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We're all just "some guy on a message board," yourself included.

I'm not lashing out. I just don't believe Douple's public statements was his primary motivation for injecting himself in this mess.

Please explain why not. There are concerns in nearly every deal and lawyers draft contracts to alleviate those concerns. If Douple wants UND in the Summit but for the "business risk" associated with the remote possibility UND ends up back on the sanctions list, the lawyers could easily deal with that issue.

I don't disagree. I'm not saying the Douple doesn't have the right to do what he's doing, I just think he's being disingenous.

Then you haven't been paying attention. You said yourself that but for the nickname issue, UND is a great fit for the Summit. Therefore, the question is why shouldn't they be admitted because of the nickname issue.

Your argument is tantamount to a 16 year old burger flipper walking into Best Buy and demanding that they sell him a new LCD TV because they can just sign a contract saying if it doesn't work out that they can take the TV back.

Things don't work that way. There is no incentive for Best Buy to take that risk, same with the Summit.

If the nickname issue backfired even a little, and the Summit was already on record as having accepted UND, they'd have a PR nightmare on their hands. Too risky.

So they'll do it the easy way: wait for UND to settle the issue, then admit them.

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Assume that the stars align properly and SR grants approval - perpetual approval. Does anyone think the SBoHE would still be crazy enough to adhere to its 30 year timeline? That was never part of the settlement agreement, even the AG is opposed to it, Summit League has no position on it, etc.. Could anyone imagine the grinding and gnashing of the teeth that would occur? Could Dorgan, Chairman of the Indian Affairs Committee, actually redeem himself from 30 years of political graft (my opinion, even though he's a public figure) and broker a deal now that he no longer has to worry about impressing the PC police? Not likely but stranger things have happened, like the parting of the Red Sea.

I have said for a long time that the 30 year demand was a negotiating point. The SBoHE needed something that would assure them the tribes wouldn't say yes now and then change their minds next week or next year. So they put a big number out there. But I always thought that they would be willing to adjust that to a shorter period or some other verbiage that would give them some assurance the issue wouldn't come back during the near future. Remember, in contract negotiations you never start with what you expect to get in the end. You start with more demands and then negotiate down to something that both sides can live with.

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In today's Fargo Forum, Leigh Jeanotte, our infamous director of Indian Services at UND, suggests the potenial bias of the ND Supreme Court as to their potential dealings with the UND nickname issue! He's basically calling out the ND Supreme Court because 4 of the 5 justices have ties to UND. Absolutely pathetic!!!

Folks, Jeanotte is one of the biggest racists, most vindictive and mean spirited people I've ever come across.

Let me briefly share my story as to my dealings with him: A few years ago, after the Forum published a survey/article of how the NAs in this state felt about the nickname issue, which as we know was/is overwhelmingly positive, and Jeanotte's refusal to accept these findings as per his quotes in that same article. I subsequently sent a letter to the editor at the Forum that was published giving my opinion on the nickname issue. I did call into question Jeanotte and his "views" in my letter as well.

Here is the interseting part...I received hundreds of e-mails, letter in support of what I had written. I received TWO..again two negative responses. One was from a female prof at UND that I won't name and the other was from Jeanotte. He basically called me a rascist, threatened to call my employer, said I was an embarrassment to UND...I could go on.

But I gets better...he actually called my employer, I'm a Dr. here in Fargo, and asked that they fire me for my "racist" views. He told them that I was unfit to see and treat minorities because of my stance on the nickname issue. He also called my state and national boards asking them to revoke my license to practice. He also suggested that I go get "sensativity training". There's even more but those are the big points I wanted to make.

Now he is basically calling out the justices of the ND Supreme Court!

I don't think most people in this state understand how spiteful, vindictive and I'll say it...racist, many of these anti-nickname oppponents are...especially Jeanotte. He IS an embarrassment to UND! Maybe he needs to hear that: leigh.jeanotte@und.edu

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In today's Fargo Forum, Leigh Jeanotte, our infamous director of Indian Services at UND, suggests the potenial bias of the ND Supreme Court as to their potential dealings with the UND nickname issue! He's basically calling out the ND Supreme Court because 4 of the 5 justices have ties to UND. Absolutely pathetic!!!

