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Everything posted by snova4

  1. Doesn't have to be exactly like that logo either to have influence if people hope that it's similar. Sigh
  2. Didn't realize asking for clarification was degrading. Besides that, telling people to DEAL with it comes off as extremely condescending. Maybe my tone comes off as degrading/condescending, but I believe that would only be in response to which I've been spoken to. So, deal with it.
  3. Which is it? Does the logo not have anything to do with the vote, if so, this statement is 100% contradictory, otherwise I'm unsure of what exactly you're arguing. You can't say in one post that the logo that's been circulating has nothing to do with a vote for Fighting Hawks, and in the very next post say that there will be pressure to have a logo similar to it. Edited because of auto correct.
  4. That only leads me to believe you either don't have social media, don't pay attention, or are flat out lying.
  5. All of you assuming this logo had no effect on the vote, remember this is the same fan base that thought having the congressional branch of our state government pass legislation mandating keeping the Fighting Sioux would change the NCAA's mind. Come on, you're giving the low hanging fruit of this fan base far too much credit.
  6. Well, what proof I do have is a small sampling size of an albeit large family in the Grand Forks area that were/are voting Hawks because o of that logo. I even had a friend not connected to the University in any way, shape, or form text that logo to me congratulating me on UND's sweet new logo. So tell me, are these educated people surrounding me closet idiots, or are you vastly underestimating the power that logo has had on this process?
  7. If you honestly believe that logo hasn't significantly affected this voting process,I have ocean front property in Nebraska to sell you.
  8. With the Hawks logo that was circulating, I can say this, my wife is a multiple time graduate of UND, born and raised in Grand Forks, and it took me until this final vote to convince her that the Blackhawks logo that was circulating had less than a snowball's chance in **** of ever being the logo. Now, someone that knows Kelley as well as her, and understands this process took that long to convince that logo wouldn't happen, how many others do you think are voting based on that logo? I'd say at a minimum, a solid 50% of the Fighting Hawk vote. That's what saddens me, because you think their are people mad about this process now, just wait until they finally realize that the logo they thought was attached to that nickname is not being used.
  9. Don't live in either, so that's not really a concern at the moment. If I have to, I'll drive.
  10. Wife and I already talked about it, this is happening for us. Couple of my friends are already in also. Will be a fun weekend. Now to wait for tickets to go on sale.
  11. This young of a team, running on the third string practice goalie? Yeah, I'll take it.
  12. Meh, not really worried. Young team that has essentially dominated to start the season. I'd rather see a game played like this the first week in September instead of the last week of March. They needed a wake-up call. 6-2 good guys on Saturday.
  13. If there are never easy games, what the hell are people worried about this weekend? No one knows what any of these teams will look like at the end of the year. To say that we're not as good as our #1 ranking is asinine. The boys have earned that ranking, and have gotten the business done in every game this season. Are there times they haven't looked as good, yes, but that happens in every game, every night.
  14. How does Drake contact anyone to the head?
  15. I'm calling it, Sanderson with his first collegiate goal.
  16. Yes, so it really is all about him. I wouldn't touch this kid with a thirty foot pole if I were an NHL executive. His word is garbage.
  17. I'm going to go with Boeser for Friday night.
  18. If it's mono, I'd say after Christmas, and he won't look the same the rest of the year.
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