and the team just couldnt get it done.......OFF TO THE LOU ON A MISSION FOR #8

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I do not want to see poster so far up JP a$$ saying he earned it because of the way he played!!!!!!

He played for one of the best teams in the country. Answer one ? is Brigg any different the JP. No, both put up good # on great teams and have 0 rings.

Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. yikes or you need decaff. Second, wrong-gong. Jordan based on his played earned a spot as the Number one goalie, Phil wasn't as good as he was the year before. To say Jordan is equal to Briggs or Ziggyt is ludicriss, then your saying in Ziggy's case both the UND and Duluth coaches are wrong. Jordan is twice the goalie Briggs is no matter what the Goofer fans in MPLS tell us. Hauser is twice the goalie Briggs is and I thought he sucked. I think most are in agreement of this here on this message board that Jordan got the job based on his play fair and square. I think Dagies summed it up best.

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Thats why I can't believe that is nothing more than Grand Forks town gossip on a staturday morning while two guys are teeing it up at the GFCC. All claim to have heard it but no one knows for sure who really said it. Ussually when you did deeper into these things is nothing more than an unfounded rumor.

Send me a private email and I will tell you exactly who said it, as long as you agree not to post it. You will soon find out that it is more than town gossip. If you don't believe it, that is your choice.

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I do not want to see poster so far up JP a$$ saying he earned it because of the way he played!!!!!!

He played for one of the best teams in the country. Answer one ? is Brigg any different the JP. No, both put up good # on great teams and have 0 rings.

It's not fair to base your comparison on who was a better goalie by the number of rings he won on a particular team I don't think. How many great goalies are there that have never won the Stanley Cup or an NCAA title? I'm sure the list is quite long. That's just a poor comparison.

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well jordan did help take the sioux to 2 straight frozen 4's if this is really a valid complaint. if it is then its a fkn joke and pathetic. it is phils turn now and playing time shouldn't be a problem unless he decides to let in 4 or 5 goals a game on a weekend basis. plus it is a entire different situation with mario, having a hard time believing this is a issue but i guess you never know.

lets get mario signed along with malone and nash :hypocrite:

Some of these post are so laughable. Az, who do think played in front of JP to get to 2 straight frozen fours.

It changes year to year. The number 1 reason JP left ,was with all the underclassmen leaving and his stock is not going to get higher, he had to go. I dont not blame him for going , the the FACTS are his stock was going to drop this year. So your saying this years team is better the last year team, therefore Lammy should put up better #s . HAHAHHAHHAHAHA

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It's not fair to base your comparison on who was a better goalie by the number of rings he won on a particular team I don't think. How many great goalies are there that have never won the Stanley Cup or an NCAA title? I'm sure the list is quite long. That's just a poor comparison.

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Some of these post are so laughable. Az, who do think played in front of JP to get to 2 straight frozen fours.

It changes year to year. The number 1 reason JP left was with all the underclassmen leaving and his stock not going to get higher he had to go. I dont not blame him for going , the the FACTS are his stock was going to drop this year. So your saying this years team is better the last year team, therefore Lammy should put up better #s . HAHAHHAHHAHAHA

didnt mean jpar was the only damn reason the sioux went to 2 straight f-4's, my bad i guess i should have stated that different

it is a team sport, exactly, so you would agree that the team needs a decent goalie and the goalie needs a decent team in front of him. i have never said jpar was a savior by any means at all because i myself judge on NCAA titles. does it make them a bad goalie because they didnt win a ring? hell no because there are many good and great goalies out there without a ring. jpar didnt get 1 in two f-4's. but if we go with your believeing which i dont disagree with the team didnt win titles either and if we tie the 2 together then the TEAM didnt win titles at all...

DID I SAY THIS YEARS TEAM IS BETTER THAN LAST YEARS?? NO I DIDNT, ALSO DID I SAY PHIL WOULD PUT UP BETTER NUMBERS? NOPE AGAIN.......maybe you were not referring to me on these exact thoughts but just making sure there hog

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Getting back to prospective recruits, has the Shattuck pipeline dried up for North Dakota? Any high caliber prospects to watch in Fairbault this year?

i checked but there new roster is not up yet but im sure there are a few on this board that know for sure....ben blood from last years shattuck team seems to be a decent player and college potential, not sure where he is playing this year though

also where is david toews playing this season??