Folks, Jeanotte is one of the biggest racists, most vindictive and mean spirited people I've ever come across.

Let me briefly share my story as to my dealings with him: A few years ago, after the Forum published a survey/article of how the NAs in this state felt about the nickname issue, which as we know was/is overwhelmingly positive, and Jeanotte's refusal to accept these findings as per his quotes in that same article. I subsequently sent a letter to the editor at the Forum that was published giving my opinion on the nickname issue. I did call into question Jeanotte and his "views" in my letter as well.

Here is the interseting part...I received hundreds of e-mails, letter in support of what I had written. I received TWO..again two negative responses. One was from a female prof at UND that I won't name and the other was from Jeanotte. He basically called me a rascist, threatened to call my employer, said I was an embarrassment to UND...I could go on.

But I gets better...he actually called my employer, I'm a Dr. here in Fargo, and asked that they fire me for my "racist" views. He told them that I was unfit to see and treat minorities because of my stance on the nickname issue. He also called my state and national boards asking them to revoke my license to practice. He also suggested that I go get "sensativity training". There's even more but those are the big points I wanted to make.

Now he is basically calling out the justices of the ND Supreme Court!

I don't think most people in this state understand how spiteful, vindictive and I'll say it...racist, many of these anti-nickname oppponents are...especially Jeanotte. He IS an embarrassment to UND! Maybe he needs to hear that: leigh.jeanotte@und.edu

I agree 100% with that. I am surprised that Jenotte has all this time on his hands when he is clearly out at the one of the local bars bellying up. That may friends is no lie.

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In today's Fargo Forum, Leigh Jeanotte, our infamous director of Indian Services at UND, suggests the potenial bias of the ND Supreme Court as to their potential dealings with the UND nickname issue! He's basically calling out the ND Supreme Court because 4 of the 5 justices have ties to UND. Absolutely pathetic!!!

Folks, Jeanotte is one of the biggest racists, most vindictive and mean spirited people I've ever come across.

Let me briefly share my story as to my dealings with him: A few years ago, after the Forum published a survey/article of how the NAs in this state felt about the nickname issue, which as we know was/is overwhelmingly positive, and Jeanotte's refusal to accept these findings as per his quotes in that same article. I subsequently sent a letter to the editor at the Forum that was published giving my opinion on the nickname issue. I did call into question Jeanotte and his "views" in my letter as well.

Here is the interseting part...I received hundreds of e-mails, letter in support of what I had written. I received TWO..again two negative responses. One was from a female prof at UND that I won't name and the other was from Jeanotte. He basically called me a rascist, threatened to call my employer, said I was an embarrassment to UND...I could go on.

But I gets better...he actually called my employer, I'm a Dr. here in Fargo, and asked that they fire me for my "racist" views. He told them that I was unfit to see and treat minorities because of my stance on the nickname issue. He also called my state and national boards asking them to revoke my license to practice. He also suggested that I go get "sensativity training". There's even more but those are the big points I wanted to make.

Now he is basically calling out the justices of the ND Supreme Court!

I don't think most people in this state understand how spiteful, vindictive and I'll say it...racist, many of these anti-nickname oppponents are...especially Jeanotte. He IS an embarrassment to UND! Maybe he needs to hear that: leigh.jeanotte@und.edu

That figures, Ox. I am sorry that you experienced that sort of viewpoint persecution and thank you for giving those insights. He is an idiot, a racist and a complete black mark on UND.

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Mr. Jeanotte forgets:

- the judge that signed off on the NCAA/State of ND agreement: UND graduate

- the judge that denied the recent Spirit Lake appeal: UND graduate

Given that history, Mr. Jeanotte should be pleased that 4/5 of the court is UND graduates.

