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Your conclusion that UND basketball, volleyball, softball, etc. success = belonging to the Summit and only the Summit is not fact, but merely your opinion. Your conclusion that UND basketball, volleyball, softball, etc. belonging to the Summit and UND being the Sioux are mutually exclusive is not fact, but merely your opinion. Further commentary by the Summit on UND membership and its moniker is conspicuous by its absence. Could it be that the Summit has backed away from their ridiculous ultimatum, realizing that it was born out of bad-mouthing by a member school's now totally discredited administration and that UND already has a deadline they've negotiated with the NCAA?

Taking the nickname issue totally out of the equation, is there any other option for a league that UND could join for a majority of sports? I have asked for other options on several occasions and no one has come up with another viable option. The Summit is the only league that is even considering adding teams in the middle part of the country that would consider a new Division I school. UND isn't going to get into the Big Ten, or even the WAC. The Summit is an entry level conference, just like the Big Sky. Those are the only conferences that UND would fit into geographically. The Big Sky is not adding teams and have not shown any interest in adding schools in the Central Time zone. So no matter how little you think of the Summit, it seems to be the only viable option as a conference home.

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Taking the nickname issue totally out of the equation, is there any other option for a league that UND could join for a majority of sports? I have asked for other options on several occasions and no one has come up with another viable option. The Summit is the only league that is even considering adding teams in the middle part of the country that would consider a new Division I school. UND isn't going to get into the Big Ten, or even the WAC. The Summit is an entry level conference, just like the Big Sky. Those are the only conferences that UND would fit into geographically. The Big Sky is not adding teams and have not shown any interest in adding schools in the Central Time zone. So no matter how little you think of the Summit, it seems to be the only viable option as a conference home.

Any kind of a chance down the road to join the Big Sky??

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Have fun in the WCHA minus the Big Ten teams.

You seriously don't think that Minnesota and Wisconsin would nix UND in a Big 10 conference. We are their rivals for the past 60+ years. We are a hockey powerhouse and they would go nowhere and leave UND behind.

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You seriously don't think that Minnesota and Wisconsin would nix UND in a Big 10 conference. We are their rivals for the past 60+ years. We are a hockey powerhouse and they would go nowhere and leave UND behind.

They'll do what is best for them financially. Nothing more. Nothing less.

What that is only they know.

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Any kind of a chance down the road to join the Big Sky??

It is hard to predict the future so no one can say for sure either way. But from all appearances it would take some major changes in the conference to make that possible. The west coast schools don't want to travel to the Central time zone, they want to limit the conference to the Mountain and Pacific time zones. Basically they want to limit travel. When the XDSUs were looking they got support from Montana and Montana State but not from schools like Portland and Sac State. And if the Montana schools move on to the WAC it would decrease the interest level of UND even if it might possibly force the Big Sky to look east to find some teams. That move might give Utah Valley and Southern Utah a chance to get into the Big Sky. So my answer is that there is a chance that UND could get into the Big Sky, but not a very good chance under the present conditions.

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All of this flagellation just to create a Division I lower-tier "Summit League North Division" that is merely the better half of the old North Central Conference.

It is all part of the evolution of college sports. It probably should have happened 30 years ago or so when UNI moved up. But the latest move by Division II to cut back on practice time and games in many sports is just another example of the reasons that UND and the other regional schools did not belong in Division II going forward.

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They'll do what is best for them financially. Nothing more. Nothing less.

What that is only they know.

Agreed that they will do what is best for them financially. And the decisions will be made a floor or 2 above the hockey program offices, probably by the President's offices. There is a chance that UND could be an affiliate member of a Big Ten Hockey Conference, but I think that the chance is very small. The Big Ten schools will want to include schools that are Big Ten like, and UND does not fit. The rivalry does not matter in this case. But I do believe that both Minnesota and Wisconsin would want to continue games against UND. My best guess is that they would be 1 series per year against each and they would alternate home and away if that could be arranged.

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Any kind of a chance down the road to join the Big Sky??

Only a vastly different Big Sky from now.

The majority of the Big Sky schools will vote down Dakota expansion. Really only the Montana schools are on your side and they're the only schools worth being in the Big Sky to play against. They'll both be long gone before any Dakota expansion happens.

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The Big Ten schools will want to include schools that are Big Ten like, and UND does not fit.

There aren't that many hockey schools out there to pick from.

The only other names mentioned are hockey playing MAC schools (Miami, WMU, BGSU, and they don't look like the Big Ten either). MACs would be great for the eastern block of Big Ten Hockey. It wouldn't do much (would probably do harm) for Minnesota and Wisconsin. That's UND's best hope in this.

The problem in all that: Who knows what rules a BTHC would come up with regarding team monikers. It wouldn't be the WCHA any more.

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There aren't that many hockey schools out there to pick from.

The only other names mentioned are hockey playing MAC schools (Miami, WMU, BGSU, and they don't look like the Big Ten either). MACs would be great for the eastern block of Big Ten Hockey. It wouldn't do much (would probably do harm) for Minnesota and Wisconsin. That's UND's best hope in this.

The problem in all that: Who knows what rules a BTHC would come up with regarding team monikers. It wouldn't be the WCHA any more.

They would probably go with a smaller Big Ten hockey conference. Either 6 or 8 teams. They don't have to worry about stability, the schools aren't going anywhere and the chances of any Big Ten school dropping hockey are probably pretty small. Notre Dame would probably be team 6. There is a chance of 1 or 2 of the other actual Big Ten schools adding hockey, although that probably isn't a strong possibility right now. And they could fill out to 8, if they wanted to, with MAC schools. This is also the only hole that UND would have a hope of filling. But the conference could be small because they wouldn't have any trouble finding out of conference games to play. Most schools in the country would line up to get a chance to play one of the "big boys". If they wanted to they could probably load up on home games and end up playing 60% or more of their games at home (goes back to your money issue).

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What's in a Name?
The one stubborn school has been the University of North Dakota. Tied to its "Fighting Sioux" nickname by the strong ropes of a major donor, UND resisted and sued the NCAA. It solicited support from tribal groups to obtain a "namesake exemption." A settlement was reached in 2007 allowing UND a further period in which to comply with NCAA regulations through securing approval from two tribes for use of the "Fighting Sioux" nickname. As of now, the Standing Rock Sioux tribal council has opposed approval. The NCAA will not let go, nor should it.
What a pinhead. :ohmy:
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A new Tran blog: http://www.areavoices.com/gfhcitybeat/

One thing I noted in my story for tomorrow is we, the Herald, have tried calling league Commissioner Tom Douple numerous times to ask why getting this issue resolved is so important when it will be resolved one way or the other Nov. 30, 2010. That's the deadline for UND to win approval from the state's two Sioux tribes or retire the nickname, as stated in the NCAA's settlement with the state.

Well, Douple's never called us back and when we called league universities, they tell us to call Douple. Pretty cute, huh?

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The other interesting point in Tran's blog is that the SBoHE has added the nickname issue to the agenda for tomorrow, but isn't expected to take any action. They want to talk with Faison about the issue and how it is affecting the goal of getting into the Summit. They don't seem to have a plan to take action at this time since the tribe members lawsuit has gone to the Supreme Court. One of Grant Shaft's quotes basically said that they really don't want to take action to remove the nickname and then have the Supreme Court tell them they have to reinstate it.

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