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Everything posted by snova4

  1. Anyone else as baffled as I am about Tomek not playing a game yet?
  2. In my opinion, listening on the radio tonight, the other two just gave him ice time. Sounded like two of the goals on Cam were unacceptable, and Matt performed better, but not by much.
  3. Listening on the radio, they just talked about how Luke needs to step up. I was a Luke apologist for a long time, but he really does need to get it together. We see flashes of what he can do, and then nothing. They also talked about Pogo needing to show up offensively. I think Sanderson carries the scoring, he's opened the flood gates.
  4. Not sure who was more excited last night for that Sanderson goal, Sanderson or me. I know posters bust on him, but the amount of character he's showed is incredible. Just staying at the program through his senior without getting a sniff of playing action speaks volumes.
  5. Are we playing Omaha or the Gophers? Good lord, the diving is insane.
  6. Didn't we sweep a 9th ranked Denver team at the time? Or are you choosing current rankings?
  7. God damn that gets irritating to keep giving up goals with less than ten seconds in the period. Fire Hak.
  8. I tell you what, I wasn't sure of what I thought of the 3 on 3, but I watched the Flyers/Wild game the other night, and I was thoroughly entertained by it. I'm now firmly in the, it's good for hockey, boat.
  9. As a person who only developed a true hatred for the Bison due to their recent success on the gridiron, I would actually love to see them come to D1 hockey, if for nothing more than to wipe that smug look off their collective faces.
  10. Oof. This banner talk makes my stomach turn. We've been on a tear no doubt, but let's not forget a loss at home to Wisconsin, and there being some very good teams out East. With that said, I'm not booking my trip to Tampa, but it is in the back of my mind.
  11. Why do that when you can get a cheap shot at Hakstol in? If you read the article first it will invalidate anything you'd want to say about Hakstol.
  12. It's obviously that Berry is a better coach than Hakstol. Right Cratter?
  13. I get it, I get it. Just after scrolling through and seeing the third comment I just couldn't control myself anymore. Blatant trolling no doubt.
  14. You just never give it up do you? Hakstol is gone, the boys are winning, try being an adult and appreciate how they are playing. It's been like three comments in this thread alone, probably more that I haven't seen.
  15. It's just a weak argument at best. We're supposed to believe these kids aren't going to have success against someone that's three or four years older in college whose skill level isn't as high as there's, but then they are going to be able to go into the NHL and all of a sudden an age gap isn't an issue? B.S. These big name schools are just p*ssed that the small schools are able to compete.
  16. You don't say? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that, but it's not like there isn't an advantage to not have to travel either. I was just saying it would be nice to see them play somewhere other than forty miles from campus for once.
  17. I'd like to see them travel further than forty miles to play also. BC and BU, and all the others have essential home games every year.
  18. As to the dump and chase, I actually noticed them doing it quite a bit this weekend. Lots of soft dumps, but I'm not sure if this is player improvement, added speed, or Denver being slower, but we were consistently beating them to the puck. Many times with it happening so fast it didn't even appear as though we'd dumped it. The puck seemed to stall along the boards just before the goal line in the corner.
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