Maybe it is time to kick the soapbox out from under this grandstanding know-nothing.

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OK so when is the next date of interest? The next SBoHE meeting?

I thought one of these recent articles mentioned that they may have to act at that meeting if the Supreme Court hadn't done anything yet.

The next date of interest is a little hard to predict at this point. If the State Supreme Court makes any kind of ruling, that could be the important date. A meeting of the Standing Rock Tribal Council that makes some progress on the issue could be important. But if nothing happens before the next SBoHE meeting, that meeting will probably be it.

The entire issue is boiling down to whether Standing Rock will do anything, and how long can the SBoHE delay the decision without losing UND's place in line for the Summit. The latest reports are that absolutely nothing is happening at Standing Rock and there is no movement to get something happening. If that doesn't change by the February meeting the SB will probably decide that the probability of success at Standing Rock is so small that it isn't worth risking a place in the Summit. I won't be shocked if the issue is delayed again, but right now I won't be surprised if they make a decision in February.

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Mr. Jeanotte forgets:

- the judge that signed off on the NCAA/State of ND agreement: UND graduate

- the judge that denied the recent Spirit Lake appeal: UND graduate

Given that history, Mr. Jeanotte should be pleased that 4/5 of the court is UND graduates.

Maybe it is time to kick the soapbox out from under this grandstanding know-nothing.

In essence what Jeanotte is doing is he is trying to sway the judges on the supreme court, very unprofessional in my opinion. Jeanotte is also questioning the Judges integrity. I believe he would be better off staying out of this.

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In today's Fargo Forum, Leigh Jeanotte, our infamous director of Indian Services at UND, suggests the potenial bias of the ND Supreme Court as to their potential dealings with the UND nickname issue! He's basically calling out the ND Supreme Court because 4 of the 5 justices have ties to UND. Absolutely pathetic!!!

Folks, Jeanotte is one of the biggest racists, most vindictive and mean spirited people I've ever come across.

Let me briefly share my story as to my dealings with him: A few years ago, after the Forum published a survey/article of how the NAs in this state felt about the nickname issue, which as we know was/is overwhelmingly positive, and Jeanotte's refusal to accept these findings as per his quotes in that same article. I subsequently sent a letter to the editor at the Forum that was published giving my opinion on the nickname issue. I did call into question Jeanotte and his "views" in my letter as well.

Here is the interseting part...I received hundreds of e-mails, letter in support of what I had written. I received TWO..again two negative responses. One was from a female prof at UND that I won't name and the other was from Jeanotte. He basically called me a rascist, threatened to call my employer, said I was an embarrassment to UND...I could go on.

But I gets better...he actually called my employer, I'm a Dr. here in Fargo, and asked that they fire me for my "racist" views. He told them that I was unfit to see and treat minorities because of my stance on the nickname issue. He also called my state and national boards asking them to revoke my license to practice. He also suggested that I go get "sensativity training". There's even more but those are the big points I wanted to make.

Now he is basically calling out the justices of the ND Supreme Court!

I don't think most people in this state understand how spiteful, vindictive and I'll say it...racist, many of these anti-nickname oppponents are...especially Jeanotte. He IS an embarrassment to UND! Maybe he needs to hear that: leigh.jeanotte@und.edu

I remember that article that you wrote and I remember how disgusted I was when I read it. I applaud Jeanotte for what he did. I've re-read some of your previous posts and it's obvious to me how extremely xenophobic you are.

Example: "If I want diversity, I'll go eat at Juano's downtown", "To who? Almost exclusively to grad students and students who arrive from outside the state and country...mostly though to foreign students", "You don't think there are American students being passed over for foreign students for the sake of diveristy, multiculturalism, blah, blah, blah".

And these were the quotes from just one topic. I won't even get into some of the things you have said about Native Americans on this forum.

