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SIOUX vs BADgers


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Power plays have been tough tonight (as has been rumored so far this year).

From this game alone, I sure can't point to an obvious flaw. You kind of have to tune out the announcers -- when the Sioux are cycling and lose it they say "you can't just keep looking for the perfect shot, you have to fling it at the net and hope for a good bounce", but if the Sioux took a bad shot they would certainly say they have to take the time to set it up. My first theory based on watching would be that the Badgers have a pretty good kill, as they often seem to step right into our passes, but that wouldn't explain previous games' futility. It's a small enough sample that it could just be bad luck, but it sure is disappointing.

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nice win for the sioux. tons of shots. great action both ways. eidsness was very solid. im guessign we see him tomorrow night

congrats gregoire on 1st ever goal

blood had some very nice defensive plays

great TEAM win. no other way to sum it up

we had 6 guys in the ice for 10 seconds to end the game ;) put that in your pipe and smoke it eaves :D


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I gotta tell ya'......this club I saw tonite is a complete 180 from what I have seen so far......GO SIOUX!....I'll be in my seat 2moro cheering you on!!!

this I agree with. what little I have been able to see so far this season, and the rest from what I have gathered after listening to everyone, this team looked like the team usually does late in the year. Good passes, lots of offensive zone presence, good forechecking, good hands with the pucks.....they looked good. hopefully it continues.

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3rd...........conelly from UW..solid all around....faced many shots and scoring chances

2nd..........brad miller UND...was more forceful and played with more grit...played good on blueline on PP and getting better

1st...........evan trupp UND....combination of all little thngs he did tonight, never scared, makes little plays and had the extra jump tonight with line mates having sub par night...on PP showed poise on halfwall and made nice play to gerogoire for game winner...bulked up in off season

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blood was damn good tonight with eidsness as well. was a nice team win overall. great to see by this team. trupp was all over the ice and zajac had a solid game as well. lets get that SWEEP and kick them while they are down. go sioux...........

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