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The Rocky Mountain News hired a local Grand Forks writer for the story, electing not to send beat writer Pat Rooney, as the paper is likey to fold in a matter of weeks.

I would guess that the article's author was very likely your very own Patrick C. Miller. :glare:

Patrick C. Miller wrote the Friday Rocky Mountain News story (his name was on it), but he did not write for Rocky Mountain News on Saturday.

Virg Foss wrote the Saturday Denver Post story.

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gwoz is gwoz, hes a dasher dancing little coach. funny as hell when he does that stuff because its always against the sioux. i like that be backs his players and lets his players try to defend themselves unlike other coaches out there. his antics get old even though they are funny but he does make himself look like a idiot. he has back to back NCAA titles in his back pocket and that will trump many things you can do out of stupidity and also save you from a couple down seasons in the long run. he can recruit and can coach but he also can make himself look like a moron :glare:

gwoz is gwoz, hes a dasher dancing little coach. funny as hell when he does that stuff because its always against the sioux. i like that be backs his players and lets his players try to defend themselves unlike other coaches out there. his antics get old even though they are funny but he does make himself look like a idiot. he has back to back NCAA titles in his back pocket and that will trump many things you can do out of stupidity and also save you from a couple down seasons in the long run. he can recruit and can coach but he also can make himself look like a moron :love:

Fox College Sports cut out the Gwoz walk on their Saturday replay (airing now) "due to time constraints." :glare:

Right, but I don't think it's fair to count that 4th penalty because it's the one Gwoz got for protesting the officiating to that point. If we're going to count the 4th, let's count the missing "delay of game" penalty that SHOULD have been called! :silly:

I may be wrong but didn't UND get a power play on the bench minor?

I may be wrong but didn't UND get a power play on the bench minor?

Yes, which was called before the spaz went on the ice. He was also thrown out before he went on the ice.

Or in other words, there was NO sanction by the on ice officials for this behavior that was apparently unprecedented.

Fox College Sports cut out the Gwoz walk on their Saturday replay (airing now) "due to time constraints." :silly:

actually thats legit. ive watched many of those before and they do cut stuff out if its not scoring :D

I may be wrong but didn't UND get a power play on the bench minor?

yes but then the midget went on the ice :D i wish he would have taken a seat in the box..then maybe we could have gotten a delay of game penalty on top of the other :silly:

Yes, which was called before the spaz went on the ice. He was also thrown out before he went on the ice.

Or in other words, there was NO sanction by the on ice officials for this behavior that was apparently unprecedented.

Thanks for confirming the DU bench penalty. My original post on this topic pointed out that UND had four straight power plays earlier in the game before DU had their five straight power plays.

Thanks for confirming the DU bench penalty. My original post on this topic pointed out that UND had four straight power plays earlier in the game before DU had their five straight power plays.

funny how that worked out didnt it :D thats the beauty of wcha officials :silly: and that we can all agree upon

Thanks for confirming the DU bench penalty. My original post on this topic pointed out that UND had four straight power plays earlier in the game before DU had their five straight power plays.

Box score:

I have to admit I was a bit confused during the game. They announced a bench minor and bench misconduct, then clarified it to a game misconduct. I was a bit slow on the upchuck to realize that the spaz had gotten kicked out.

Denver University should fire Gwozdesky.

He fails to control his team. In fact, he promotes undiciplined behavior. Think about last year when he pushed his players toward ours, again on the ice, in some sort of a sick make them fight bad soccer parent behavior.

Then this year.

The aritcle in the Denver has Cody Brookwell quoted as saying 'We talked about it' and "There is a time and place (to fight), and there are guys on this team willing to go with a guy. That's part of the game, and sometimes it needs to be dealt with."

You could see in the Firday game that DU was Jacked-up after getting thier arrrsses kicked in a fair way and they got very cheap in repsonse. Please note, I have no problem with a team standing up for themselves. Heck the Sioux have to do that often, but we don't do it in a cheap way.