I should have put two and two together and realized that you were the same one that wrote that article. I won't give your name on this forum, but as an optometrist in the city of Fargo, you should be ashamed of some of the things that you have said. I am a family care physician in Fargo and 50% of my patients are from the minority Latino and East African populations. A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense. You need to be responsible for the things you write. I hope someday that you will change your viewpoints on these populations that you serve, at least for the sake of your patients.

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I remember that article that you wrote and I remember how disgusted I was when I read it. I applaud Jeanotte for what he did. I've re-read some of your previous posts and it's obvious to me how extremely xenophobic you are.

Example: "If I want diversity, I'll go eat at Juano's downtown", "To who? Almost exclusively to grad students and students who arrive from outside the state and country...mostly though to foreign students", "You don't think there are American students being passed over for foreign students for the sake of diveristy, multiculturalism, blah, blah, blah".

And these were the quotes from just one topic. I won't even get into some of the things you have said about Native Americans on this forum.

I should have put two and two together and realized that you were the same one that wrote that article. I won't give your name on this forum, but as an optometrist in the city of Fargo, you should be ashamed of some of the things that you have said. I am a family care physician in Fargo and 50% of my patients are from the minority Latino and East African populations. A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense. You need to be responsible for the things you write. I hope someday that you will change your viewpoints on these populations that you serve, at least for the sake of your patients.

It's kind've bewildering and disappointing how mean some of the posts are from bitter fans. I understand why they are mad, and I (unfortunately) wouldn't expect anything better out of NDSU alumni if the Bison nickname would be forcibly ripped away from the teams.

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A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense.

You are entitled to your opinions, but if you are going to get personal and question the care I provide to my patients, PM me and we can discuss this over coffee. Because the one thing I don't struggle with is going to bed each and every night knowing I've given EACH patient the best care I can give them.

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The one thing I've resented the most is the idea that nickname supporters are racist. It's so much easier to spray that invective around because the PC crowd knows we can beat them with logical arguments, statistics, and cold hard facts. Extreme PC zealots, as a rule, are hypersensitive to any slight, real or imagined. Does anyone remember the ROTC student in the early 90s who was instructed by his women studies professor not to wear his uniform to class because it symbolized violence? (That was at UND, by the way.) It's hard to imagine that the PC crowd would have this much control over NCAA/SBHE/UND, but it does. It hasn't changed in almost 20 years. Leigh Jeannotte has been around at least that long and you think he'd know better. Call out the Supreme Court? Go ahead. We have only one law school in the state, so who does he think will be sitting on the Supreme Court? Scalia?

When this whole issue is done and over with, what next? There will be some perceived slight blown out of proportion, just watch.

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I remember that article that you wrote and I remember how disgusted I was when I read it. I applaud Jeanotte for what he did. I've re-read some of your previous posts and it's obvious to me how extremely xenophobic you are.

Example: "If I want diversity, I'll go eat at Juano's downtown", "To who? Almost exclusively to grad students and students who arrive from outside the state and country...mostly though to foreign students", "You don't think there are American students being passed over for foreign students for the sake of diveristy, multiculturalism, blah, blah, blah".

And these were the quotes from just one topic. I won't even get into some of the things you have said about Native Americans on this forum.

I should have put two and two together and realized that you were the same one that wrote that article. I won't give your name on this forum, but as an optometrist in the city of Fargo, you should be ashamed of some of the things that you have said. I am a family care physician in Fargo and 50% of my patients are from the minority Latino and East African populations. A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense. You need to be responsible for the things you write. I hope someday that you will change your viewpoints on these populations that you serve, at least for the sake of your patients.

I have no idea who either of you are and I think you are making a big jump with lots of assumptions about the care this person already provides. All I have to say to this is - WOW...

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I remember that article that you wrote and I remember how disgusted I was when I read it. I applaud Jeanotte for what he did. I've re-read some of your previous posts and it's obvious to me how extremely xenophobic you are.

