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If that is the case, what would stop that UND PR person from inventing reasons not to allow them in?

It shouldn't be too difficult to write up some sign guidelines based on common sense. Offhand, I'd say any signs PG-13 and below are fine. Anything rated R and above is not.

Forget it.  I say we keep trying and if they confiscate it, then we just bring a big black marker into the arena and stop doing 2 sided signs.  Then we can just write the sign on the back.

Do that, and the first time an obscene sign gets flashed on TV, I'd almost guarantee you that all signs will be banned. Is that what you want?

Also, you seem to forget that other people besides those who post here can make signs and bring them into the arena. All it takes is one person doing something dumb to ruin it for everyone else.

If you want this to become an ongoing tradition, working in the spirit of cooperation is the best approach.

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I forget, are you on UND's or REA's payroll?

UND's. But I have nothing to do with this particular issue. I'm just offering advice based on years of experience. :silly:


I feel I have a stake in this discussion since I have been the chief sign-maker for the student section (no, not the only sign-maker since there were plenty of signs from different sources at the Minnesota series) for the last three weeks. Now, everyone get out their tiny violins while I say that each week I have spent at least 16 hours printing and pasting up the signs. Right, big deal, because I have nothing better to do. Anyway, I believe that the signs are a good addition to the Ralph and I would love to see them become our "signature." That's why I've been willing to devote so much time and energy to making this happen. And, yes, I am still willing.

What we need to decide is whether it's worth the perceived hassle and whether or not we can design signs that will pass the REA sniff test. I was young once, too, and I know that part of the thrill of youth is tweaking authority and trying to put something past the "establishment," as we called them in the 60s. The students who have held up the signs want ones that are funny and edgy and not safe. The powers that be at the Ralph don't want to hear complaints from the good citizens that the students' signs are out of hand.

While I appreciate PCM's cries for cooperation and concilation, I don't know how to apply his PG-13/R-rated test. None of our signs had the "F-word" and as long as I'm pasting them together, they never will. Thus, none of them were rated "R." Yet, some of them made use of good ol' double entendres and perhaps that's what some fans took issue with. We defintely could use some guidelines but the question is what should they be? Is "Mom got 5 years" for hooking beyond the pale? Is "Couldn't carry Zach's jock (or fill it)"? Or "Fix the Huskies"? Remember, only the last of these three was actually confiscated and then only on the second night. And, BTW, I don't think the fact that the signs are two-sided is any kind of problem. It's no big deal to pull a disapproved message off one side. They are pasted up with rubber cement and the paper pulls right off without tearing the posterboard.

What do you guys want to do? Continue with the kind of signs we've been making and if security confiscates them, who cares? Forget about it all together because we refused to be censored? Or, actually approach REA about guidelines?


Well, my vote doesn't count because I'm not there to hold them nor put them together.

But if I had a vote it would be to continue to make signs. PCM makes very valid arguments. Personally, I could understand why the 5 for Hooking sign would get pulled but can't for the life of me understand the Fix the Huskies one. I mean, that is a procedure done routinely on your household pets that is commonly talked about at the dinner table for goodness sake........

I would still make THAT sign. But just watching a bit more closely to the others. Either that, or make the signs, but not complain when 5 or 10% of them get pulled on the way in. You still have the rest....

The thing is, once you know the situation, you adjust to it and accept it.

I think the signs are great because there are a lot of clever ideas put into them.

Just my thoughts from 5 hours away.


I haven't had the priviledge of seeing the signs except for the picture in the Herald. The Herald wouldn't print a "bad" sign, unless they could get the nickname removed. Same with the cameramen at the game. Even if they are filming a bad sign, the producer wouldn't let it on the air. And sure one could pop up on air by accident, but this happens everywhere. They aired a guy picking his nose last year!

I do believe they need to be screened and by THE SAME PERSON.

One other thing to think of: Holding up signs blocks peoples' views. It sounds like most are smaller and are placed against the glass, but be careful who you hand them out to to hold up during the game. It could only take one fan to complain and wreck this fun we are having.

Try looking at the sign issue from this perspective. The games at the REA are televised throughout the region. Let's say that you're watching the game at home with your kids and suddenly the camera fixes on a profanity laced sign with picture on it of questionable taste.

It would make the REA look bad, UND look bad, Grand Forks look bad and North Dakota look bad. Therefore, I can understand the need to screen the signs. But I do think it should be done in a more organized manner.

Almost any major arena or stadium has a policy of screening signs or banners. This is not unique to the REA. At an NFL game, a banner will be removed by stadium officials if it does not meet certain standards.

BTW, the signs are awesome!! And this thread has been worth more than a few laughs! :silly:


YaneA, I hope you don't think I was being critical of your efforts because I'm not. I think what you're doing is great and I want to see it continue. Everyone involved is to be commended for coming up with funny and original signs. And believe me, the media in the press box do notice them.

As for designing signs "that will pass the REA sniff test," it's hard to pass the test when you don't know the questions. That's why I think some standards should be written and one person should be in charge of approving the signs. That will bring some consistency to the process.

The PG-13 and R rating comment was just thrown out as an example of an existing set of standards. I don't think it would be that difficult to draft a fairly simple set of guidelines that would let sign-makers know what will be tolerated and what won't.

My concern isn't that you and others here who participate in the procees of developing signs are going to produce something offensive, but that others will decide to push the envelope of good taste and ruin it for you.

I would suggest contacting the REA staff to find out about their concerns and those of UND. Tell them you'd like some guidelines on what's acceptable and what's not. It would also be helpful to have one person familiar with the guidelines approve the signs.

That's just my two cents, which by the way, does not represent official UND policy. I am speaking for myself only.


I think whoever started this little junior high project of making "silly" signs is really the manager of an OfficeMax in Grand Forks trying to boost his cardboard and marker sales to you rubes. Funny stuff. :glare::p:D:p

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