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Here's a WDAY story on the Best Buy thefts that allegedly one Bison player was directly involved in and numerous Bison players were recipients of hot merchandise.

$100,000 in Best Buy Thefts

Published March 26 2010

Alleged Best Buy thefts could total $100,000

FARGO, N.D. (AP) - Police say they suspect nearly a dozen people might have been involved in an alleged inside-job theft ring at Best Buy in Fargo.

Authorities say an estimated $100,000 in merchandise was taken from the store between September and February. About half of it has been recovered.

A 19-year-old Fargo man who was a security guard at the store faces felony theft charges. Court documents say he allegedly recruited others to help push carts full of electronics out of the store without paying.

Adetimisola Ogundipe also is accused of personally taking video-game systems and computers valued at more than $5,000. His bail is set at $25,000.

A woman who answered the telephone at his attorney's office declined comment on Friday.

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Rumors about this have been flying for weeks on Facebook and Twitter. It's not all smoke - there is fire.

What's interesting is that there is no outrage from bison fans.

Yeah because we all know that Facebook and Twitter are the first place everyone goes for "a reliable source" god you people have no idea how pathetic you make yourself look. Make up !@#$ and embellish a news story with things that are not in the story. Cite sources that either remain a secret which we all know must be honest and reliable or use facebook and twitter as a "reliable source" Allege that the Fargo police are corrupt and run a good ol boys network with NDSU. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. You guys posting this crap really enjoy your internet and keyboard anonymity along with your sources. But keep posting it sure makes you guys look good (Not).

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NDSU Student ≠ NDSU Student-Athlete

You are setting yourself up for disappointment. I have first hand knowledge there are players involved in this. I won't divulge names because they may not be charged at BB's discretion, and for their sake I hope they just apologize, admit their foolishness, and return the stuff. However, that does not mean that you won't see a handful more players disciplined for 'violating team rules". Believe or don't believe it, that's up to you, but be careful how forcefully you argue against athlete involvement. I'd advise against placing any monetary wagers on this as well.

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You are setting yourself up for disappointment. I have first hand knowledge there are players involved in this. I won't divulge names because they may not be charged at BB's discretion, and for their sake I hope they just apologize, admit their foolishness, and return the stuff. However, that does not mean that you won't see a handful more players disciplined for 'violating team rules". Believe or don't believe it, that's up to you, but be careful how forcefully you argue against athlete involvement. I'd advise against placing any monetary wagers on this as well.

If I had a dollar for every person who claimed to "have the inside scoop" or "I have first hand knowledge" and ended up being wrong on any given topic I'd be a rich man. If you are so sure of all this information why don't you cite your source? That's what I thought.

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If I had a dollar for every person who claimed to "have the inside scoop" or "I have first hand knowledge" and ended up being wrong on any given topic I'd be a rich man. If you are so sure of all this information why don't you cite your source? That's what I thought.

You'd also be much wealthier than you are now if you were given a dollar for every Bison football player that's been in legal trouble.

You're gonna get wealthy soon!

But truthfully, I can understand why you must be shaking in your boots over the status of your beloved program. Talk about a disastrous public relations - this would take the cake. You can't blame Hanson or UND for this one. The buck stops with Bohl.

Supposedly Chapman had put Bohl on warning and this comes up! Imagine, if the allegations prove true, this was occuring during the last 3-8 season. No wonder they weren't into the game - they were thinking about their hot Play Stations. But don't worry, a lameduck Hanson can't do anything to Bohl even if the worst comes out in public.

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A source told me that was Best Buy's call. They wouldn't press charges if the items were just returned.

Being guilty and proving guilt are two totally different things. I am wondering if the DA isn't breathing a sigh of relief for not having to develop evidence against every single person involved and then go to court. I think proving knowingly receiving stolen property might be a little more difficult. That is assuming that the statements about a number of players being involved is true, of course. I do not have any first hand knowledge of anything here and I did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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Just saw that SDSU posters have been posting about this for a week.

