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Posts posted by snova4

  1. 10 hours ago, UND83 said:

    FACT: Berry delivered number 8.  Something Hakstol didn't do in 7 or 8 Frozen fours.

    I guess those of us who felt it was time for a change of coach have a different definition of success.  I'm amazed in reading all these posts that Hakstol  gets more credit for winning this year's natty than Berry does.  Look, we all want success for our hockey team but why is everyone so afraid of what will happen to our program without Hakstol.?

    It was successful before him and so far it is successful after him.  

    Way to twist my words buddy. Now granted, I'll admit I wasn't a fan during the early 2000's, when most of you seem to be so upset, but I look at many of Hakstol's teams as overachievers. Pony Express year was the last time I felt a team really should have won it. Is that game on Hakstol or the potent offense that didn't score a goal? From then on, strictly overachieving teams. Even last year, could they have won a championship, absolutely, but you can't tell me that when you lose your best offensive threat that it isn't going to hurt at some point. Then to have your Mike Richter Award winning goalie self destruct, but according to the haters, that's Hakstol's fault.

    I love that we have a championship, and I'm not saying it's either continued success or a championship here or there like you implied with the quote, but how quickly are you going to turn on Berry if he doesn't have the regular season success? How quickly will you turn on him if we don't make the NCAA tournament every year? I'm going to say it won't be long.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    Yeah, IIRC he threw UND under the bus a bit a few months ago for his development.

    I wouldn't call it throwing UND under the bus. He more or less stated the college game wasn't for him. At least that was the way I took it.

  3. 19 minutes ago, brianvf said:

    I heard that as well and just wondered if he meant until that point, or if it was a slip on his part because he knows LJ is leaving.

    For what it's worth, I've heard a lot of chatter from pretty connected people, at least to LJ, that he would be gone after this season.

    As far as Cam, he would be smart to strike while the iron is hot if he's getting real offers. Let's not pretend than playing in front of an NHL quality defense didn't probably inflate his stats this season. Next year's defense could be a question mark if we lose what is looking to be a real possibility this off season.

    My personal opinion is that with Boeser staying, that would incline Schmaltz to stay also. His brother playing all year in the A probably isn't reassuring to him either. I'd bet money he's back.

    Thompson almost left last year, I think he probably thinks he's ready, although watching this season, he's probably the least trustworthy defenseman outside freshman.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, SiouxFanatic said:

    I agree on the "here we go again" part. I call bs on anyone who denies it didn't cross their mind even if just fleetingly when Denver tied it up.

    With that said, it is obvious no side is going to win this discussion. Should all just agree to disagree and continue celebrating that UND won the national title!

    I was firmly on the here we go again thought process, but still hopeful. I didn't post anything on the forum though (who has time for that?). Anyway, I nearly laughed when Denver iced that puck with a minute to go. Like I said before, I looked at my wife and said this is karma coming back around. Sure enough, 4 seconds later we were up one with less than a minute to go.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    I know its the last thing on anyone's mind but at some point we will need to discuss who we think and who has signed early. Kind of a scary thought and I just want to enjoy the championship for a while before we hear anyone leaving early.

    Unfortunately, I think we see a lot of faces gone over the summer. My worst case thoughts are Cam, Brock, Nick, Luke, Paul, and Stecher. I think we see Tucker for one more year. Cam will strike while the iron is hot and he has a lot of hype.

  6. 32 minutes ago, fsioux said:

    Curious to see who will be taking LJ's spot in the lineup tonite and who how/if they will juggle the 3rd or 4th line.  If St. Clair plays, who are we thinking he should be paired with.  Same with Wilkie and Wolanin.  Do they move somebody like Sanderson to the 2nd line?

    I'd say Chyzyk gets moved to the second line. St. Claire takes his spot.

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  7. I purposely stayed off here during the game. My heart couldn't handle it as it was. I was doing a lot of bitching to the people around me though, especially about the too many men on the ice. When the announcers are laughing saying "there's another" it's a bit ridiculous. I did however say, even Denver iced the puck that it would be karma finally coming back around to us if we scored off the faceoff with under a minute to go. My wife looked at me after we finished screaming and asked if I really though that was going to happen. I didn't think it was going to happen, I knew it was going to happen.;)

  8. 10 hours ago, yzerman19 said:

    On all +/- remember there are dmen with coverage and a goalie out there too...

    To state that the CCM line is not high-end is simply ignorant.  Those guys are skilled.  So are our guys...we won the game.

    While that's true, I think my biggest problem is that all season long these guys were made to essentially be hockey gods. Then they put all three of them as Hobey finalists. While yes, they are offensively talented, they are lazy defensive players. 

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