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I don't mind that you hate disagreeing with me but please find another reason! Not sure why a redwings fan would care that I hate the debbies. To me it is perfectly natural.

Re: debbies news. In addition to some scoring depth it also appears they are in need of a head coach. Word around the campfire is that Robinson has decided to hang it up in NJ.

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Something is wrong with the entire debby roster. They have no legit first line players. Mogilny is clearly on the downside of his career. Gomez is most certainly NOT a first line NHL center. Elias is doubtful for the season and it remains to be seen whether or not he will ever be able to be the player he once was in this league. Gionta is having a decent season considering the debby state of affairs but, still, his numbers do not compare to the big time first line players in the league.

Their "dynasty" , if you will, was based upon defense, clutching, grabbing and tackling forwards. Gone are the anchors of their defense. Their blueline now consists of very average players. Unless Blowdeur can conjure up a way to score 3-4 goals per game himself the deborahs are going to miss the playoffs.

Frankly, I find it ammusing as hell. Big Lou, in spite of his past alleged moments of genius, has done nothing to make this team a contender.

That is a lot of trash to talk from a fan whose team hasn't won anything for 30 years.

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It was announced on the Ottawa AM news that Bochenski suffered a separated right shoulder in Saturdays game. No word yet on how serious a separation or how long he will be out of the lineup.

It looked bad when it happened, live and on the replay. I'd bet he'll be missing for quite a while. Guess Eaves will get his chance.

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Already done; Lamouriello running practices.

Lamouriello used to be a college head coach, but still....

And, even if Robinson and Burns are good head coaches, I'd much rather have a guy that can mold an offense and a defense instead of just an offense or just a defense. That's why I loved Bowman so much. He seemed to get the most out of his players on both sides of the rink. Well... it seemed that way anyways.

As for me, I like the Devils because of what they do with their draft picks. It's also one of my biggest criticisms about the Red Wings. The NCAA barely exists to Detroit's scouts. Sure, they get a player every now and then, but if it isn't Swedish or at least European, chances are they are not going to be very high on him in the Detroit system. Jimmy Howard seems to be the exception to the rule, but we'll see about that.

Detroit has the same problem the Rangers had in that they would rather use their minor leagues for substitute players and trade fodder rather than developing their stars in house. Sure, they've had a few players come through, just like the Yankees of the Major Leagues, but when push comes to shove, they have no faith in their own scouting and just sign some old fart that used to be good.

Like I said before, Detroit and NYR are on one side of the spectrum (to hell with the minors sign free agents) and the Wild are on the other spectrum (To hell with free agents, if we can't get them cheap or in house, screw the playoffs) with the Devils more to the Wild's side of the center than the Red Wings. Does that make any sense?

Wild <------------(Devils)---------------*(Middle ground)------------------------------------>Red Wings

Edited by redwing77
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Lamouriello used to be a college head coach, but still....

And, even if Robinson and Burns are good head coaches, I'd much rather have a guy that can mold an offense and a defense instead of just an offense or just a defense. That's why I loved Bowman so much. He seemed to get the most out of his players on both sides of the rink. Well... it seemed that way anyways.

As for me, I like the Devils because of what they do with their draft picks. It's also one of my biggest criticisms about the Red Wings. The NCAA barely exists to Detroit's scouts. Sure, they get a player every now and then, but if it isn't Swedish or at least European, chances are they are not going to be very high on him in the Detroit system. Jimmy Howard seems to be the exception to the rule, but we'll see about that.

Detroit has the same problem the Rangers had in that they would rather use their minor leagues for substitute players and trade fodder rather than developing their stars in house. Sure, they've had a few players come through, just like the Yankees of the Major Leagues, but when push comes to shove, they have no faith in their own scouting and just sign some old fart that used to be good.

Like I said before, Detroit and NYR are on one side of the spectrum (to hell with the minors sign free agents) and the Wild are on the other spectrum (To hell with free agents, if we can't get them cheap or in house, screw the playoffs) with the Devils more to the Wild's side of the center than the Red Wings. Does that make any sense?

Wild <------------(Devils)---------------*(Middle ground)------------------------------------>Red Wings

Middle ground gets no respect. :lol::D

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Lamouriello used to be a college head coach, but still....

