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INCH's WCHA notebook disses Grand Forks


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Maripukey holds around 10,000. The pop of the cities is well over a million. That means they need less than 1% of their population to show up. Even if the T-wolves, Wild, and Vikings were all playing, that would be around 100,000 available seats. That is still only 10% of the population.

I've been to Maripukey plenty of times. They plunk down big bucks to not show up to games. They arrive towards they end of the first and leave at the beginning of the third.

The Gophers only valid excuse for not selling out is the parking.

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The Gophers only valid excuse for not selling out is the parking.

The Gophers sell out every game. It is getting everyone to show up consistantly that is the problem. It is to the point where they sell extra "rush" tickets where you can sit in any open seat after the 10 minute mark of the 1st.

The same stuff will eventually happen, if it is not already happening at the Ralph.

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As far as scheduling the Aerosmith concert during a Sioux/Gopher game, I already know of at least one guy, let's call him "Friend" :D who is planning on going to the Aerosmith concert on Saturday night instead of the Gophers. This is about how the conversation went:

Friend - "It's Aerosmith!!"


But at least I can count on him to sell his Saturday ticket to someone else.

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The Gophers sell out every game. It is getting everyone to show up consistantly that is the problem. It is to the point where they sell extra "rush" tickets where you can sit in any open seat after the 10 minute mark of the 1st.

The same stuff will eventually happen, if it is not already happening at the Ralph.

You are right that they are sold out. And yes, the ralph does have the same problem.

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Once again, we are softening your next opponent up for you (just like we did to BC)!! :) How about a little love??

With Ballard out & the Gopher defense questionable, you'd think the Dogs would try a heavy forecheck style tonight to see how they respond. Coaches try to exploit the other team's weakness & this is the only weakness that the Gophers have right now. Kinda like a lion going after the weakest member of the waterbuffalo herd...

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As everyone knows, there's nothing to do in Grand Forks except go to Sioux hockey games.

When I was growing up there, that would have probably been a true statement. Sioux hockey & the South Forks Plaza were about the only attractions 30 years ago. That downtown street area that they converted into a little enclosed mini-mall was also a big deal--right across the street from the Plain Brown Wrapper :)

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Hey, have you sold you Gopher tickets yet if you're not going to be there? If not, I'd like to buy them from you since they're right by me.

Yeah, I already sold them to a friend. Not quite the yeller that I am, but he's not the late comer that sits next to me. I didn't sell them for very much, though. I'm far too nice. :)

$12 for the series. I should only be that lucky

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Don't mention it.

Is there any plans to migrate SE to Minneapolis for the MN home series vs UND yet? Though I doubt I could get tickets, it would be nice to go down there.

I was thinking about heading to that also, I have some friends down at UofM. I think tickets will be difficult to find though. I might just settle for duluth in Feb.

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I don't think it would be too difficult getting tickets for the Duluth Series, I went with a bunch of friend 2 years ago and it was a blast.

I was also there two years ago and it was very fun. We even stayed at a hotel that had two hours of free drinks. although we had to leave early for the games. :)

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For anyone who hasn't read this, take a look at this link. The guy gives a bench minor penalty to the people of Greater Grand Forks for not filling the Ralph against BC.

His last line is almost comical. I guess he doesn't understand the Sioux/Bison game.

On a similar, yet unrelated note: I think a much more serious bench penalty should be given to the students of ASU and the citizens of Phoenix, Az. Why? Because the SD vs Miami NFL game was FREE FREE FREE!!! And there was STILL empty seats!

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Really? I heard almost 75,000 people showed up. They were asked to give a donation to the fire victims since they got in for free. They raised a whopping $200,000. That's less than $3 a head. THAT deserves a bench minor.

My cousin was working at the stadium and said all Chargers personnel had to be there. The head ticket guy had just lost his home in San Diego to the fire, but had to be at work.

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That is sad, but you missed my point. The Bench minor was given to us because we couldn't fill a 11,500+ arena for BC series. Yeah, 75K showed up for the game but /there were still empty seats/. I feel it is more understandable to have empty seats in an arena when you have to pay for tickets on a weekend series that you may have other events going on. If it is free and ON CAMPUS... Ask yourself: Aside from being at work or having to be with family: IS THERE ANY REASON WHY YOU CANNOT GO TO THE GAME?:) Have to study? Bring your books. How sad.

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apologies. I wasn't dismissing your claim of empty seats. I heard on the radio that 75k were there. They were making it sound like a sellout. If they didn't fill the stadium for a free game, then they should get a 5 minute major.

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apologies. I wasn't dismissing your claim of empty seats. I heard on the radio that 75k were there. They were making it sound like a sellout. If they didn't fill the stadium for a free game, then they should get a 5 minute major.

Even Al Michaels came down on Phoenix for not filling the stadium. You know it is bad when Al uses up one of the few times he can talk over Jim "Blabbergut" Madden to scold Phoenix.

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