Pioneers were pulling our players down by grabbing thier facemask from behind during play and didn't get calledh (how I have no idea), coming up behind our players and slamming repeaded cross checks in their backs during puck battles on the boards and constantly trying to break things down to a fight.

I had the feeling all of this was promoted by Gwoz.

...not to mention that he is the most histrionic coach I have ever seen.

He should go. IMHO

You should take a look at it from the 35,000 foot view. The Sioux aren't choirboys, nor are the Pioneers. These were two very good hockey teams battling it out in a jacked-up, WCHA playoff type atmosphere. The Sioux beat the crap out of DU last year in Grand Forks, and if you were a Pioneer this last weekend, you'd probably have wanted another chance to show UND than you won't be pushed around, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that DU got a little chippy when they got behind that far on Friday, especially with al the chirping than goes on down on the ice from both teams. I'm sure had DU gone up 8-3 on the Sioux, that we'd see similar chippines from the green and white. That's part of hockey. Having watched as much college hockey as I have over the last 30 years (like some of the old time Sioux fans on this board) is that the stuff we're seeing nowadays with little scrums and 'dasher dances' is total kindergarten in comparison to the days when Archie, Cary, Dacshysn and Co took on the Entire Badger Beer Garden...:silly:

And since Gwoz has won two national titles, so no one in Denver really minds the dasher dance too much. :D

Funny thing is, Gwoz only does the dasher dance vs UND.

He's never done it vs. any other team that I am aware of.... :silly:

Lets see UND and DU, Todd Anderson; only times Gwoz has done the dasher dance. There is something there...

Funny thing is, Gwoz only does the dasher dance vs UND.

He's never done it vs. any other team that I am aware of.... :silly:

The Gwoz Dasher Dance doesn't bother me at all, i find it amusing. Actually, I was hoping that we'd see it this weekend and I wasn't disappointed a bit. :D

The Gwoz Dasher Dance doesn't bother me at all, i find it amusing. Actually, I was hoping that we'd see it this weekend and I wasn't disappointed a bit. :silly:

It would be embarrassing if he fell flat on his nose. :D

The Gwoz Dasher Dance doesn't bother me at all, i find it amusing. Actually, I was hoping that we'd see it this weekend and I wasn't disappointed a bit. :silly:

At least we give Sioux fans their money's worth. :D

Denver University should fire Gwozdesky.

He fails to control his team. In fact, he promotes undiciplined behavior. Think about last year when he pushed his players toward ours, again on the ice, in some sort of a sick make them fight bad soccer parent behavior.

Then this year.

The aritcle in the Denver has Cody Brookwell quoted as saying 'We talked about it' and "There is a time and place (to fight), and there are guys on this team willing to go with a guy. That's part of the game, and sometimes it needs to be dealt with."

You could see in the Firday game that DU was Jacked-up after getting thier arrrsses kicked in a fair way and they got very cheap in repsonse. Please note, I have no problem with a team standing up for themselves. Heck the Sioux have to do that often, but we don't do it in a cheap way.

Pioneers were pulling our players down by grabbing thier facemask from behind during play and didn't get calledh (how I have no idea), coming up behind our players and slamming repeaded cross checks in their backs during puck battles on the boards and constantly trying to break things down to a fight.

I had the feeling all of this was promoted by Gwoz.

...not to mention that he is the most histrionic coach I have ever seen.

He should go. IMHO

You better have specific evidence to back it up. You need a little more than opinion, feelings, etc. and they don't count for much in a court of law. You need the evidence to terminate for cause. Of course, you can simply pay him his salary and avoid the lawsuit deal, just not let him coach.

Hmm, in the Hakstol non verbal communication incident last year the University took the stand immediately that they were going to take action. This doesn't say that Denver will be doing anything about it (nor do they say the matter is closed.)

I think this statement is perhaps a prelude. Denver is waiting to see what the WCHA does. If the league doesn't suspend him, perhaps DU will.

I think this statement is perhaps a prelude. Denver is waiting to see what the WCHA does. If the league doesn't suspend him, perhaps DU will.

As in the Hakstol, non verbal communication incident, it seems that the league and the school coordinated the response. I expect that as well.

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