Example: "If I want diversity, I'll go eat at Juano's downtown", "To who? Almost exclusively to grad students and students who arrive from outside the state and country...mostly though to foreign students", "You don't think there are American students being passed over for foreign students for the sake of diveristy, multiculturalism, blah, blah, blah".

And these were the quotes from just one topic. I won't even get into some of the things you have said about Native Americans on this forum.

I should have put two and two together and realized that you were the same one that wrote that article. I won't give your name on this forum, but as an optometrist in the city of Fargo, you should be ashamed of some of the things that you have said. I am a family care physician in Fargo and 50% of my patients are from the minority Latino and East African populations. A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense. You need to be responsible for the things you write. I hope someday that you will change your viewpoints on these populations that you serve, at least for the sake of your patients.

Wow, now there's an "A+B+C=D" analysis. Your act of taking what he/she wrote, which you believe is "racist" simply because you disagree with it, and extrapolating that to the conclusion that he/she provides poor service to clientele because of his/her "racist" beliefs is a real head scratcher. Irascible, petulant and puerile commentary like that reaffirms my belief that people like Jeanotte and his ilk need to be opposed and called out for their own insidious racist tendencies at every turn. Any reasonable person would be beyond exasperation with that nonsense and it is not "insensitive" to anyone to oppose it. For those who think such opposition conveys insensitivity, any credibility is out the window.

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Wow, now there's an "A+B+C=D" analysis. Your act of taking what he/she wrote, which you believe is "racist" simply because you disagree with it, and extrapolating that to the conclusion that he/she provides poor service to clientele because of his/her "racist" beliefs is a real head scratcher. Irascible, petulant and puerile commentary like that reaffirms my belief that people like Jeanotte and his ilk need to be opposed and called out for their own insidious racist tendencies at every turn. Any reasonable person would be beyond exasperation with that nonsense and it is not "insensitive" to anyone to oppose it. For those who think such opposition conveys insensitivity, any credibility is out the window.

Well, at least the topic isn't polarizing! :(

For crying out loud...if people had the tenth of the passion for their daily lives as being displayed over a college sports nickname....bah, is it even worth going down that path? :p

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I remember that article that you wrote and I remember how disgusted I was when I read it. I applaud Jeanotte for what he did. I've re-read some of your previous posts and it's obvious to me how extremely xenophobic you are.

Example: "If I want diversity, I'll go eat at Juano's downtown", "To who? Almost exclusively to grad students and students who arrive from outside the state and country...mostly though to foreign students", "You don't think there are American students being passed over for foreign students for the sake of diveristy, multiculturalism, blah, blah, blah".

And these were the quotes from just one topic. I won't even get into some of the things you have said about Native Americans on this forum.

I should have put two and two together and realized that you were the same one that wrote that article. I won't give your name on this forum, but as an optometrist in the city of Fargo, you should be ashamed of some of the things that you have said. I am a family care physician in Fargo and 50% of my patients are from the minority Latino and East African populations. A certain level of compassion and understanding for those less privileged than us comes with being a medical professional, and it's obvious that you lack that sense. You need to be responsible for the things you write. I hope someday that you will change your viewpoints on these populations that you serve, at least for the sake of your patients.

Wow! :( I'm speechless. I could break this post down and comment on how its wrong on so many levels but I really don't have the time. So instead I will just leave you with Wow.

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Your argument is tantamount to a 16 year old burger flipper walking into Best Buy and demanding that they sell him a new LCD TV because they can just sign a contract saying if it doesn't work out that they can take the TV back.

Things don't work that way. There is no incentive for Best Buy to take that risk, same with the Summit.

If the nickname issue backfired even a little, and the Summit was already on record as having accepted UND, they'd have a PR nightmare on their hands. Too risky.

So they'll do it the easy way: wait for UND to settle the issue, then admit them.

That's not my argument at all really, but I'm done trying to explain it to you.

At this point, the decision has already been made. All that's left is a bunch of political posturing for the fall out.

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That's not my argument at all really, but I'm done trying to explain it to you.

