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Robbie Bina


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No doubt, a shattered, removed and separately fused vertebra AND four hours of spinal surgery can't really be that serious, can it? :0:);)


Not to mention that its only the prompt medical attention of the EMT's at the rink there rushing him off to a nearby hospital there is what may be the young man's chance of not being a paraplegic right now. Being that the injury took place right at the C7, he could have easily suffered a spinal cord injury. In that area, he could also have impaired function of his hands and arms, not to mention that he would be in a wheel chair for most of his foreseeable life. The only good thing about it at C7 is that its not high enough to affect his respitory at all if damage did happen to occur to his spinal cord, but again, being right there in the Cities and probably near a hospital, he would have been treated with the medicines that can counteract the cascade that can occur in the spinal cord to cause perminate damage.

For more information on Spinal Cord Injury....Christopher Reeve paralysis foundation.

Good Luck Robbie with your recovery.

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I started wondering about this so I rewatched the Bina hit, I wonder how many of the people who think/thought that Robbie was faking is because he did show movement of his arms and legs. Many people don't understand that breaking a bone in your neck does not always cause instant paralysis. I'm not trying to condone their behaviour just taking another view of the situation. That being said, I hope they realize that they are wrong and Robbie WAS seriously injured because of this hit.

Get well soon Robbie, Lincoln Stars fans are rooting for you!

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I started wondering about this so I rewatched the Bina hit, I wonder how many of the people who think/thought that Robbie was faking is because he did show movement of his arms and legs. Many people don't understand that breaking a bone in your neck does not always cause instant paralysis. I'm not trying to condone their behaviour just taking another view of the situation. That being said, I hope they realize that they are wrong and Robbie WAS seriously injured because of this hit.

Get well soon Robbie, Lincoln Stars fans are rooting for you!


My son will likely start as a mite next winter. I was horrified with the hit. At the time I was somewhat hoping DU would win the game because the only way the Gophers could be sure to lock up number one was to play and beat DU. After Gwozdecky put Paukovich back in for a power play, I don't think I'll root for DU again as long as he's coach.

Nobody intends to break someone neck when they hit a player, it is the coaches responsibility to teach that certain actions are not tollerable. This gets forgotten in most situations when the player who was hit skates away, I hope that if I'm ever coaching and have a player hit someone like that I send him to the locker room.

Best of luck to a full recovery to Robbie Bina.

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My son will likely start as a mite next winter. I was horrified with the hit. At the time I was somewhat hoping DU would win the game because the only way the Gophers could be sure to lock up number one was to play and beat DU. After Gwozdecky put Paukovich back in for a power play, I don't think I'll root for DU again as long as he's coach.

Nobody intends to break someone neck when they hit a player, it is the coaches responsibility to teach that certain actions are not tollerable. This gets forgotten in most situations when the player who was hit skates away, I hope that if I'm ever coaching and have a player hit someone like that I send him to the locker room.

Best of luck to a full recovery to Robbie Bina.



As much as I would like to see an all WCHA Frozen Four, I have to root for BSU, Harvard and UNH.

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I whole heartedly agree with you. My son (who is a squirt) was checked from behind into the boards during a practice by another boy on his team. The other boy's father is one of the coaches and he took his son off the ice for the remainder of practice and gave his son a hell of a chewing out. My son was fine, shook it off and kept practicing with no ill effects (thank God).

However, you would think that DU's coach would've done something along those lines of chewing his player out, benching him or something to engrain in his pea sized brain that crap like that is intolerable. :0

My wife and I have reviewed that hit on Bina more than several times. It is horrifying and sickening to see him hurt in such a way. Unfortunately, even though these hits should be avoided and not tolerated, injuries do occur in sports such as hockey. We worry for our boys always but you can't stop enjoying life and the game of hockey or something else one might enjoy.

I agree that whatever admiration one may have for Gwozdecky was certainly diminished after that game. The whole thing reminds me of the Bertuzzi deal. Sickening...

Thoughts and prayers for Rob and the Bina family from ours. Godspeed for a fully recovery!

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However, you would think that DU's coach would've done something along those lines of chewing his player out, benching him or something to engrain in his pea sized brain that crap like that is intolerable. :0

My wife and I have reviewed that hit on Bina more than several times.  It is horrifying and sickening to see him hurt in such a way.  Unfortunately, even though these hits should be avoided and not tolerated, injuries do occur in sports such as hockey.  We worry for our boys always but you can't stop enjoying life and the game of hockey or something else one might enjoy.


Honestly I don't think the DU coach cares. I no respect for the DU program or their coach. They did little to impress me this year when they made the trip to Grand Forks. If the coach actually cared he would have said something to that in his post game comments I have seen nothing (unless I missed it). Based on the style of play his Du team plays, I am convinced that the DU coach teaches this kind of play and condones it. DU is by far the dirtiest team I have seen in years, there have been many of dirty Badger and MTU teams over the years.

Like I have commented earlier this season DU runs their mouth up and down the ice, they goad other players and they are a bunch of poor sports, actually I think they are a bunch of scrotum sacks. I blame this on the coaching, you would have never seen this in the Dean Blais coaching days. You do see it to a degree with the Eaves bunch but not quite as bad.

UND is by no means saints, and no one should ever think that, however, I believe UND, UofM, UAA, MTU (since Jamie Russel) UMD programs play it straight up for the most part.

