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Posts posted by snova4

  1. 4 hours ago, Godsmack said:

    Wonder if/when Dane Jackson will get a head coaching gig? Think he might throw his name into the RPI hat?

    I doubt it. I thought I read when Hak went to Philly, he wanted Dane to come and Dane turned it down. As much as I'm sure being a head coach is a goal of his,I would think you'd want the right program, which I don't see RPI as being.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    I did laugh last night when Heidi begrudgingly stood and clapped when the POTUS mentioned the moving forward of the DAPL. Looked like she wasn't sure what to do.


    She's in a tough spot with the party she's in. She was down several times to the forward base at Ft. Rice. I have to hand it to Bergum though, as soon as he was elected he was visiting the site and at least attempting to get the situation over with. Pretty weird to look up from the front and see the Governor elect walking by in jeans. Old Jack never stepped foot down there that I could tell.

  3. 1 hour ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:


    I nominate this thread as the SiouxSports feel-good story of the decade. Proof that no matter how stale the conversation, or how random the bump, there can be a happy ending.

    Seven and a half years, people!

    Also, it shows the value of searching before one initiates a new thread. A lesson we can all use from time to time.

    Also, it shouldn't be skipped that this member has a total of 9 posts, two of which took place in this thread. Kudos to him/her.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Here's my perspective. There were/are a lot of younger players on this team that may have experience, but they don't have that gut wrenching losing in the Frozen Four two years in a row, one to our most hated rival in the most heartbreaking way experience that last year's juniors and seniors did. They are all still on a high from last season, and likely not making the tournament this season may serve the next couple teams well. 

    • Upvote 3
  5. 47 minutes ago, runaroundsioux said:

    Does the Target Center suck? Yes. 

    Is St. Paul a better hockey town? Yes.

    Do I wish the Frozen Faceoff was at the X? Yes

    Is the team we love going to be playing at Target Center in March? Maybe

    Am I going to be there to support them? If they make it.


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  6. On 2/4/2017 at 6:10 PM, UNDBIZ said:

    On the mobile platform, there is a menu drop down list in the upper right corner. Select "Account" and then "Ignored Users." Maybe I shouldn't use it so much, but my list of ignored users is 3 pages now. Very useful. 

    As for our resident GPL refugee, opinions vary regarding whether his posts rise to the level of trolling or not. It's certainly annoying, but there isn't a rule against liking rodents. 

    Back to hockey talk. 

    My god, 3 pages?

  7. 15 hours ago, siouxvikes said:

    Good thing that won't ever happen then huh?

    Don't you need to be over on GPL bashing Sioux fans so you can be "liked" over there?

    I know The National Championship being won the VERY FIRST YEAR Hak left had to sting for you MM, but you're going to have to get over that.  We have a personable coach now who knows how to get the most out of his squad when it counts.  But hey.....keep your fingers crossed that we don't make the tourney this year.  Those national results had to make you pretty crabby last night....helping us out as much as they did in the PWR, huh? 


    So when are these games going to start counting? Is he waiting until the conference tournament that they will need to win when the pair wise has us bounced from the tournament? We've won 9 out of the last 22 games, I don't call that getting the most out of a team, especially when we've looked terrible on ice.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Lol. This board is killing me. How many of you were all "I'd gladly give up a missed tournament appearance or two for a championship"? Please, admit to it, then all of you Hakstol haters for years complaining about him admit maybe, just maybe, you were just a little wrong. Haha. The world is going to keep turning. 

    • Upvote 4
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  9. Just now, GDPritch said:

    Actually, I was not a Haks basher, despite his not winning a natty. I though he did incredible job in that for a dozen or so years UND was always ultra-competitive/battling for it in the NCAA despite what/number of players they lost the previous season.  I hope Berry can turn this ship around.

    I don't believe I accused you of being one. If it came across that way, my apologies, it was not my intent.

  10. 3 minutes ago, GDPritch said:

    So then, is that a jab at Berry...? 

    Not in the least. Just praising the previous coach on his ability to get the most out of players at the correct time. This season isn't over, and as bad as we've looked, it doesn't mean this team isn't going to go on an impressive run and scare some people in late March, early April.

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