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The grounds for a lawsuit


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Maybe a slight tangent, but:

If UND sues and wins, what will happen?  I mean, what exactly will UND be seeking remedy of besides the breach of contract on the regionals?


I am not a lawyer but these 'rights' come to mind. Could be that they are not enforcable by a court of law. I'm sure I'm going to find out though.

1. The right to continue to use the Sioux name.

2. The right to continue to display the Sioux logo on uniforms, buildings, etc.

3. The right to participate in competitions in all venues (other school arenas, pre- and post-season competition).

4. The right to proceed without threats from the NCAA and/or other organizations

for the use and displaying of the Sioux logo and name.

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Maybe a slight tangent, but:

If UND sues and wins, what will happen?  I mean, what exactly will UND be seeking remedy of besides the breach of contract on the regionals?

The NCAA called UND "hostile and abusive". If UND is found to be no such thing (as evidenced by the US OCR finding), that's slander.

Slander ---> damages?

Damages, on a national scale, from a group known to have a $6,000,000,000.00 television contract. Oh, the mind races .....

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UND Ad Tom Buning spoke at Fargo Sioux Boosters today. What a fireball! This guy is going to lead Sioux Athletics to new heights.

He spoke directly to the name/logo issue by saying it has been kicked "upstairs" to the President's office, where Dr. Kupchella has a team of people working daily on it. The team includes Buning, he said.

He explained they are waiting (obviously) for the NCAA to rule on UND's appeal. This is just the first of three appeals steps UND will take through the NCAA process before the issue is taken to court. He said UND will not hesitate to go to court to seek injunction, initially, to allow the West Regional to take place as scheduled in an un-altered Ralph in March '06. Buning sounds like he is ready to fight right to the NCAA. He also said the Attorney General's office has called to say they are ready to join as soon as UND requests.

This could get interesting!!!!!!!

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Me thinks PCM's :silly: is meant to tell us he did. Which he did.


In talking to the President a few weeks back, Dr. K told me he enjoyed writting that letter to the NCAA and that he was going to enjoy writing another letter fi the appeal didn't work. Actually I was surprised how charged up he is on this issue. I think he is ready to tell the NCAA to stuff it and we will see you in court.

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In talking to the President a few weeks back, Dr. K told me he enjoyed writting that letter to the NCAA and that he was going to enjoy writing another letter fi the appeal didn't work. Actually I was surprised how charged up he is on this issue. I think he is ready to tell the NCAA to stuff it and we will see you in court.


Did any of us ever think we would see this side of the Dr?

I sure as heck didn't.

I think I like him.

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Did any of us ever think we would see this side of the Dr?

I sure as heck didn't.

I think I like him.


No, I didn't think I'd ever see him take a stand like this.

Because of this, my opinion of him has gotten slightly better. It's not going to replace the vacant stares he gave me whenever I talked to him or the feeling you were being ignored whenever you asked him a question, but at least now I have something I can put in the 'pro' column.

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No, I didn't think I'd ever see him take a stand like this.

Because of this, my opinion of him has gotten slightly better. It's not going to replace the vacant stares he gave me whenever I talked to him or the feeling you were being ignored whenever you asked him a question, but at least now I have something I can put in the 'pro' column.


My opinion of him changed too. I didn't think he had it in him.

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Because of this, my opinion of him has gotten slightly better.  It's not going to replace the vacant stares he gave me whenever I talked to him or the feeling you were being ignored whenever you asked him a question, but at least now I have something I can put in the 'pro' column.

Maybe it's just me, but my impression of Dr. K is that he is and always has been more academic than administrator (or politician).

I got the same feelings when I've talked to him but he comes back with a logical, well-thought response even when you were sure he was thinking about something other than what you were saying to him. That's why I say I believe he's more academic (pondering the words with a neutral look on his face) rather than an a guy who gives the empathic looks and nods (politico) while not listening to you.

Now, if (big if) my take is correct Dr. K being upset by this action by the NCAA is wholly expected. Academics know that free speech and free expression are the absolute first necessary right for academia. Any attempt by anyone to stifle them must be met headlong (as he is doing).

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