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Z. Parise to return to UND?


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There is a thread on DevilsRULE.com that has lists a story from the NY Post about the Devils. The following is the last paragraph of the story. If this is true, can ZPar return to college after signing a pro contract if he never played? I don't want to get ahead of myself here because I am very skeptical by nature. Anybody else heard this?

* In a surprising declaration, GM Lou Lamoriello yesterday told The Post he has decided against using Zach Parise during the playoffs, catastrophic injury lists excepted. Lamoriello indicated Parise is in New Jersey solely to gain a sense of pro life and the Devil way, and will return to the University of North Dakota shortly to ensure his school responsibilities are fulfilled.

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ZP signed; he has no more college hockey eligibility. He could return to complete his sophmore year of classes. Disappointing if he doesn't play in the playoffs, to say the least.

Here's the Post article:


He'll easily be the richest college student at UND, minus the med and law professors probably the richest person. I wonder if he'll stick around this summer and work out with the Sioux players.

I really hope there is an NHL next season, or ZP's decision will not look so great. I don't think the $$ was that important to him, he knew it was coming sooner or later. I'm sure he would rather play for the Sioux next season than the Albany River Rats.

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Surprised he wasn't sent to Albany, rather than back to school (if the Post is accurate). Edit: Just saw Albany did not make the playoffs, so nowhere to go there.

Neither Parise nor Hale is in today's game vs. the Bruins. Looks like Hale is becoming a healthy scratch for the playoffs also.

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Surprised he wasn't sent to Albany, rather than back to school (if the Post is accurate). Edit: Just saw Albany did not make the playoffs, so nowhere to go there.

Neither Parise nor Hale is in today's game vs. the Bruins. Looks like Hale is becoming a healthy scratch for the playoffs also.

Hale had been playing regularly the entire season. I wonder if he has a nagging injury they want to rest him for or the coach is sending a message about a recent bad game(s)? Hopefully he'll dress next week in the playoffs.

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If this story is true, it seems like a big waste. Friday was the last day to drop a class at UND, so Zach would have needed to have known the decision at the risk of getting F's in all of his classes. With him missing time from school, I wonder if he will get special treatment to make up any exams/assignments that he missed while being gone.

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I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.. I he does not play in the playoffs which is what it sounds like and there is a lockout then this really sucks bad from a die hard sioux fans perspective.. seems like its all for nothing except the money of course, nothing wrong with that. seems like a strange way that new jersey went at this if he isn't playing. best to zach in whatever he ends up doing this season... win the hobey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait until oct............

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There is a thread on DevilsRULE.com that has lists a story from the NY Post about the Devils.  The following is the last paragraph of the story.  If this is true, can ZPar return to college after signing a pro contract if he never played?  I don't want to get ahead of myself here because I am very skeptical by nature.  Anybody else heard this?

* In a surprising declaration, GM Lou Lamoriello yesterday told The Post he has decided against using Zach Parise during the playoffs, catastrophic injury lists excepted. Lamoriello indicated Parise is in New Jersey solely to gain a sense of pro life and the Devil way, and will return to the University of North Dakota shortly to ensure his school responsibilities are fulfilled.

This really burns my ass when these kids leave college early to pursue the big bucks and then don't get to play in the NHL, or get a small cup of coffee, Ala Bayda, Lundbohm, I am assuming that Zach signed take the money/signing bonus, once he signs there is now way he can play in college again. Why doesn't Zach just take Rassmussens place in the line up or number 9 he did little today.

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This really burns my ass when these kids leave college early to pursue the big bucks and then don't get to play in the NHL, or get a small cup of coffee, Ala Bayda, Lundbohm, I am assuming that Zach signed take the money/signing bonus, once he signs there is now way he can play in college again.

I can understand why it frustrates FANS when college guys go pro early but put yourself in THEIR SHOES...someone's wagging anywhere from $50,000 to 1 MILLION DOLLARS in your face to go pro for playing a stupid GAME and you're not going to grab it?? Sorry but you'd be a fool to hang around for nothing more than "school pride" --- We were lucky we had Zach for 2 years (remember Landon Wilson??? He didn't have much better of a freshman year than Zach did but bailed early and took his chances - for better or WORSE as it turned out - you never know what can happen and Zach was lucky he never got crippled playing in the "what penalty??" WCHA....I wish him the best of luck and thanks for the memories....and for bringing your brother here!!!

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I guess we can blame this whole deal on the WCHA and its refs, as it appears the Devil's pulled him out of school only to protect their future investment... Zach probably signed with the understanding that he could make the team before the playoffs started, and now if he doesn't make it and if there is no NHL season next year, his decision to leave early now looks as if it was the wrong choice for him to make...

Too bad Dean Blais was right when he warned that all the mugging and abuse Zach was taking would lead to this...

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If this story is true, it seems like a big waste. Friday was the last day to drop a class at UND, so Zach would have needed to have known the decision at the risk of getting F's in all of his classes. With him missing time from school, I wonder if he will get special treatment to make up any exams/assignments that he missed while being gone.

What usually happens in these type of circumstances is the kid takes incompletes in his classes and returns in the summer to finish them up. That is what I know a couple of former players have done.

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What usually happens in these type of circumstances is the kid takes incompletes in his classes and returns in the summer to finish them up. That is what I know a couple of former players have done.

That would have been the best choice, but he only had one week to get that taken care of. He might have expected to be busy this summer and withdrawn from all of his classes. It will be interesting to hear about Zach spottings. :D

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Brad Berry was on the radio this morning. Missed most of the interview, but he picked Duluth over BC, said Sandy is a real class act and the entire coaching staff is chearing them on. Talking about ZP he said Zach had supper at Scott Stevens house the other night. I guess as captain he does this for all the new players. Berry said this is probably for the best, that they take it slow and let him adjust to everything. Sounds like ZP is going to stick with the Devils for the playoffs, Berry said he will likely play if the Devils are playing poorly or have some big injuries. Berry also said ZP wants to finish his degree at UND someday. He also said the coaching staff told ZP he has to bring the Cup to GF if the Devils win.

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I guess we can blame this whole deal on the WCHA and its refs, as it appears the Devil's pulled him out of school only to protect their future investment...

Too bad Dean Blais was right when he warned that all the mugging and abuse Zach was taking would lead to this...

Uh...no offense, but if you think that the WCHA, in any way, shape or form is even remotely close to the clutching, grabbing and mugging that ZP will get in the pros, you haven't been watching the same pro games I'm watching.

If the Debbies really wanted to "protect" ZP they would have told him to stay in college where it's much safer.

MONEY lead to this. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Sounds like ZP is going to stick with the Devils for the playoffs, Berry said he will likely play if the Devils are playing poorly or have some big injuries.

If yesterday's effort by NJ is any indication, they better replace some of the dead weight up front and give ZP a shot in the playoffs.

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If yesterday's effort by NJ is any indication, they better replace some of the dead weight up front and give ZP a shot in the playoffs.

As a Flyers fan, I hope they keep playing like they did yesterday.

Again, I don't mean to offend, and I appreciate Zach's talent, but I think Lou knows that he can't expect a college kid to come in and lead the team in the playoffs regardless of the lack of offensive punch they may have right now.

Besides, the Debbies win w/ defense and perhaps the best playoff goalie ever.

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