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The US opens the World Cup tonight at Montreal. I just saw Paul Martin replaced Leopold on the roster. This may be the only time we see NHL players this year. On that note when do the Wild-Pens tickets go on sale? I don't want to buy tickets until I know there is going to be a game. I'm sure ticketmaster will refund the tickets, minus all the fees they rake in. ???

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I went to USAHOCKEY.com and it stated that the US had only SIX shots on goal for the game. Is that right? That has to be the most pathetic stat I have ever seen.

As far as a refund from Ticketmaster I had tickets to the eagles concert at Englested and when they cancelled I got all my money back including ticketmaster fees.

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I believe the US had more shots, but I can't remember what the number was.

I hate to say it, but Canada was, by far, the better team on the ice. It's a testiment to the US's goaltender (Esche) and their defense that the game ended 2-1. The US's offensive were nothing more than dump it into the Canadian zone for the Canadians to pick up and clear, it seemed. There were a few shots on goal, but most were weak and easily saved.

Looking at this game, even if it was an early game, I suspect Canada will win the tourny. Brodeur is stellar in the nets and their offensive talent was far superior to US.

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According to ESPN Paul Martin is the Prime Minister of Canada. That explains why he was a scratch for last nights game. I'm suprised Gopher fans haven't been bragging about this. :p

ESPN Article

(you need to click on the link provided for Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin)

We did brag about it last year. At the time the only reason for leaving the program was to go run a country. :)

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I hate being critical of the US WOrld Cup team, but where's the offense?

I saw for certain that there are probably no finer teams in the World Cup besides Canada and the US in the field of defensive ability, but Canada has offense.

I'd hate to think that the US won't compete for first or second place, but if they don't find a way to score, I'm not sure if the US can place.

That being said, where the hell did Esche come from? Before last season, I thought he was just another overrated goaltender on the Coyotes. He gets traded to Philadelphia and does no better, then this past season, wham-o, among the top.

Sorry to be critical again, but without Esche, I doubt the US would have a win in the world cup, exhibitions included.

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I am sick and tired of watchign Team USA play with no heart at all. This is disgusting and hard to watch. The American should be ashamed of themselves. I am hoping the NHL goes out on strike and the owners put scabs in their place. Some of these overpaid pre-madanas are worth the money they are paid.

I also think it is time for Leetch, Chelios, Hull and Madano to move on and let someone else play, they are too old and too unmotivated to play. They got out worked by the Russians tonight. I think some of these guys are still reading the press releases of 1996 telling them how good they were. Keith K. has played like a moron the past two games, his stupid selfish play hurt team USA. I am disappointed (I am not even drinking). I would love to see someone take out Kasperitis too also. The man is a Goon/Thug... Kasperitis just tried to take out Blake with a cheap shot after turtling against Billy Guerin.

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Roenick had a pretty funny comment when talking about Blake after JB's scrum toward the end of tonight's game when he said, "Blakies only 5'5", but he's tough as nails!"

Obviously, he isn't quite that short, but it looked like he got a good shot in on DK.

Too bad the refs separated them so early. Blake is tough as nails. I think he might actually be 5'8"

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