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Fair and Square !!!!!!! What are we in first grade. There is nothing fair about D1 hockey, Lammy given the same # of game as JP would produce as good or better then JP. I would go even futher Ziggy could have and would the done the same. Back in the USHL days Ziggy and Lammy, even Sedevie were better. But the reality is JP had a CHANCE to play and play alot, not because he was a great goalie. "its not what you know, it who you know" or who you are!!!!!!!. I'm not taking any thing away from JP, The last couple of years you could have played Walski in the net and made a winner out of him.

I'm sorry but I cannot let this go without comment. Ziggy, Lammy and Sedevie may have been better in the USHL (can't say as I never saw them), but players develop over time and in 2004-06 Parise was the better goalie. Numbers aren't everything, but in this case they're pretty convincing. Parise was spectacular down the stretch in 2005 and pretty much all year in 2005-06.

As far as playing behind a great team, I don't know if you watched but for much of last year the young defense was an adventure and Parise (with Smaby's help) bailed them out time after time. To say that you could have put anyone in the net and made a winner out of him in fact DOES take something away from Parise. It suggests the team carried him, when in fact for much of the year it was the other way around.

More than us, Hakstol wants to win. If he thought Lammy would have given the team the best chance last year, he would have played him.

All that said, I'm looking forward to Phil stepping up and having a great year this year.

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As far as playing behind a great team, I don't know if you watched but for much of last year the young defense was an adventure and Parise (with Smaby's help) bailed them out time after time. To say that you could have put anyone in the net and made a winner out of him in fact DOES take something away from Parise. It suggests the team carried him, when in fact for much of the year it was the other way around.

Actually, now that I think of it, UND could have been under 500 but Parise made many of great saves to bail them out. There are a few game where UND was outshot and still won the game. The Miami game comes to mind, there were others too.

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Actually, now that I think of it, UND could have been under 500 but Parise made many of great saves to bail them out. There are a few game where UND was outshot and still won the game. The Miami game comes to mind, there were others too.

You two hit it spot on. Parise was brilliant last year. He faced 30+ shots 12 times last year vs. three times the year before. Despite this onslaught, he made big improvements in his save percentage. This is NOT easy to do, because I'm sure the overall quality of the chances went up dramatically as well.

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the SSM pipeline is not over. Last year we got Miller, Chorney, Toews, Duncan and this year we get Genoway. They had a down year last year, but they have a lot of young talent (Very young) and when they post their roster you will see a familier name that will hopefully committ this fall. And another SSM alum that may be here in th future too.

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Aren't both those family names familar?

If you're asking whether both had brothers that played here, I'd say no.

It's no secret that Jonathan Toews younger brother wants to play at UND. Even during the NHL draft last spring they reported that he would be following Jon to play for the Sioux. Now that he's back at SSM, we'll be able to watch his progress. While it would be hard to be as good as Jonathan Toews, most observers say that David Toews is as good, or better, than his older brother. Only time will tell.

The other kid is most likely a kid UND had in for a visit two years ago during a Gopher series and is playing in Western Canada now.

There is a lot of talent in out in Western Canada right now and it's too bad we won't have room for all of them, but hopefully we'll get most of them. One kid I'd like to see in a Sioux uniform is Cam Lamoureux. His dad played for the Sioux in the mid '70s and was a very good player and is a very good friend. Unfortunately, we didn't have very good teams then so Roger didn't win a championship. I believe he lead the Sioux in scoring though. Cam is a first year player in the AJHL and is expected to be a leader on his team. He also has a younger brother who will probably be even better than Cam. He'll be one of the top players taken in the MJ draft next year.

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the SSM pipeline is not over. Last year we got Miller, Chorney, Toews, Duncan and this year we get Genoway. They had a down year last year, but they have a lot of young talent (Very young) and when they post their roster you will see a familier name that will hopefully committ this fall. And another SSM alum that may be here in th future too.

so david toews back in shattuck, great! also is jordan murray d-1 talent? keep em coming..........

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If you're asking whether both had brothers that played here, I'd say no.

It's no secret that Jonathan Toews younger brother wants to play at UND. Even during the NHL draft last spring they reported that he would be following Jon to play for the Sioux. Now that he's back at SSM, we'll be able to watch his progress. While it would be hard to be as good as Jonathan Toews, most observers say that David Toews is as good, or better, than his older brother. Only time will tell.

