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Posts posted by snova4

  1. 3 hours ago, brianvf said:

    That's a horrible question to ask...who are you going to miss the least.  Just a question to stir up drama.

    I agree 100%, but it was asked, and he answered. It just seemed weird overall to me, I was expecting him to laugh something off and name someone like his roommate or something because he snores, or something stupid like that. Then he answered the way he did, and there was no real follow-up to it. Left me a bit stunned as I was listening.

  2. Since it's the off season and there isn't anything else to do but needlessly dissect player quotes and other things into subatomic levels, anyone else catch Boeser on the latest Stand Up and Cheer podcast? He talked about his wrist injury and some other stuff from the season. One thing that I caught, and he didn't elaborate on was they asked who he was going to miss the least, and he said the newly declared Captain and referenced his attitude. Anyone else think it was Pogo that called Boeser out when Berry referenced the "real" leaders taking control of the locker room?

    Side note, Boeser could put a crackhead to sleep. Great hockey player, not the most energetic speaker.

  3. 1 hour ago, fightingsioux4life said:


    Everyone is talking like Denver is the next Boston College. During our championship drought, people were telling me how hard it was to win a natty and how much "parity" there was in college hockey. Now we have Wilbur talking about a Denver "back to back" and others talking about how unbeatable they are going to be next year and how apparently money does not talk that loud to players wearing a Denver jersey. Champions always have a target painted on their backs. We won't have to worry about that next year, because there's a puzzling consensus amongst our own fans that our team won't be all that good next year. I think otherwise. I guess the truth will come out of the wash like it always does.

    I think they will have a very difficult time winning back to back. I also think we will be an extremely difficult team to play against next season, I'm thinking along the lines of the Macmillan/Parks senior seasons, my worry next season is offense. I think next year's team steals a few games on grit alone. As much as I like having the amazing blue chippers, I'm a bigger fan of teams that exceed the sum of their parts, which I think next year's team could easily do.

  4. 2 hours ago, joelax said:

    I'm new here - enrolled in the online MBA program, but live in Philadelphia. Have been to 46 of 50 states, with North Dakota left. I figure I'll make it out for a hockey game or graduation. Not sure which will come first. 

    I understand this is probably different now since they cut the program. I like some of the women's hockey jerseys (I know this is a men's thread, but didn't see anything about this in the women's section), and was wondering if they had sold them anywhere or if the only place was to see if any showed up on eBay? https://www.pinterest.com/pin/817333032343557039/


    Haven't browsed in a while but try www.siouxshop.com

  5. 5 hours ago, scpa0305 said:

    I thought the hit was clean. Arm followed through high (which is why they called it...or because it was too hard I guess) but there was no head contact.  Shoulder to shoulder.

    I have to disagree with that assessment. I'm my opinion there was no shoulder first. It appeared principle point of contact was elbow to head. It appeared to me the legal contact was secondary.

  6. 21 minutes ago, Frozen4sioux said:

    Its tough watching them....its so disjointed,  they seem to play with genuine disinterest. 

    No direction....Vegas mau not finish last in the league next year

    They need to blow this team up. Start with Landeskog and Duchene. My favorite team is such a dumpster fire I've had to branch out. Thankfully my second and third favorite teams are well acquainted with Lord Stanley's Cup, but still isn't as good as getting somewhere with your favorites.

  7. 6 minutes ago, UND1981 said:

    If Pogo graduates this spring and stays to play next season, can't he take Music Appreciation, Basket Weaving, Humanities I, etc. and just hustle girls as a full-time (and eligible) student?

    You're correct. Just because he's accumulated the credits to graduate doesn't mean you have to leave.. As long as he maintains a full time credit load, usually 12, he's considered a full time student. He can work on a second degree or minor. When I was in college, I had a buddy that played for the basketball team and graduated with a dual major and a minor. Clearly could have graduated earlier with one degree but stayed.

  8. 25 minutes ago, Siouxphan27 said:

    I believe the difference is the puck is on the ice.  Hoff's boot is up off the ice a few inches.  Video from that far away doesn't allow us to see his skate blade, so they're comparing his boot to the puck.  Which is inaccurate. 

