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Student Section Tickets Available?


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A better answer is that there are occasionally student tickets left over. If there are, they're usually released the Thursday before that weekend's games. This has been going on for years. I'm not sure what has changed since the early days of the new Ralph (when they were all season ticket packages, and required ID.)

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The failure of the new ticket policy, opponents that are uninteresting, too much of a social scene, I could go on and on here. The student section has been slowing getting quieter and quieter as the years go on. It was rocking my freshman and sophomore years. Upper doesn't even fill up anymore and last Saturday over half of upper was sitting (when we were winning 3-1!)

Of course it doesn't help when the team is hovering around .500 either

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Having to pay ticket-bastard fees to transfer tickets. Students can't just give their tickets away if they can't make it. Not allowing lower bowl to stand.(Move em to the ends.) Hockey is a game you have to WATCH,cell phones are a constant distraction. I do think sports spectatorship will continue to decline in the future because the younger generations attention span wil soon be measured in nano-seconds. Oh yeah,and GET OFF MY LAWN! :sneaky:

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Having to pay ticket-bastard fees to transfer tickets. Students can't just give their tickets away if they can't make it. Not allowing lower bowl to stand.(Move em to the ends.) Hockey is a game you have to WATCH,cell phones are a constant distraction. I do think sports spectatorship will continue to decline in the future because the younger generations attention span wil soon be measured in nano-seconds. Oh yeah,and GET OFF MY LAWN! :sneaky:

Been saying this for 5 years. Would rather chirp at a goalie for 40 minutes than a player in the box for 2 (and have less of a chance of another BU incident from happening)

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Ends would be double truble

U would have suite guys

And bar seat people

First part: Im about 6 foot and have stood on the end and my head comes up to the middle of the glass, well out of the eyesight of the suites. It isn't any different from when we stand after ever goal, fight, last minute, etc.

Second part: valid point, but if the REA put their minds to it they can make it work.

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And this is the start of the downward spiral

Gf loves winners. Und hockey is not winning enough

Look at fotball

They had packed the student sections and had to pay soem days to go....now its a disgrace.

I hardly doubt it...

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