Also at the final five on thursday night I had some of the DU players on the elevator with me when I was trying to find a ATM, they looked like a bunch of dirt bags wearing stocking caps in business suits and shaggy stringy looking hair, what gives with that I guess that is the image that Denver Univesity wants to portray.

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You hit the nail right on the head. DU=classless hacks.

However, I believe this

is redundant :angry:


Maybe so, however, did I spell it right? I didn't spell check it so I went on instinct. :);):0

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I whole heartedly agree with you.  My son (who is a squirt) was checked from behind into the boards during a practice by another boy on his team.  The other boy's father is one of the coaches and he took his son off the ice for the remainder of practice and gave his son a hell of a chewing out.  My son was fine, shook it off and kept practicing with no ill effects (thank God).

However, you would think that DU's coach would've done something along those lines of chewing his player out, benching him or something to engrain in his pea sized brain that crap like that is intolerable. :0

My wife and I have reviewed that hit on Bina more than several times.  It is horrifying and sickening to see him hurt in such a way.  Unfortunately, even though these hits should be avoided and not tolerated, injuries do occur in sports such as hockey.  We worry for our boys always but you can't stop enjoying life and the game of hockey or something else one might enjoy.

I agree that whatever admiration one may have for Gwozdecky was certainly diminished after that game.  The whole thing reminds me of the Bertuzzi deal.  Sickening...

Thoughts and prayers for Rob and the Bina family from ours.  Godspeed for a fully recovery!


Sagard and KFAH (and anyone else with small kids in hockey):

Always buy the best helmet you can get. You can go cheaper on the other stuff, but get the best helmet you can find. It matters. Trust me.

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I tried that link and it didn't work, all I saw were Rory and Nick getting interviewed...can someone else post a link?


WDAZ changes the Web cast every day. If you couldn't find it, it's probably no longer there.

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So here is our Final Five story. Went to all five games, greatest tournament on earth. Jawed with fans, had some chow, watched the Sioux three straight nights. Near priceless. Friday afternoon spirits were dampened, in a huge way, what with watching Robbie take the cheap hit and being strapped to a stretcher. The OT loss was meaningless. No wonder it ended less than a minute in. Thank God for that.

Saturday, my girl, a huge fan, and her best buddy, a recently converted huge fan, paint their faces and make a sign. "Get Well Soon, Robbie." They wear the hats made by and given to them by YaneA, who oughta go into the business. They stand stoicly by the the boards during warmups, and proudly fly the colors, wear the hats, show the sign, along with an extra " :0 2h8 Go4rs" sign just because we have the pleasure of a Sioux-Gophers tilt on hand. Thanks for that one as well YaneA. We watch, with overwhelming pride and joy, the Sioux undress the Gophers 4-2 in a huge game. For everyone. Don Lucia can go fist himself if he seriously claims that it was meaningless. Cornell was still on the bubble, and his Goofies needed a win. We saw him on the street later, and he gave us the head nod, knowing that he had just been handed his lunch by the men in green. All we could do was laugh, and know that being a Sioux fan is one of the biggest blessings of all time, surpassed by but a few things, including being a Sioux player.

Anyway, after the game, the girls see Scott Foyt in the hall, and ask him to give their sign to Bina. He graciously agrees. I joke with the girls that he will promptly stuff it in the nearest trash, although I know in my mind and heart that Foyt would never do such a thing. We hang around the arena, and watch Denver rag out a 1-0 win over CC for the Broadmoor. Just as we hung around to see Hirsch's post-game show from the night before, we stay to ride Gwoz and the PUnks from PU. For only a few good reasons.

Next day, Sunday, the girls make and deliver a card to Bina at Regions. Next day, Monday, Virg Foss reports on Bina's condition, and mentions that Bina is hardly forgotten, what with the handwritten sign in his locker that reads "Get Well Soon Robbie."

Thank God Robbie appears to be on the mend. He is a tough kid. He is a smart kid. He is a funny kid. He has a heart bigger than the whole damned State of North Dakota. He will be missed. He will never be forgotten. He damned well may return to the line-up. Damned straight.

The Sioux are on a mission. BU. BC. Cornell. PU. Number Eight. Be there, or be square. Sioux Rule. BU/BC drool.

Don't look at me like you know me . . . . .

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The video is just horrific to watch. The DU player purposefully preps to drill him into the boards by bending at the needs and extending. As you can see in the picture below, both of the refs watch it happen and only call a 2 minute penalty. Just Awful.


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Not to mention that its only the prompt medical attention of the EMT's at the rink there rushing him off to a nearby hospital there is what may be the young man's chance of not being a paraplegic right now. Being that the injury took place right at the C7, he could have easily suffered a spinal cord injury. In that area, he could also have impaired function of his hands and arms, not to mention that he would be in a wheel chair for most of his foreseeable life. The only good thing about it at C7 is that its not high enough to affect his respitory at all if damage did happen to occur to his spinal cord, but again, being right there in the Cities and probably near a hospital, he would have been treated with the medicines that can counteract the cascade that can occur in the spinal cord to cause perminate damage.

For more information on Spinal Cord Injury....Christopher Reeve paralysis foundation.

Good Luck Robbie with your recovery.


In Reality....it is Mark Poolman who deserves alot of the credit and not the EMT's. The athletic trainer for UND hockey has been there for years and is a top notch trainer for them, and it was his call to not move Bina and bring in the physician and the EMT's.

Great Job to Mark fo an on the ice evaluation!

Just putiing the credit to where the credit is due!

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