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What if predictions


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CC 28 43

Denver 28 39

UMN 28 38

UW 28 38

UND 28 33

UMD 28 28

Mankato 28 18

AA 28 16

SCSU 28 14

MTech 28 13

IMO, the two big races are for 2nd place and for last place. :D

I was conservative with UND, having them just split with DU and Wisco at home. Hopefully they can do better than that, which would have them move closer to the DU, UW, and UMN group. If the Sioux can somehow manage to sweep DU or Wisco, there is a chance that they could move up to 4th.

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heres my optimistic "WHAT IF" as of feb 1st...

i have the sioux

win and tie denver (3)...sweep alaska(4)...split wisconsin(2)...sweep st cloud(4)

i have goofs 1 tie in wisconsin (1) sweep alaska (4) split st cloud (2) and m-tech(2)

i have duluth splitting with wisconsin and denver (4) and sweeping m-tech (4)

CC 28 43

UW 28 39

Denver 28 38

UND 28 34

UMN 28 33

UMD 28 29

SCSU 28 18

Mankato 28 16

AA 28 16

MTech 28 14

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The way they are playing now doesn't convince me they will sweep AA. That's always tough and two points seems more likely.

Anything can happen in the playoffs and I have confidence in our goalie(s) standing out and stealing a win for us somewhere along the line.

There is no real O to speak of, so staying out of the box (not likely) and playing a more disciplined game will be necessary to imitate the Denver scenario from last year.


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There is no real O to speak of, so staying out of the box (not likely) and playing a more disciplined game will be necessary to imitate the Denver scenario from last year.


Sioux would have to add a bit of holding and obstruction to their game also, although that has become more allowable of late in the WCHA. In the NCAA's, with referees from other conferences, it may be closer to what we saw in the WCHA early in the season. I think WCHA teams in the playoffs are going to be in for a shocking surprise.

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Anything can happen in the playoffs and I have confidence in our goalie(s) standing out and stealing a win for us somewhere along the line.


Honestly I see it starting this weekend. Maybe UND works from the goal out. I am not sold on DU anyways.

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i guess you are right :lol: 

optiism is the key :D

umd is palying much better now so that will also be very interesting..3 way race for the 4,5,6 spots, who will step up??


I would love to see it though. Maybe UAA wins both Games?

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Hey if were are playing "The Optimistic" game I see Sioux sweeping their way to the Playoffs.

CC 28 44

Denver 28 38

UW 28 37

UND 28 37

UMN 28 30

UMD 28 24

AA 28 19

Mankato 28 19

MTech 28 16

SCSU 28 16

Would be great to see AA at The Ralph for the Playoffs!

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Hey if were are playing "The Optimistic" game I see Sioux sweeping their way to the Playoffs.

CC          28 44

Denver    28 38

UW          28 37

UND        28 37

UMN        28 30

UMD        28 24

AA            28 19

Mankato    28 19

MTech      28 16

SCSU        28 16

Would be great to see AA at The Ralph for the Playoffs!


well, there is "optimism" and "pure lunacy"! :lol:


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Hey if were are playing "The Optimistic" game I see Sioux sweeping their way to the Playoffs.

CC          28 44

Denver    28 38

UW          28 37

UND        28 37

UMN        28 30

UMD        28 24

AA            28 19

Mankato    28 19

MTech      28 16

SCSU        28 16

Would be great to see AA at The Ralph for the Playoffs!

Where's the faith? The Sioux are still mathematically capable of finishing in 1st!

(note, that page doesn't auto-update, so while it is correct as of the time of this post, may not be after future games until I bother to run the simulation again)

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