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Everything posted by siouxguyinstpaul

  1. Great news - I was wrong - but happy I was
  2. Nothing new here. Candy-Ass metrosexuals doing what they do and are proud of. This town is full of them.
  3. http://www.gunowners.org/sk0703.htm
  4. Why go to court when you are guilty and going to be found that way. Cut the deal and move on. And your right - this is pretty minor considering.
  5. actually - he is still 18 - for another week
  6. there also has to some kind of measurable "damages" beings that this was apparently and honest mistake and was retracted in a matter of a couple of hours - I don't think that would be possible
  7. or just across the river but was he drinking or just in a bar - pretty stiff penalty for simply being a minor in a bar
  8. ouch - 10 days in jail for this?
  9. instead of going to class - not a good sign is all I'm saying
  10. isn't he in Hersey now too - he won't be back - damn
  11. I hear that KO wants to go but the Islanders don't want him yet.
  12. amazing - huh? http://www.cnsnews.com/news/viewstory.asp?...L20070419b.html I don't know - I feel safer when entering a building with a sign that states" "This establishment bans guns" ya - right
  13. that is what happens with age, experience and knowledge
  14. This reader has observed that the murder rate per capita in DC is one of the highest in the nation.
  15. ouch - guns are banned on the VT campus - I guess we need need more - like a big magnet in space to capture all the guns on the planet
  16. I own two (40 caliber Glock and 44 Mag revolver) and have a permit to carry in Minny. I don't walk around with a gun - but felt I should get the permit along with the required training for personal reasons. Born and raised in Devils Lake - I grew up with hunting and sport shooting - so guns are just a part of life for this transplanted NoDak.
  17. forget Sid's page - he's always wrong
  18. What was the reason given? Everybody has cheerleaders - except us now?
  19. The only reason it was done here is because he went to school at SSM - but I'm surprized it ran at all although that tie to SSM is apparently enough for the metrosexuals here to lay some type of claim to him.
  20. It was good, especially here, but the SSM connection was the evident and the only reason it aired in this market, but that's OK -- thanks for the tip PCM
  21. Thank you I will record it for anybody who may want a copy.
  22. And lest we forget about Robbie - the guy I think is a leader and has the most heart
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