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IMHO, if you went to say, China and wanted to start a one-on-one advertising campaign, you'd really need someone who could speak the language. This is no different as far as I'm concerned.

Not quite true. American 'celebrities' routinely are contracted to advertise products in countries where English is not the language of choice. I don't believe they are required to speak the language of the country.

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Not quite true. American 'celebrities' routinely are contracted to advertise products in countries where English is not the language of choice. I don't believe they are required to speak the language of the country.

Right, but AFAIK most of the time the advertisments are filmed using a dubbed voice, or the American celebrity is coached up enough to stumble thru in something approaching an understandable version of the native language.

That's why I used the term "one on one". Putting Paris Hilton out on the street to talk with some Japanese industrialists will
result in a furthering of international relations.
And IMHO that's what those pro-ams, dinners, etc. for the LPGA tour events are most like; individual face to face meetings with people rather than a mass media advertisement.

Further, the LPGA is a collection of "companies" if you will: right now I'm sure some sponsors are concerned about the language issue, and others don't care. When the number on one side got to be big enough, the commissioner stepped in. I'm guessing some sponsors weren't in favor of the latest edict. Nothing will prevent Kraft foods from featuring Se Re Pak in an advertisement if they choose. Neither is Wheaties prevented from putting anyone they want on their box.

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I think this is a 'tongue in cheek' piece. :lol:

That is what I hope is the case for most of the Ed-Op pieces I read in the Forum, but sadly the needle on the Stupidity guage is almost always pointed towards "Full"!

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A new twist?

I am reminded of the SIU Salukis. The Saluki dog was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. Yet, they're never lumped in with the offending nicknames. Ironically, former US Senator Paul Simon hated Chief Illiniwek, publically advocating his elimination very early on in the game: yet never a word about his alma mater (and later in life, his employer), namely SIU.

Everyone has an ax to grind. I number of years ago I saw a letter to some official from a six year old girl, and it went something like this:

Dear Governor XXX: Can you please change the name of Dumbarton Road? Signed, Mary Barton.


Off this subject: The LPGA has modified its English-only policy today. Heavier on education, lighter on penalties.

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