And, even if Robinson and Burns are good head coaches, I'd much rather have a guy that can mold an offense and a defense instead of just an offense or just a defense. That's why I loved Bowman so much. He seemed to get the most out of his players on both sides of the rink. Well... it seemed that way anyways.

Since Robinson's resignation seems somewhat unexpected, I would venture to guess Lou is just filling in as a stop-gap while he has time to search for a permanent replacement.

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Since Robinson's resignation seems somewhat unexpected, I would venture to guess Lou is just filling in as a stop-gap while he has time to search for a permanent replacement.

I think someone posted here that Blais wants to be a head coach within a few years or else "go hunting". He's awfully early into his pro coaching career to have proved much, but with the number of UND players drafted by NJ one makes the assumption that the Devils and Blais are pretty familiar with each other. Is it rational to think of Blais as a possible candidate after this season ends? I would assume Blais would be interested.

Edited by dagies
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And, even if Robinson and Burns are good head coaches, I'd much rather have a guy that can mold an offense and a defense instead of just an offense or just a defense. That's why I loved Bowman so much. He seemed to get the most out of his players on both sides of the rink. Well... it seemed that way anyways.

As for me, I like the Devils because of what they do with their draft picks. It's also one of my biggest criticisms about the Red Wings. The NCAA barely exists to Detroit's scouts. Sure, they get a player every now and then, but if it isn't Swedish or at least European, chances are they are not going to be very high on him in the Detroit system. Jimmy Howard seems to be the exception to the rule, but we'll see about that.

Detroit has the same problem the Rangers had in that they would rather use their minor leagues for substitute players and trade fodder rather than developing their stars in house. Sure, they've had a few players come through, just like the Yankees of the Major Leagues, but when push comes to shove, they have no faith in their own scouting and just sign some old fart that used to be good.

Like I said before, Detroit and NYR are on one side of the spectrum (to hell with the minors sign free agents) and the Wild are on the other spectrum (To hell with free agents, if we can't get them cheap or in house, screw the playoffs) with the Devils more to the Wild's side of the center than the Red Wings. Does that make any sense?

Glen Sather showed that $$$ alone cannot guarantee a Cup. In his case, it could not even guarantee a playoff berth. LOL!!!!!! What a tool. If signing big name F.A. is the way to go then obviously he was signing the wrong ones. Remember, Slatsy is the idiot who gave Holik something like $9 million per year.

I believe, redwing, that with the salary cap situation you are going to see more teams building from the draft or from within the organization. If the need arises, and if they are able, they can go out and pick up some big name F.A. but the spendthrift days of Glen Sather are over. In fact, I foresee a rather substantial turnover of talent even from within the system as a player matures and becomes one of the league's most expensive players.....in some instances it might be difficult to keep him and stay under the cap. Thus, GMs are gonna have to keep rebuilding or reloading, however you want to put it.

But come now, you are being a bit too paranoid about NCAA players in the NHL. I seriously doubt there is a GM out there who will not take a player simply because he played college hockey. I suspect many have preferences based upon the league in which the player was developed but to suggest a bias against the NCAA player is a bit of a stretch.

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Nope, NDFlyer, I don't believe that the NHL is biased against the NCAA. Not at all. I'm saying that certain teams would rather have a guy who is ok in Europe than a guy who has done well in Junior A and/or his freshman year in the NCAAs. It isn't bias, it is how it is. Detroit has had phenominal luck with Eastern Europeans and Swedes (Datsyuk, Konstantinov, Federov, Zetterberg, Lidstrom, Larionov, and so on) and rarely uses even a late round pick on an NCAA bound player. It's how they see things. It is not how NJ sees things and that's why I respect them.

And yeah, Sather's GM-ing really hurt the Rangers.

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I agree with everything you have said; except for th respecting NJD part.

You're a Flyers fan. I doubt you would respect a rival. :lol:

It's like a die hard Rangers fan saying that they respect the Islanders... a Blackhawks or an Avalanche fan saying they have the utmost respect for the Detroit organization (and vice versa). It's just not going to happen :D

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True dat.

I am a pi$$ poor hockey fan and am the first to admit it. I enjoy a loss by the rangers, devils or leafs more than a Flyers win. I understand that it is a psychological problem or even perhaps, pathological, but I cannot control it.

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