The other kid is most likely a kid UND had in for a visit two years ago during a Gopher series and is playing in Western Canada now.

There is a lot of talent in out in Western Canada right now and it's too bad we won't have room for all of them, but hopefully we'll get most of them. One kid I'd like to see in a Sioux uniform is Cam Lamoureux. His dad played for the Sioux in the mid '70s and was a very good player and is a very good friend. Unfortunately, we didn't have very good teams then so Roger didn't win a championship. I believe he lead the Sioux in scoring though. Cam is a first year player in the AJHL and is expected to be a leader on his team. He also has a younger brother who will probably be even better than Cam. He'll be one of the top players taken in the MJ draft next year.

David is a great talent but he is not quite Jonathan's calibre. He will always be a little smaller than Jon. His game is a little more aggressive than his older brother's. He will certainly help the Sioux and would more than likely be a 1st liner by his sophmore year. Another advantage is that you would probably have him for more than 2 years.

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This isn't a shot at UND at all, but I think things have worked out pretty well for Skille (as they have for the players you mentioned), since he was a top 10 NHL draft pick and won a national championship.

Last year the Sioux could have won too. They did BEAT wisconsin in the playoffs. I don't want to get into who is better, yeah Wisconsin won last year. Welcome back. My point is you could win a title at either school. An offensive forward would have more fun playing for a program that is an scoring power house year ever year.

Why do you think Gaborik wanted to leave the Wild (until the Wild got Demitra) He was sick of the boring hockey.

I thought the Wisconsin- Cornell game was the most boring NCAA playoff overtime game EVER. The only player that had the balls to try score for either team the entire game was Skille.

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I thought the Wisconsin- Cornell game was the most boring NCAA playoff overtime game EVER. The only player that had the balls to try score for either team the entire game was Skille.

I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one that felt that way. I actually was very happy when the NHL focused more on offense and less on defense and goaltending. Personally I like hockey because of the scoring and hitting, but realize that defense is what most championship are built around.

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Last year the Sioux could have won too. They did BEAT wisconsin in the playoffs. I don't want to get into who is better, yeah Wisconsin won last year. Welcome back. My point is you could win a title at either school. An offensive forward would have more fun playing for a program that is an scoring power house year ever year.

Why do you think Gaborik wanted to leave the Wild (until the Wild got Demitra) He was sick of the boring hockey.

I thought the Wisconsin- Cornell game was the most boring NCAA playoff overtime game EVER. The only player that had the balls to try score for either team the entire game was Skille.

First of all, you use the term..."offensive powerhouse." Comparatively speaking, in conference play (i'm only using conference play becuse it's a lot easier to compare by the teams they played against), North Dakota scored a total of 104 goals in 28 games. An average o 3.71 goals per game. Not bad, good enough for second in the conference. Wisconsin scored 98 goals, for an average of 3.5 goals per game, third in the conference, and only 6 goals and .21 goals a game less than North Dakota who you call an "Offensive powerhouse." To tell you the truth, i'm reaaaaaaaally not that great at reading statistics, but I don't get your point.

Second of all, I think an even more telling stat is goal differential. Last season in conference play, North Dakota had a goal differential of +28, meaning they averaged winning by a goal per game. While Wisconsin had a goal differential of +38, meaning they won by 1.36 goals per game.

Call them boring, call them what you want, but the stats don't lie.

p.s. I'm not trying to call you out specificly, Goon said something about them being boring earlier too. The fact of the matter is that people have this idea of what Wisconsin is and they have no idea what they are talking about.

Edit: Rember, i'm not trying to make fun of the Sioux either. I am also a fan if you didn't know.

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Remember that last year was 2 different seasons for the Sioux. They brought in 13 freshmen(half the team). The first half of the season they were .500, had troubel scoring and couldn't compete with Wisconsin and Minnesota. After they came together the second half they were one of the best teams in the country and they scored a lot of goals in their playoff games. I am to lazy to look up all the scores though, but add up the Final 5, west region, and frozen four and they probably average 5 goals a game.

If you follow hockey you have to know that traditionally UND and Minnesota score way more than Wisconsin.

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