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Everything posted by snova4

  1. Awesome! I'm usually the last to win anything, maybe that's why I'm so superstitious when it comes to this hockey team. Most certainly $20 well invested.
  2. I could see it being North Dakota, like on the jerseys also.
  3. I swear to God mafia, if it is an NDSU jersey I will hunt you down, I know people.
  4. Everything I've heard coming out of the Force, not official but fans and ardent followers, is that likely better off. Seemed to have some off ice issues which caused him to not put a whole lot of focus into his play, ie. a girl. Sounded like the Force shipped him away from her to get his focus back on hockey and his career. If he comes back here, all that would be lost again.
  5. I was looking forward to today's reveal because I was ready to move forward with a good logo. Something identifiable. Something unique. You know, anything from the criteria that was laid out at the start of this mess. Instead, I got one last jab into the kidneys. I won't be spending a dime on apparel.
  6. Yep. I'm interested to see what Cam looks like missing 3 NHL defenseman in front of him.
  7. Okay, now that my fits of crying are over. Looking over the roster of who's left, and who's coming in, I'm still excited for this coming season. From what I've heard of Jost, he might be a step ahead of where Schmaltz was when he came in, factor in a year of improvement with Gersich and Wilkie, I think we'll be good on offense. I'm still very nervous about the defense though, that's a whole lot of talent to replace on the defensive side. Unlike many, I still feel that Tomek takes the starting role by the end of the season.
  8. I kind of want to cry. It's been a long time since we lost this much talent and leadership in one off season.
  9. I would guess it makes it more likely he leaves, but I'm not sure Nick is really suited for a bottom six role in the NHL. He's obviously a top six player, with that said, nothing I say would be anything more than wishful thinking.
  10. I think getting rid of Bickell, and creating the possibility of keeping Panarin and Shaw should be a considered a win no matter what they got back as long as they weren't giving up Toews, Kane, Keith, or Seabrook.
  11. It's weird, I saw Shark after Shark slashing, hooking, grabbing, doing their best to get under Crosby's skin all series, but he retaliates and he's the pansy? Yes, he used to be a bit of a whiny bitchy with the refs, but through this entire playoffs he hasn't been talking at all with the refs unless it was something to do outside himself. Haters gonna hate I guess though.
  12. Based on the last 25 years, I'd say our chances are about even.
  13. Lol. Let's not pretend hosting anything really puts you on the sports map. You're just lucky you have a large metropolitan area. Outside that, you're claiming your NBA championships from over 60 years ago, your NFL championship from over 50 years ago (so long ago it was prior to the Super Bowl era), and baseball championship from 25 years ago? I'm more impressed with your women's teams accomplishments, because at least they've taken place this generation.
  14. Let's not pretend the media bashing on Thomas, and not the rest of these individuals, wasn't due to his political affiliation. I support his decision to stay away. The team aspect takes place during the season, going to the White House is nothing more than a dog and pony show for the politicians.
  15. I'm a pretty new fan, so I don't really know of half the people all of you talk about, but since I've been following them I've got to say Pattyn. Not sure how he would hold up all time, but there's no denying his love for this program.
  16. How dare you put a season recap in a regular season thread.
  17. So after some research, looks like fall classes start August 22, and Blackhawks development camp likely runs July 18th through the 22nd. If Nick waits until after camp, I feel it's unlikely, and then takes a week to decide, staff still has 3 weeks to locate a player and get them on campus. Not actually to bad. I'll eat my words as far as it not being enough time, and being "bush league" for some of you clowns. I was figuring classes starting the 15th and going off others statements with camp possible being the last week of July. I would expect, however, that a player already in the program would give the coaches a little more time if that had in fact been the dates.
  18. Well, maybe UND isn't exactly the high class institution I thought it was then. I know when I went to college, everything had to be signed up for months in advance. I don't exactly know the star dates of class, but when posters are talking about a guy waiting until August to make up his mind, that doesn't leave a whole lot of time. Like I said a long way back, I rather doubt he takes that long, and I'm not foolish enough to believe that he's not in communication with Berry, like someone implied, but you can take what i meant any way you'd like. I'll make sure to write it in crayon in the future.
  19. By program, I meant coaches trying to help by doing leg work at UND while the recruit is scrambling to get on campus. Sorry, forgot that everything has to be taken literal on a forum.
  20. Yeah, just ask St. Clair. I realize most of the time it works out, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of strings being pulled to make it happen.
  21. There's more to starting college courses than a phone call a week before classes start.
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