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Everything posted by snova4

  1. Although all of that is correct, if leadership at the University would have had the desire to keep the name, they wouldn't have just been sitting there waiting for Standing Rock to do something. They would have been actively engaging them on how, or what needed to be done to keep the name.
  2. He's likely stating it's possible that it will be put back in to calm the firestorm that's taking place right now, only to yank it at the eleventh hour. Then after a new nickname is picked he rides off into the sunset laughing to himself about the fast one he pulled on North Dakota, leaving the new President with a very irate alumni and fan base.
  3. This I can agree with. I believe that if we had a true leader during the period of the settlement the name would still be here. If UND had worked with Standing Rock, and more importantly the council, an agreement would have been reached. But, as we all know, they didn't do anything. They sat on their thumbs because the leadership of UND wanted the name gone. Now again, we're seeing that same leadership again, essentially sit on their thumbs. For what it's worth, when it comes to the criteria set forth for the committee, I actually believe no nickname meets it. It's identifiable with North Dakota, and it's unique to UND. I do share the concerns of some that commentators will just make something up, but with the options that remain, I'd prefer them calling us big green, or something else over Sundogs, North Stars, Fighting Hawks. NoDaks was already being used, even though it's dumb, and Roughriders I fear is going to eventually become a problem in our PC world also.
  4. My phone doesn't allow he to see signatures, had no idea you were the tin foil hat wearing individual from April. It just stuck out in my mind for the sheer ridiculousness of it.
  5. That's equivalent to wearing a tin foil hat. Just like the idiot that stated the referees for the game against Boston were a message. Pure hogwash.
  6. Because the NCAA likely doesn't care if we have no nickname. They wanted the Sioux gone, and it is. What fans call the teams outside of the official capacity of the school likely has no meaning to them. Do we seriously think that the NCAA cares that much about a hockey school in North Dakota? Everyone always makes them out to be this big bad boogie man, but they seriously have more pressing issues than North Dakota not having a nickname.
  7. Wow, really? You create a poll, and then call people toddlers for stating their opinions in other threads. Who's really acting like the toddler?
  8. That is possibly the worst one in my opinion. People already think Fargo is in Minnesota, why would we name our flagship program after Minnesota, the North Star State?
  9. Is anyone else as sickened by the fact that North Stars is still on this list as I am? Minnesota is the freaking North Star State! I swear, if these baffoons pick that as the nickname, we're going to be the laughing stock of our biggest rivals.
  10. Thank you! If you don't follow the Canadian side of it, it's hard to keep track of.
  11. I'm not very familiar with all the Canadian leagues. Which are the ones that end someone's eligibility, and which ones are they still good to go the NCAA route?
  12. We were at the Green Mill in Fargo one year after our fantasy football draft at the double wood across the street. Some jackass was in there claiming to have been drafted by the Ravens. Had girls just hanging on him, until our group came in and made him look like a douche.
  13. This couldn't be further from the truth for me. I enjoyed the movie, and the only way Gopher Hockey is enjoyable is when they are losing in March/April.
  14. Couldn't agree more. What he's doing with it, and the experiences he's making for the youth is infinitely more valuable than having three thousand fans line up and get five seconds to pose with the cup.
  15. Is it just me, or did the Capitals fleece St. Louis on this one? Maybe I'm overvaluing Oshie.
  16. My bad, I thought I read it before I took a nap, even from a Sioux website. Now I wake up and it's gone. Now I'm confused whether I actually ever saw it or dreamed it.
  17. Yeah, didn't figure Eagles was an option, just wasn't sure if they were building one, since it seems to be a perpetual state of construction up there.
  18. That might get me up to the rink also. Are they just using Wilson?
  19. He had a pretty solid year, especially after getting to Winnipeg.
  20. I think we see Schmaltz and Boeser together. If they pair the two of them together, I could see the final person being one of the older guys in case the other team decides to attempt to rough them up.
  21. I think we're going to see big things from Luke this year. Maybe not a Frattin level season, but I wouldn't be surprised to see twenty goals or more. I believe the light bulb went off during the playoffs last season.
  22. I'm happy for him, can't say I saw it coming. I figured Drake would have the C. Maybe Stecher or even LaDue.
  23. I don't know how you do it, but you continually get people to try and argue with you about the most ridiculous things. I'm impressed. Well played.
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