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DB on PA & Dubay


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I'm not sure if I caught all of the interview, from what I heard:

DB talked about missing the three players for the WJC - he made a point to say what a big deal winning this tourny means. He also said ZP said winning the gold at the WJ is a bigger deal than winning the NCAA.

DB was asked about ZP leaving - he talked about how he enjoys having his brother and friends on the team. Then he mentioned how Senja was the WCHA's best player last year and cannot crack the lineup at St. Louis.

DB also said there may not be an NHL next year, then went on to say the players are crybabies and the owners are whiners. He noted the NHL cannot pay what MLB, NBA, and NFL play because it is not as big a draw.

About this weekends game, DB joked that their strategy is to take zero penalties with Minny's 30% PP. He noted the games should be a lot of skating, and UND holds the conditioning advantage - they scored half their goals in the 3rd this yr.

PA or Dubay (I can't tell which is which) thanked DB for being on the show. He said "We really respect what you do up there, you are a class act" He complimented DB a few more times.

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I heard both the Lucia and Blais interviews on the show this morning. To me it sounded like Lucia was almost nervous and Blais seemed pretty relaxed. You could really tell that Lucia wasn't that thrilled to be on the show. Blais was crackin' jokes with P.A. & Dubay and having a good time.

Players in any sport take the attitude that their coach has. If Lucia doesn't loosen up in the next couple hours it could be deja vu. I don't think the Gophers know what the Sioux are bringing to the rink tonight. Everybody saying what close games these are going to be. I don't think the Gophers have anybody to stop the Parise, Bochenski, and Murray line. All I have to say is the Mariucci staff better replace the red light bulbs because they are going to be on all night.

Go Sioux!

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All I have to say is the Mariucci staff better replace the red light bulbs because they are going to be on all night.

If the Herald is correct that Blais wants a defensive game, that might not be true. Is Lucia every relaxed and joking around? (serious question) I refer back to Woog and how he would at least be able to joke around and can take jokes.

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I heard both the Lucia and Blais interviews on the show this morning. To me it sounded like Lucia was almost nervous and Blais seemed pretty relaxed. You could really tell that Lucia wasn't that thrilled to be on the show. Blais was crackin' jokes with P.A. & Dubay and having a good time.

Players in any sport take the attitude that their coach has. If Lucia doesn't loosen up in the next couple hours it could be deja vu. I don't think the Gophers know what the Sioux are bringing to the rink tonight. Everybody saying what close games these are going to be. I don't think the Gophers have anybody to stop the Parise, Bochenski, and Murray line. All I have to say is the Mariucci staff better replace the red light bulbs because they are going to be on all night.

Marty, do you try out your material here before you copy and paste it on PrideonIce?

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I was at the Blue Line Luncheon. See biased report on another thread.

Lucia did seem tight. Talked of mundane things that people already know. Cliches.

Dean spoke of things most important in life.

Coaches do mirror their teams. Today, from my novice read, Lucia looked tight, Blais loose.

Lucia can be an entertaining and an engaging speaker.

He has alot more to lose this series than does Dean, IMHO.

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It's Lucia first big game as a collegiate head coach....of course he's tight. He's never experienced pressure like this before. Those first 399 wins, three straight WCHA titles in the mid-90s and back-to-back national titles were a piece of cake.

I think they fold and Lucia's out of a job by Sunday morning.

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This isn't anymore important than the Wisconsin series next week or the trip to Duluth in a couple of weeks or closing out the regular season vs. St. Cloud State.

Why play this series up as the be-all-end-all when it isn't. I think UND gets a tie or a win tonight and who knows how the teams react on Saturday. That said....it'd be foolish for a Gopher coach or player to add to the hype already surrounding this series. (Plus it's kinda funny to watch everyone here react to them downplaying it...how dare they!!)

I'm sorry the Gopher coaches and fans aren't hyperventilating over this series like their UND counterparts.

Edit - and what's with PA and Dubay saying Blais is a class act....I thought they only belittled the opposing team's program and fans?

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This isn't anymore important than the Wisconsin series next week or the trip to Duluth in a couple of weeks or closing out the regular season vs. St. Cloud State.

Why play this series up as the be-all-end-all when it isn't. I think UND gets a tie or a win tonight and who knows how the teams react on Saturday. That said....it'd be foolish for a Gopher coach or player to add to the hype already surrounding this series. (Plus it's kinda funny to watch everyone here react to them downplaying it...how dare they!!)

I'm sorry the Gopher coaches and fans aren't hyperventilating over this series like their UND counterparts.

hey TC....

DO you have any room left in your "cool" bus? I think I aspire to be cool like you some day. You always look on the bright side of things :D

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This isn't anymore important than the Wisconsin series next week or the trip to Duluth in a couple of weeks or closing out the regular season vs. St. Cloud State.

Why play this series up as the be-all-end-all when it isn't. I think UND gets a tie or a win tonight and who knows how the teams react on Saturday. That said....it'd be foolish for a Gopher coach or player to add to the hype already surrounding this series. (Plus it's kinda funny to watch everyone here react to them downplaying it...how dare they!!)

I'm sorry the Gopher coaches and fans aren't hyperventilating over this series like their UND counterparts.

Edit - and what's with PA and Dubay saying Blais is a class act....I thought they only belittled the opposing team's program and fans?

Really now - who gives a rats a$$ what PA and Dugay say anyway....Probably a coupla geeks that were picked on as kids...now they have a radio show and they can mouth off a little and rattle a few people.

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Who cares what PA and Dubay have to say? Sioux fans start threads about them on a near weekly basis. Even Blais said he enjoys listening to them.

And by the way, first you want me to sit next to you in your section, then you want to know my "demographics" and now you want to share a bus with me. I'm sorry..but like I said I'm happily married....please stop obsessing.

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In Lucia's defense, every interview I've ever seen/heard with him, he's usually very reserved and measured in his statements, much like on the bench. Anybody who thinks he's nervous or feels his team is unprepared for this series hasn't been paying attention. :D

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Who cares what PA and Dubay have to say? Sioux fans start threads about them on a near weekly basis. Even Blais said he enjoys listening to them.

And by the way, first you want me to sit next to you in your section, then you want to know my "demographics" and now you want to share a bus with me. I'm sorry..but like I said I'm happily married....please stop obsessing.

You can have your Gay and Pa or whatever you call them. I only listen to Stern.

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PA and Dubay were really bringing up the Potulny comments from yesterday on how this is just another series. Lucia expanded saying that they broke the season down into four game segments, with this segment of UND and UW being the biggest. However, it seemed like he was downplaying this weekend and looking towards next, because he said that they can't catch UND but can catch UW and so next weekend was a bigger deal. Is Lucia losing it? I can see his thinking, but if they are looking towards UW, they will struggle this weekend. IF they get swept this weekend, they will have to sweep UW. I think I'd concentrate on one series at a time.

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I think Lucia is just bringing a different perspective to the game. Blais has already said he wants the WCHA title, and then move on to the NC$$ tourney. Lucia seems to focus more on the Title, and everything else in the conference is gravy. After Minnie's tough start, there was a comment by Lucia about doing well enough down the stretch to get into the NC$$ tourney and fighting it out there.

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PA and Dubay also talked about someone emailing them from GF (and supposedly they confirmed it) saying that Bochenski said something about the Gophers sucking and dropped an S bomb. Is this a hoax, or did Bo actually say some bulletin board material on the news?

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