    I'm over this call, but how exactly is the comparison inaccurate? The skate at that distance is non-existent, giving the illusion that Hoff's skate is higher, which would correlate pretty closely to what the video is discussing. The boot is likely appearing at least 3 inches more towards offsides than what it truly should be. Meanwhile, the puck is directly on the ice, giving the appearance that Hoff is that much more ahead of the puck.

  9. 2 minutes ago, fsioux said:

    I think another factor here is also getting thrown into the fire too soon.  You see it alot in baseball where I team rushes a young hitter or pitcher to the majors before they are quite ready and it really sets that player's development back or he never realizes his potential.  Absolutely a coach or GM wants as much help as quickly as possible to potentially save their own jobs.  It isn't necessarily for the best interests of the player.

    As an Avs fan, this is where I'm thinking Sakic is leaning. He has to see the potential of the boot coming. Roy was blamed for the terrible play, and after this season it looks like Roy was the reason they were even mediocre.

  10. 2 hours ago, ringneck28 said:

    From talking to people at the rink yesterday, rumors flying around GF are that Poolman tore up his shoulder.  With him not playing this weekend, there may be some cred to this.  If this is the case, then we probably won't get a decision one way or another for a while on him.  If for some reason, he feels that there is some unfinished business at UND, we may get lucky.  Am I expecting this, no.  Never say never.  As far as Jost, I do think that he will be the C is he stays.  He has taken on some of the vocal leaderships in the public the last few weeks.  IMO, Landeskog  is the C at Colorado, so this will get Jost ready to be in leadership there, but he won't be the C there.  There are lots of possible freshman coming in.  I am sure Thome will be on team, since we lost Rinks.  Mismash, Jones, Collins are all nice wings.  Looks like we have some nice D-men that could come in too with Bast, Reige, and Kiersted.  At C we have Kawaguchi, Keane, Senden and Mattson.  I know not all of these will come in but, wow, is there some talent.  We have a former Shattuck player in Mismash, a few BCHL which we will get at least one, a player from Estevan and a mix of USHL players.  This program is in good hands.

    Like was said before, the longer it takes on Tucker, the better. I would be disappointed as a UND fan only if he left, dude is ready. Not sure what his thoughts on family are, but personally for me, it would mean more to play another year with my brother and make another legit run at a National Championship, can't imagine what something like that would feel like to do with my brother as my defensive pairing. Chills. Unlike a lot of talent that flows through the organization, these two likely bleed green and white more than others. Just my opinion but I wouldn't be shocked at his decision either way. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Like a lot of UND fans my wife and youngest daughter will pass on the game tonight. I have 6 tickets so 2 of those are available for free if anyone wants to just enjoy some hockey tonight. 

    Really wish I wasn't working until six today, I'd take you up on those. 

  12. 25 minutes ago, burd said:

    Do you dress extra guys for the NCAA?  Not saying there's anything wrong with that--just asking. 

    What? I was thinking each team dressed twenty players instead of 18. I realize you were trying to make a joke, I just don't understand it.

  13. 7 hours ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    The Fighting Hawks Logo really looks terrific on the white ice background.

    Since our ND friends at the Pipeline Protest had such a pathetic protest and left such a terrible mess on our land, I've been falling in love with "Fighting Hawks." Our new stream lined logo really looks sharp and clean,  I treasure our new Name and Logo, with the same old University of North Dakota.

    UND Hockey has entered a new era, I believe, our first Hawk logo on the ice. How great it is. How beautiful !!!!    

    Go Fighting Hawks


    After spending 4 months dealing with "water protectors" I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment.

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  14. 2 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    I'll have it in my blog tomorrow, but you can see it on goonies blog now. Paging Mr. Goon?

    Cool. My cousin is a huge Bulldog fan, and I'm getting sick of his bull. Want to throw that video in his face.

  15. 11 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    DDC will have a breakdown of the ... well... questionable... actions of UMD in his blog tomorrow :) ... you can all make your judgements. Goonie had the video on his blog. It's laughable. I was literally laughing out loud it was so shameful.

    I may move UMD to my second least favorite team over DU.


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