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Everything posted by snova4

  1. That's just dirty. My need to know the information is practically eating away my soul.
  2. I don't disagree, with what we've seen of Boeser, but at the same time, would he play the same way he does, or be more of pure goal scoring without the drive that Caggiula no doubt brings out in him? I watch Minnesota play and I just don't see anyone on that team willing to make a play like that. Hardnosed play is contagious, as well as soft play. I honestly don't believe you'd see Boeser be nearly the two way player if he were at Minnesota.
  3. Last night was the best I've seen Luke look all season. Hard to take off the puck. Played physical but not over the edge, and played smart. If that kid continues last night's play for the remainder of the push that entire line will be difficult for anyone to deal with, nearly on par with CBS.
  4. My wife who's been a long time UND fan, but not especially understanding of hockey, asked me last night what has happened to Minnesota. As she asked the question was when Boeser hustled to the corner to negate the icing call which lead to him getting a goal seconds later. I told her they don't have players willing to do that. Risk potential injury by going full speed into a corner to stop an icing and then stick with the play. It was just the most perfectly timed play I have ever seen to describe the difference between the two teams philosophies.
  5. Apparently, Omaha is the cleanest playing team in the conference. One penalty through nearly two and a half periods.
  6. snova4


    I don't have Twitter either. Not that I'm that old, but social media pisses me off.
  7. Agreed. Phenomenal article. For the love of God, make Boeser, Schmaltz, and all the other guys we could lose at seasons end read it.
  8. snova4


    Weird. Do you have an account outside the auction section?
  9. snova4


    Where do they advertise it? Can't say I frequent their webpage, I don't live in Grand Forks either so even if there's radio or newspaper ads I won't see them. I guess I don't understand the difficulty in sending an email to the people that have created accounts on their auction page to notify them when many of us don't have a real reason to visit the school's webpage.
  10. snova4


    Was this a UND auction? I really wish they would send an email out for registered accounts when they have an auction, very frustrating, didn't realize there was one going on.
  11. Being at the funeral yesterday and part of the motorcade, it was amazing to see the silent majority for once. I was beyond honored to see the people of Fargo lining the streets. I know there are a lot of people that talk about how impressive it was too see how far law enforcement traveled, what doesn't get said enough, is how much it means to those of us wearing the badge to see the support of the community. Those of you that attended, watched from home, lined the streets, or even something as small as a blue light outside your home, thank you.
  12. I don't know if I can bring myself to say that. He's one of the few players that I would like to literally punch in the face.
  13. Man, watching at home, that sure looked like a kick.
  14. That's a big assumption that splitting them equates to two great lines.
  15. I don't know, you sure don't seem like it a good percentage of the time. Maybe I come across that way also, but I doubt it.
  16. I'm not usually one to bust on refs, but this game has been a joke.
  17. Now that you mention it, I've noticed this before when down on the glass for games. I just always chalked it up to the amount of beer I'd drank effecting my senses.
  18. You have two #4 for this year, FYI, so this is 7. Friday: Boeser Saturday: Drake CBS gets back to their rolling ways.
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