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Posts posted by snova4

  1. 16. Duluth- Never again will I be remotely happy about them getting a win over anyone.

    15. Minnesota- does this really need an explanation?

    14. Denver- can't have them tied with us, although I do like how they play and are fun to watch

    13. BU- screw Boston

    11-12.- Penn, Ohio. I don't want any success for the Big.

    10-2.- I don't care.

    1. UND- I'm greedy, I want at least thenext 5 titles.

    • Upvote 3
  2. 3 hours ago, bigskyvikes said:

    TC was a little better, still want the X. Screen was cool, our usher named Tom in section 132 was great! 

    Some complain on here about "usher Nazi's", I for one would love they kept doing this! I cannot stand when I pay $120 per seat and a group of dumbass dog fans just walked in and grabbed the 5 empty seats behind us, bragging how "this is not bad for spending $20" Everything would have been fine if they just cheered for their team. I was with my wife, two teenage daughters and my 70+ year old parents, (boy these trips have changed) and when Cam got plowed into I stood up and yelled "come on throw him out"! This tough guy behind me said "quit your f**king whining" I turned around and looked at him he then turned his head away. I then looked back at the ice and he then said "yea I was talking to you, shut the f**k up". Turned around again and said you're a real hero back there. He turned his head again. My daughter was texting her friend saying these guys are dicks behind us, they asked her why she wrote that! They were reading her phone behind her! When the dogs scored they would lean forward into my old man's ear and cheer even after he politely asked them to not do it in his ear! Their comment was "you can't cheer when your team scores then". If they were obnoxious and loud but did NOT target us I would have had no problems with it. If this was 5+ years ago when I went with a group of buddies, this would have been a row on row brawl, Guaranteed! 

    The point of my story is, I would not have had to deal with it if they were asked to show their ticket before entering the section! 

    Talk about want to be goofer fans! God I hate the UMD hockey EVERYTHING now!

    So happy they are going to Fargo, hope this game happens!

    Go Sioux!

    I was at a Force game, and a drunk idiot behaved like that. My nephew politely asked him to tone it down. The rest of the period he was chirping my nephew, and I caught him giving my nephew the finger. My temper got the bestof me. I stood up and said something along the lines of if he wanted to be a tough guy to a kid I'd gladly discuss it outside with him, not entirely sure, I was seeing red. My whole family was staring at me because it's completely out of my personality. Anyway, guy must have got the point or at least his wife because I was staring them eye to eye being a row lower. She apologized and they disappeared after the period. Sucks when people are like that.

    • Upvote 3
  3. 11 hours ago, runaroundsioux said:

    I think Target Center has improved alot since the first couple of years. This was our fourth year attending. We had no problems with the ushers. On the contrary, I thought they were all friendly and helpful. The usher in our section 138 spent alot of  time chatting with us and anyone who stopped by. He asked us about the Ralph,how many it seated,what we had for concessions etc. He was actually a character. We moved about the arena and would change ends during intermission to be on the end we were shooting. Sat in the padded chairs in handicapped on Saturday night, both ends, and nobody bothered us. My biggest complaint was and always has been the smell. They don't have adequate exhaust ventilation for their fryers and the smell of burnt grease is nauseating. Face it, it's a 30 some year old arena built for basketball. It was the NCHC's only option as the X was locked up by the WCHA at the time the new league was formed. During the Friday night game v. Denver the last thing on my mind was the arena I was watching it in. As someone stated earlier it could have been in an old cow barn and I would have been glad I didn't miss it. Besides ,where else can you get to pee in a trough anymore?:D

    I would recommend attending the street dance in Frazee, MN for Turkey Days if you want a one of a kind tough peeing experience.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    East coast officials call in favor of our new style of play. Remember we used to be frustrated with the calls when we played a more physical type of mentality. We now are all about controlling the puck first. Do we even really have a true enforcer type of guy?

    I'd say Pattyn was our last that met that description, although he obviously wasn't strictly enforcer, but I'm fairly certain we wouldn't have him for Friday if he'd have been playing Saturday.

  5. 19 minutes ago, mujack said:

    Old school Sioux hockey he wouldn't have walked off the ice. I wish UMD was in our bracket in Fargo... Guy is a punk and deserves to get crushed. 

    That's why hockey has fighting, not the Tie Domi vs. Probert staged tough guys squaring off... But to police the dirty players when the refs refuse to. 

    Got your wish.

  6. 1 hour ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Pogo, Gersich, Cam and maybe even Wolanin will have decisions to make along with Brock and Tyson.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again, Cam benefited greatly from an NHL caliber defense in front of him. Wolanin maybe, I'd be shocked to see Pogo and Gersich leave. At what point do these guys realize that the NHL doesn't have their best interest at heart? Guys that have left early, outside high draft picks, haven't been any better off than their counterparts who stayed 4 years, outside Stecher. 

  7. 13 hours ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    I heard a Story from a reliable source that he had decided to comeback as all parties felt this year as a lost year of development.

    EVERYthing I believe and have read makes me doubt this......but

    the guy who relayed it is very creditable and the source was very very very close to Brock

    so who knows....I still think it's 95% he gone

    I actually got that feeling from the article. It seems odd that they would try and push him to come immediately after the season and use even one game to knock a year off his deal unless it seemed as though he might actually come back. How difficult this year was for him, it might make him reconsider his readiness as well. I've always felt like Jost would stay two years, you figure in that outside Brock and Tyson, the only true chance of losing another player is Tucker, they might be eyeing getting another title next season, and with that Brock would go down as a UND God.

  8. I'll admit, I into the category of someone who would be there this weekend but am not going. It's a bit of a trek from Jamestown for me, I'm playing in a basketball tournament tomorrow, and quite frankly, this team hasn't inspired me. Give it fatigue from DAPL, or a host of other reasons, but I'm just not into this season as much. Really, I just haven't connected to this team. In the past I always wanted to see the seniors one more time. See Blood put on the number 24 one last time. See Pattyn face wash one last time. Or, just see the team play because it felt special, Pony Express, DOT, CBS. 

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