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Fatty Fournier Flees


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Schweitzer was plagued by a bad groin injury in 97-98. I think when he was initially hurt, the presence (and ability) of Karl may have caused Aaron to come back before he was fully healthy and he never completely recovered from the injury, which obviously hinders your effectiveness. To his credit, he was one of the few players who actually showed up in that regional loss.

The next season Schweitzer played for Team Canada and actually posted really solid numbers (I believe Fred Brathwaite was the other goalie on the roster). The next season he bounced around the low minors, and one of the teams I remember him playing for was the Colorado Gold Kings or something like that.

Last I heard he went back to school and finished up playing in his hometown at the University of Regina.

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"I really believe this: We have guys who are in shape, guys who have worked hard in the summer, and I think they're excited about the season,'' Hill said. "You concentrate your energy on the players who are part of your program.

I wonder what he meant by guys being in shape.... :lol:

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Alas, the fry costume will be retired. :lol:

Oh, I'm sure you could find some other team's Lard butt to make fun of. Do something really mean like duct tape a box of Chicken McNuggets to a fishing poll, and dangle it into the penalty box, or the opposing bench, just out of reach. :0:p

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Oh, I'm sure you could find some other team's Lard butt to make fun of. Do something really mean like duct tape a box of Chicken McNuggets to a fishing poll, and dangle it into the penalty box, or the opposing bench, just out of reach. :p:lol:

Maybe I'm just cruel but that's funny!

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A friend sent me this. Doesn't post but reads here. I asked if I could copy it here....

Gee, what a surprise. Little Chris Fournier wronged by yet another school

and yet another city. What were the chances?:lol:

And he says it's time to move on to another level??? What's the next level

up from lazy, irresponsible, immature, lackadaisical, underachieving,

wise-ass who leans on the boards at the point while his team mates play

defense? The sky's the limit for him!!! Hope the next city realizes what a

star he is.

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I think everyone is missing the real story. If it were my decision, I'd rewrite the article like this (as a joke, people, this article isn't real):

UAA Hockey Star to Transfer to Hamburger University!

Anchorage, AK -- University of Alaska - Anchorage star Chris Fournier has decided to leave the University to pursue a new academic track: fast food management. Chris Fournier will be transferring to the world famous Hamburger University in Illinois, also known to many as the training facilities attached to the headquarters of McDonalds.

While there, he will learn the art of taste testing various McDonald's food items, crew management, phone etiquette, and free food coupon writing.

"It really was a no brainer," claims Fournier, "I love their food more than I love anything else. You can't even get a decent McNugget here [university of Alaska]."

Since this program does not feature hockey, Fournier won't have to face eligibility issues when he takes the point on the burger-pass relay squad or the creative burger decorating team.

He will transfer in as a junior.


Truth be told, I know relatively little about Fournier, but I too feel bad for Coach Hill. Anyone who has, over the past two seasons, been put through what he has deserves sympathy.

As for Chris, the minute he makes the NHL, I need to have a lottery ticket in my hands, because it will be the day I become a lottery winner. Good luck, fatass, don't forget to ask if they want fries with each order!

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You know, I feel for the situation Coach Hill is trying to turn around up there, but I don't feel terribly badly for him in this situation. He had to know what he was getting in Fournier. He had to know what had transpired in GF before he left the team. I remember right after Fournier committed to UAA Hill said he'd be in the top line (or was it the top 2 lines). So the kid hadn't done a thing and Hill was promising him a prominant spot. I thought that was interesting, considering the commitment issues Fournier had in GF.

I think Hill took a flyer on Fournier and it didn't work out. He knew what he was getting. If he was blind to it, or didn't investigate the situation, then he has no one to blame but himself.

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Oh, I'm sure you could find some other team's Lard butt to make fun of. Do something really mean like duct tape a box of Chicken McNuggets to a fishing poll, and dangle it into the penalty box, or the opposing bench, just out of reach. :p:lol:

We did do that last year.

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You know, I feel for the situation Coach Hill is trying to turn around up there, but I don't feel terribly badly for him in this situation. He had to know what he was getting in Fournier. He had to know what had transpired in GF before he left the team. I remember right after Fournier committed to UAA Hill said he'd be in the top line (or was it the top 2 lines). So the kid hadn't done a thing and Hill was promising him a prominant spot. I thought that was interesting, considering the commitment issues Fournier had in GF.

I think Hill took a flyer on Fournier and it didn't work out. He knew what he was getting. If he was blind to it, or didn't investigate the situation, then he has no one to blame but himself.

Chris Fournier is going to have a tough time in life is he doesn't stop pouting and start working. I thouht good riddance the day he left UND.

I do not feel any empathy for the little whinner. There are too many pre-maddonas in the work place today as it is.

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