At this point, the decision has already been made. All that's left is a bunch of political posturing for the fall out.

In reading that blog post, all I see is the board running to change the name, I don't see any activity by the State board or it's politicans trying to do anything to retain it. I don't think the State Board of Higher Education realizes the fall that will follow "WHEN" they change the name. What would really be sad is that if UND went ahead and changed the name and they got snubbed by the Summit League.

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In reading that blog post, all I see is the board running to change the name, I don't see any activity by the State board or it's politicans trying to do anything to retain it. I don't think the State Board of Higher Education realizes the fall that will follow "WHEN" they change the name. What would really be sad is that if UND went ahead and changed the name and they got snubbed by the Summit League.

I would be interested to find out what else you and others think could have been done to keep the name. Right now I am talking about the period since the settlement with the NCAA. I think that most of us agree that things could have been handled much differently in the 20 or 30 years before the NCAA issued their edict, but that is 20-20 hindsight. I would like to get some ideas about what could have been done during the last 2+ years to keep the name, or even what could still be done. All we hear is complaints that not enough is being done, but we hear nothing about what could be done.

The main roadblock on the issue now, and for the past several years, has been the Standing Rock reservation. When Ron His Horse is Thunder was Tribal Chair he had pretty thorough power and did not want to even look at the issue other than to try to get rid of the nickname. They wouldn't even discuss ways to allow UND to keep the name.

There was some hope that the election last fall would open up the Tribal government to changing their stance. From the blog and from other reports it appears that Dr. Goetz and Mr. Shaft, along with others, have tried to have conversations with Tribal Leaders. They have tried communicating in person, by telephone and by mail. As of right now those Tribal Leaders have shown no interest in doing anything. They didn't even want to discuss the issue after the election. Mr. Murphy said that they would get around to it when they got around to it, they wouldn't work on anyone else's time line. When do you think they plan to get around to it? So far they won't even tell the SBoHE an estimate of when they might start discussing it. Will they even consider a referendum? The Tribal Attorney issued an opinion that the past stance against referendums was not legal, but the Tribal Council still hasn't even communicated whether they would accept that ruling.

I think that the SBoHE is running out of options. A referendum process would probably take at least 3-6 months, depending on how hard things are pushed. It takes that much time to get the language approved for a referendum, get enough signatures to get it on a ballot, have a period of campaigning and discussion, hold the election, get a count and have the Tribal Council approve the results. But the process doesn't even exist on Standing Rock so the Tribal Council would have to create the system first, which would take more time. For instance, no one knows how many signatures they would need to get because there are no rules in place. And they haven't even shown an interest in reviewing the idea of holding a referendum, much less starting the process. The tribal members that would need to push this through the system don't seem nearly as interested or as dedicated as the members at Spirit Lake. If they aren't pushing it now, when will they? With an absolute drop dead deadline of November 30th, when would you accept the fact that it is too late to get anything done if the process doesn't get started? We are only 10 months away from the deadline, and with a process that will probably take more than 6 months at a minimum, the process is running out of time.

As far as your comment about not getting into the Summit, if UND applies soon the chances of not getting into the league are very small. Kelley said that he had been assured by several school Presidents that it wouldn't be a problem. And the interim President at NDSU has gone on record that he would push for UND. If the application isn't processed in the next 30-90 days (just a guess, it might be less than that) it is probably a crapshoot. No one that is speaking seems to know what the Summit League plan is for sure. They have said that they would like 12 teams so they can operate in divisions to save travel expense. The last plan that was discussed was to select those schools this spring and have them become official members on July 1, 2011. If they really want to follow that time line they will start the process soon, which is why UND would need to make an application. If that 2011 date isn't set in stone then UND could have some wiggle room. According to the information from Mr. Faison, the Summit League office would not give an official statement on the subject, but his impression was that UND needed to move on the application process which means the Summit is going to add schools during the next few months. So if UND waits too long, there probably is a decent chance that they don't get in now or in the next few years.

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