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Tech at the Champs

sioux fan in phoenix

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Why would Blais tell Mason he made the wrong call on a goal? Mason would have had a better view of the play than Blais. Blais may think it was the wrong call, but you better be awfully certain you are right before you beg a goal to be taken from you.

Blown calls are part of the game. If you have a call go against you, you can't expect the other team to go to bat for you. If a similar situation happened later in the game, do you think the Tech coach or team would reciprocate? You don't know.

You let the refs make the calls. You complain when you think you got screwed. You know they won't change the call.

I guess we can call it even since MTU dragged down Zach behind the play on the MTU power play and I believe that it could have been a facter in the MTU PP goal.

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From where I was sitting, I saw some rubber twitch the twine.  That's a goal in my book.

We had the WDAZ broadcast on in the press box. They showed the the replay from directly above several times in slow motion. It looked as if the puck hit the crossbar near the corner, deflected slightly downward, hit the post and bounced out. Nobody in the press box thought it was a goal. We were surprised when Mason said it was.

What surprised me most is that they did not immediately drop the puck.
The reason the puck wasn't dropped immediately was because Mason talked to the goal judge and the ARs, which he is allowed to do.

Although it has already been said here earlier, I thought that there is no replay in the regular season.

Video replays are not used during the regular season. If they were, I am confident that the goal would have been waved off.

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The goal definately would have been waved off...from the replay I saw, it got maybe halfway across the line before kicking back out. But, there's no replay in the regular season. Mason had no choice but to call it a goal. I definately think there should be replay though (in the regular season). Make sure that correct calls are made in situations like that.

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Thanks for the clarifications and information on this one PCM.

You are a veritable font of information and knowledge.

Due, at least in part, to your advancing years?

I think that it'd be tough to do regular season replay. I don't think

that all arenas are as well equiped as The Ralph, or that all teams

are as widely televised. It'd make for too much of an uneven playing field.

Besides. Human error. I love human error. Makes me feel

less lonely.

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Due, at least in part, to your advancing years?

When you have one foot in the grave, you see everything with much greater clarity. ???:lol:

I think that it'd be tough to do regular season replay.  I don't think that all arenas are as well equiped as The Ralph, or that all teams are as widely televised.
Interestingly enough, Blais said on the radio this morning that the WCHA would have video review next season. The league will buy the equipment to do it.

I love human error.  Makes me feel less lonely.

Can't disagree with that. :)

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Mason had no choice but to call it a goal.

Not true. If either of the ARs or the goal judge had said that they had a good look at it and they didn't think the puck went in, Mason could have waved it off.

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Blais said this morning on Tim and Swyg's show that even if the puck didn't go in, the Sioux hadn't caught a break like that all year and they had several apparent goals waved off during the course of the season, therefore it kind of evens it out a little.

Having possible good goals waived off at MN and WI, and having a bad goal allowed vs Tech at home... not even close to evening up, but what can you do. The MN goal was probably the right call, didn't see the WI goal, and the Tech goal was 100% the wrong call so maybe it did even it out a little.

Not sure how much credit I'd give to the goal judges, the guy on the away end doesn't understand what a shot on goal is. He counts a shot every time the goalie touches the puck. Fri's game was one of his worse. He gave Tech 2X as many shots as they should have in the 2nd period.

Great 15 min delays while they figure out the evidence is inconclusive next season. ???

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The goal judges don't count the shots on goal. That's done up in the press box.

That makes no sense, it's hard to tell from a side angle if it was on net. My apologies to the goal judge. The guy in the press box counting shots doesn't understand what a SOG is, but he has an excuse. ???

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The guy in the press box counting shots doesn't understand what a SOG is, but he has an excuse. ???

Lots of people don't understand what constitutes a shot on goal.

Nobody from the media counts shots on goal. The stats crew provided by UND does that.

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Bill Mason had a tough Saturday night on UND's second goal.

However, Bill Mason had a tough Friday night in letting MTU pick Matt Jones at the blueline to let Engelhardt in free for a shot and MTU's lone goal (ruining Brandt's shutout).

I'd say the bad goals were even on the weekend.

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Not true. If either of the ARs or the goal judge had said that they had a good look at it and they didn't think the puck went in, Mason could have waved it off.

That's what I meant. Since the neither the AR's or the goal judge saw it well enough to overturn the call. Mason had no choice, as he isn't allowed to review it this year in the regular season....that's at least what I tried to say (albeit not very well). ???

I thought the Friday game was well called by Mason, as well as a pretty clean game played by both teams. Saturday, though, was getting pretty chippy.

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I thought the Friday game was well called by Mason, as well as a pretty clean game played by both teams.  Saturday, though, was getting pretty chippy.

Thought so too, but had to remind myself that Mason generally calls little, and in a cleanly played game, which it appeared to be, that comes out good. Adam may have called half a game's worth.

Surprised that MTU didn't employ UAA tactics, and wrap and ride Sioux all around the arena. Mason certainly let all that go then, would be worth the chance, I would think, when you are totally outclassed.

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However, Bill Mason had a tough Friday night in letting MTU pick Matt Jones at the blueline to let Engelhardt in free for a shot and MTU's lone goal (ruining Brandt's shutout).

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that saw that. The phantom call on Prpich when he was getting hit from behind was the other mistake of the night. Otherwise, a pretty good game. Saturday could have ended up with a lot of fights with Mason's poor officiating. ???

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