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Posts posted by snova4

  1. 56 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    Is this a big loss? It seemed like he has struggled the last few years, perhaps he was injured. I wonder if we cut him lose or if he didn't want to come? You would think after winning the NC we would get some recruiting successes. Waiting to hear of some good recruiting pickups and not defections.

    Everything I've heard coming out of the Force, not official but fans and ardent followers, is that likely better off. Seemed to have some off ice issues which caused him to not put a whole lot of focus into his play, ie. a girl. Sounded like the Force shipped him away from her to get his focus back on hockey and his career. If he comes back here, all that would be lost again.

  2. 5 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Very true. I'll be hopeful that we keep him for 2 years, but we'll see. Anyone know the last one and done was at UND? I guess Tambellini was only here half the season ... but who was the last one before that?


  3. 1 hour ago, UND1981 said:

    Nick is gone.  Who steps up their game in their soph season (like Nick) for #9?  I say Gersich and Wilkie.

    Okay, now that my fits of crying are over. Looking over the roster of who's left, and who's coming in, I'm still excited for this coming season. From what I've heard of Jost, he might be a step ahead of where Schmaltz was when he came in, factor in a year of improvement with Gersich and Wilkie, I think we'll be good on offense. I'm still very nervous about the defense though, that's a whole lot of talent to replace on the defensive side. Unlike many, I still feel that Tomek takes the starting role by the end of the season.

  4. On 4/24/2016 at 6:24 PM, MafiaMan said:

    Pretty good effort Hak got out of his club in the last three games - they could have easily rolled over after the game three debacle.

    I would guess it makes it more likely he leaves, but I'm not sure Nick is really suited for a bottom six role in the NHL. He's obviously a top six player, with that said, nothing I say would be anything more than wishful thinking.

  5. 1 hour ago, scpa0305 said:

    The Hawks are doing the best they can with the mess they're currently in.  Whichever team was going to trade with them was obviously going to win the deal.  The initial point was who won the deal.

    I think getting rid of Bickell, and creating the possibility of keeping Panarin and Shaw should be a considered a win no matter what they got back as long as they weren't giving up Toews, Kane, Keith, or Seabrook.

    • Upvote 2
  6. It's weird, I saw Shark after Shark slashing, hooking, grabbing, doing their best to get under Crosby's skin all series, but he retaliates and he's the pansy? Yes, he used to be a bit of a whiny bitchy with the refs, but through this entire playoffs he hasn't been talking at all with the refs unless it was something to do outside himself. Haters gonna hate I guess though. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Gopher Fan said:

    Point taken, although the NFL championship was less than 50 years ago (the Vikings are one of 2 teams to win the NFL championship the same season they lost the Super Bowl before the NFL-AFL merger), but is Minnesota or North Dakota more likely to win a future World Series, Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, or NBA Title, or MLS Cup?


    Based on the last 25 years, I'd say our chances are about even. :cool:

    • Upvote 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Gopher Fan said:

    I never said Minnesota was elite, but Minnesota has 5 NBA titles, 2 World Series titles, an NFL championship, and has hosted 3 World Series, Multiple NBA finals, 2 Stanley Cup Championships, a Super Bowl, 3 MLB All-Star games, and 3 NCAA Basketball Final Fours.  Probably a bit better than the Dakotas.

    Lol. Let's not pretend hosting anything really puts you on the sports map. You're just lucky you have a large metropolitan area. Outside that, you're claiming your NBA championships from over 60 years ago, your NFL championship from over 50 years ago (so long ago it was prior to the Super Bowl era), and baseball championship from 25 years ago? I'm more impressed with your women's teams accomplishments, because at least they've taken place this generation.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 1 minute ago, siouxkid12 said:

    There is nothing wrong with turning down an invite to the White House, he has every right to do so and it wasn't until the media made a big deal about him not going he finally answered them. I don't see you bashing Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Matt Birk, James Harrison, Manny Ramirez, Mark Chumra, Tom Lehman, Albert Pujols, Tony LaRussa, Greg Biffle, Carl Edwards, Kevin Harvick, and Tony Stewart, Ozzie Guillen for not showing up to the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave! 

    In today's political climate, Presidents are constantly trying to make the rest of us believe they're like us — that they're regular guys. They are not regular guys, they run the flipping country and do not have time to worry about professional athletes. Do you really think that the President has time to watch sports on a regular basis? Why should an athlete give up a day of their off-season to attend a dinner at the White House? 

    Let's not pretend the media bashing on Thomas, and not the rest of these individuals, wasn't due to his political affiliation. I support his decision to stay away. The team aspect takes place during the season, going to the White House is nothing more than a dog and pony show for the politicians.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Blackheart said:

    How about Biggest Heart and Soul guy ever?  My vote goes to Scott Dub from Park River/Pisek.  Nobody worked harder than that guy.  RIP Dubber.

    I'm a pretty new fan, so I don't really know of half the people all of you talk about, but since I've been following them I've got to say Pattyn. Not sure how he would hold up all time, but there's no denying his love for this program.

  11. So after some research, looks like fall classes start August 22, and Blackhawks development camp likely runs July 18th through the 22nd. If Nick waits until after camp, I feel it's unlikely, and then takes a week to decide, staff still has 3 weeks to locate a player and get them on campus. Not actually to bad.

    I'll eat my words as far as it not being enough time, and being "bush league" for some of you clowns. I was figuring classes starting the 15th and going off others statements with camp possible being the last week of July. I would expect, however, that a player already in the program would give the coaches a little more time if that had in fact been the dates.

  12. 3 hours ago, Benny Baker said:

    Sure ya did.

    So, Schmaltz is making a bush league play and putting the program into scramble mode because some kid who just found out he gets the opportunity to play for UND has a few less weeks to enroll in his 100-level general courses. ???

    Yep, sure ya did.  ;) 

    Well, maybe UND isn't exactly the high class institution I thought it was then. I know when I went to college, everything had to be signed up for months in advance. I don't exactly know the star dates of class, but when posters are talking about a guy waiting until August to make up his mind, that doesn't leave a whole lot of time. Like I said a long way back, I rather doubt he takes that long, and I'm not foolish enough to believe that he's not in communication with Berry, like someone implied, but you can take what i meant any way you'd like. I'll make sure to write it in crayon in the future.;)

  13. 5 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:


    Except that you were complaining that the "program is going to be in scramble mode" if Schmaltz waits until August.  You weren't originally discussing the nuances of enrolling in college, so I'm not certain what your last comment has to do with anything.

    By program, I meant coaches trying to help by doing leg work at UND while the recruit is scrambling to get on campus. Sorry, forgot that everything has to be taken literal on a forum.

  14. Just now, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    Not much lol it's pretty simple. Can be done inside a day if the player is already accepted to UND.

    Yeah, just ask St. Clair. I realize most of the time it works out, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of strings being pulled to make it happen.

  15. 22 minutes ago, Benny Baker said:

    Scramble mode?  If Schmaltz signs today, Berry calls a recruit and tells him he's coming to UND.  If Schmaltz signs in August, Berry calls a recruit (probably the same one he would have called in May) and tells him he's coming to UND.  Or any other number of "either, or" contingency plans depending on if Schmaltz signs.  

    There's more to starting college courses than a phone call a week before classes start.

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