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Sioux Vs. Golden Griffins


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Tie game. What a wild OT!! 2 hit pipes by UMD, and a breakaway missed by DU(mb). One point is a bit of a disappointment, given that we had a 4-2 lead. But Denver has been playing really well all year, and has only lost to top 10 teams. Hopefull the Dogs will come out with the same fire tomorrow night.

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Tie game.  What a wild OT!!  2 hit pipes by UMD, and a breakaway missed by DU(mb).  One point is a bit of a disappointment, given that we had a 4-2 lead.  But Denver has been playing really well all year, and has only lost to top 10 teams.  Hopefull the Dogs will come out with the same fire tomorrow night.


Win tomorrow, 3 points on the weekend ain't so bad.

That's it for me, and I won't be on tomorrow night. Go Sioux, get the win!

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Checking the Vernon game in the BCHL and came across these message board posts at the start of the game. Canadian hockey I guess.


Right off the starting faceoff Tyler Loney & Troy Cherwinski go at for the 2nd time in 2 games.


Darcy Prince & Wade Davison go at it, with Prince getting the decision. Only 4 seconds into the game, already 2 fights.


Steven Little & Korey Gannon go at it, with Little getting the decision. Only 5 seconds into the game with 3 straight fights.


...At that rate the game could end up taking a while.

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Checking the Vernon game in the BCHL and came across these message board posts at the start of the game.  Canadian hockey I guess.


Right off the starting faceoff Tyler Loney & Troy Cherwinski go at for the 2nd time in 2 games.


Darcy Prince & Wade Davison go at it, with Prince getting the decision. Only 4 seconds into the game, already 2 fights.


Steven Little & Korey Gannon go at it, with Little getting the decision. Only 5 seconds into the game with 3 straight fights.


...At that rate the game could end up taking a while.


Three preliminary bouts followed by the main event- a hockey game. All for the price of just a hockey game.

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I liked seeing we had 18 shots on goal in the first period, but don't like hearing Hakstol say the guys weren't really awake until after the GG scored, and then only for a few minutes. Foyt also said the locker room was pretty quiet before the game and he didn't think guys had their heads in the game.

Not only the coaches, but the team leaders need to get the team up for the games.

Tim also talking about comments Foyt made that some guys might be "comfortable" with their position on the 3rd line or 2nd line. Looks like this team could use a little deeper talent level and keep some guys a little unsure of their playing time. Foyt sounds like he gives everything he can all the time. Good for him. Hak called him the #1 star tonite.

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My impressions:

1. Crowd- Hella lame, but what do you expect for the Canisus series at this time of year. I've never heard only half of the poop chant before.

2. Officiating: Overall, I think Bunyon was pretty good. He's a Hockey East ref. I think Sullivan, one of the ARs, is also HEA. I think it was a great game called by them. It did appear that Worosz dove, but the one thing that impressed me was the fact that he called it both ways. That is something that isn't being done consistently in the WCHA.

3. First period- We weren't playing hard. It was like they were thinking like I was: Hey, it's Canisius. They don't have a coach and they feature crotch-waving Canadians... ecept they didn't realize that there was hockey going on. When that GG player scored, I think that woke them up. Our passing was subpar and our powerplay started out being really poor. We did score some pp goals so that was good. Worosz had a great first period making some excellent saves on Murray, Zajac, and McMahon.

4. Our fourth line: How about Foyt, Canady, and Bina? Wow. Foyt had a really good night, but he just isn't a center. I didn't see him win a single faceoff and the fourth line got a lot of time it seemed.

5. TH said the three stars were Foyt, Zajac, and McMahon. I agree with him. However, apart from a temper tantrum which got him a 10 minute misconduct, I think Prpich was having a quality defensive game. Smaby played pretty sharp as did Jones. Jones was even jumping into the game, but Greene steals the show in that regard. If only he'd scored....

6. Radke had trouble at times. It really seemed like he couldn't transition from defensive defenseman to offensive defenseman as well as even Jones could. I attribute this to experience. He'll come around, but I'm not expecting it this season.

Heard a rumor that we are losing a section of the upper bowl next season. Wow.

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SO, 5x5 the game was 1-1.  Ugh.


It wasn't pretty, that is for sure. I have never seen so many fans actually napping at a game in all my years of watching hockey.

Was anyone at Sioux Boosters in GF on Friday? I heard Hakstol was actually calling some players out and was hopeful someone could post a brief recap.

From what little I heard, DH said that Greene, Jones and Fuher are all playing very well and that MJ is playing better than he ever has. Also, comments were made that if this team is to make a successful run late in the season, the play of guys like Radke and Kaip will likely make a difference in how far they go.

If any of this is inaccurate, I apologize - what little I caught was all second-hand!

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To anyone who was at the game:

Did you end up making any of those outrageous signs you were discussing, and if so, how did they go over?


I didn't see much of pregame but during the game I didn't see any on the big screen. Diggler, forecheck, etc. had a bunch of signs, I didn't see any of them except the 2 I made. Here are links if you want to see those.



Forecheck's gorilla costume was great though!

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Tie game.  What a wild OT!!  2 hit pipes by UMD, and a breakaway missed by DU(mb).  One point is a bit of a disappointment, given that we had a 4-2 lead.  But Denver has been playing really well all year, and has only lost to top 10 teams.  Hopefull the Dogs will come out with the same fire tomorrow night.


In looking at the standings I believe it would be in UND best interests if UMD wins tonight.

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I thought this thread was about UND vs Fighting Griffins fridays game. It seems that over half of the thread is about UMD vs DU. Although I like to see the other WCHA scores, and UMD thinks of themselves as our little brother, do we really need the play by play of the UMD game in this thread? I read this board daily, and I want to read about the Sioux game, and not the running dialog of other teams fans. So feel free to start your own thread of UMD vs DENVER, so those who want to know about the score can go there. End of rant.... ;)

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I thought this thread was about UND vs Fighting Griffins fridays game.  It seems that over half  of the thread is about UMD vs DU.  Although I like to see the other WCHA scores, and UMD thinks of themselves as our little brother, do we really need the play by play of the UMD game in this thread?  I read this board daily, and I want to read about the Sioux game, and not the running dialog of other teams fans. So feel free to start your own thread of UMD vs DENVER, so those who want to know about the score can go there. End of rant.... ;)


Sounds like Minnesota's goofy gov? ;);)

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I thought this thread was about UND vs Fighting Griffins fridays game.  It seems that over half  of the thread is about UMD vs DU.  Although I like to see the other WCHA scores, and UMD thinks of themselves as our little brother, do we really need the play by play of the UMD game in this thread?  I read this board daily, and I want to read about the Sioux game, and not the running dialog of other teams fans. So feel free to start your own thread of UMD vs DENVER, so those who want to know about the score can go there. End of rant.... ;)


Pot meet kettle. You're on the other thread wondering what the BSU vs WMU score is.


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