SDSU board posting on NDSU football players and Best Buy

Why don't you take the same message to your "rivals"? :lol:

They already have been taken to task and if you can read there are only a couple posters over there who were taking liberty with the so called "facts" unlike here where the likes of you and many others deem a source like this to be reliable.

he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
That's about the quality of most crap you post. Only difference is at least Ferris Buehler was a funny movie unlike the crap you post which is just obnoxious.
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They already have been taken to task and if you can read there are only a couple posters over there who were taking liberty with the so called "facts" unlike here where the likes of you and many others deem a source like this to be reliable. That's about the quality of most crap you post. Only difference is at least Ferris Buehler was a funny movie unlike the crap you post which is just obnoxious.

So WDAY lied about the $100,000 of merchandise stolen from Best Buy?

Suspensions really aren't ongoing with the football team?

The Police never visited Bison football spring practice?

All of those are lies in your eyes?

Unbelievable. With that type denial, no wonder NDSU is collapsing. It has no moral foundation with alumni like you.

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We had to remove a few posts, please remember to avoid posting defaming rumors.

I hope it wasn't under pressure from the mod at bisonsports.net that you did this. Seems he made a post on there demanding such a thing.

The way this board is run, Jim, is top-notch. You don't have to cow-tow to anyone when it comes to board moderation. Since someone seems to observe your practices in such a way, it must be that they are aspiring to run their board in a similar manner. Or maybe not.

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If I had a dollar for every person who claimed to "have the inside scoop" or "I have first hand knowledge" and ended up being wrong on any given topic I'd be a rich man. If you are so sure of all this information why don't you cite your source? That's what I thought.

I'm not even naming the players implicated, let alone naming my source. I have too much respect for those players that are innocent of this garbage (hint hint) to broadcast what they've told in this public forum. Just understand the program is at a point where the players that are going about their business with integrity are no longer protecting those that are not. Not anymore.

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So WDAY lied about the $100,000 of merchandise stolen from Best Buy?

Suspensions really aren't ongoing with the football team?

The Police never visited Bison football spring practice?

All of those are lies in your eyes?

Unbelievable. With that type denial, no wonder NDSU is collapsing. It has no moral foundation with alumni like you.

1. I never said WDAY lied about the 100k theft.

2. I read the story again from the WDAY page. Nowhere in that story did it say anything about Police visiting Bison Spring Football practice. If you have a source for this I'd like to see it. I used www.wday.com and went so far as to do a page capture of the entire story. The only thing you have correct is the 100k number and that's it.

3. With your reading comprehension or lack of it doesn't surprise me you take liberties with the truth. Oh and if you want I can forward to you a copy of the story but I'm sure you wouldn't like that as it doesn't fit with "your version" of the "facts". Lastly you of all people shouldn't be casting aspersions on the "moral foundations" of anyone. You obviously lack more than just credibility.

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With all this swirling about his team, why doesn't Coach Bohl come out and put the story to bed one way or the other so his team can focus on practice?

Coach Bohl, ... where are you?

I got a feeling he has lost all control on his team and if they have a repeat 3 win season I can see him leaving.

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With all this swirling about his team, why doesn't Coach Bohl come out and put the story to bed one way or the other so his team can focus on practice?

Coach Bohl, ... where are you?

He obviously can't say anything until whatever legalities need to take place have taken place. You know you are still innocent in this country until proven guilty. Of course that wouldn't make it any fun for message board fodder for people like star2city would it? I thought they taught law up at UND but apparently not. Oh and I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the links to the media coverage of the story that back up some of the slanderous liable comments that have been flying fast and furious on this site. So far no one has offered except for "my sources told me" or " I know someone who's in the know" or my favorite "facebook" and "twitter" as sources. Cue the jeapordy music while I wait for the links to the news media reports to back up your great sources.

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I got a feeling he has lost all control on his team and if they have a repeat 3 win season I can see him leaving.

I can see that happening but not because of the allegations being made in this thread. He's on the hot seat because of the W-L record from the last year.

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