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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. 47 minutes ago, Nacho said:

    I agree, our team has to be hungry after last weekend.  Dont see them playing conservative on O, knowing we were one of the last 2 in why play it safe, playing with house money at this point!  Hoping our D will be the unit we've seen most of the season, probably going to give up a few scores, but keep us in it when it counts.  Feeling optimistic,  going to eek out a W in Ogden!

    I agree with this, everyone across the country is thinking Weber will beat us by 10 plus.  The pressure is on Weber....we've got nothing to lose in a sense.  I think this is the week we may finally see that fake punt should the right situation arise.  :)

  2. 1 hour ago, nd1sufan said:

    The committee was more than likely going to split up the teams from the same conference in the top 4 seeds anyway. If Sac at had been 1 NDSU most likely would have been the 4 seed. There is no difference between a 1&2 or a 3&4 in all reality. 

    I agree....I always felt if they put Sac St. #1 NDSU would be #4 but when they did SDSU #1 I was pretty sure they would put NDSU at #3 to split them up.   

  3. We are the only team this year who can make the case the MVFC is still really strong.  The SU's are supposed to make it to the Semi's and/or win it, but if they lose early (which I don't think they will) that can only hurt the image of MVFC.  But we go on the road and beat Weber when the rest of the country thinks we are going to get run over out there, it will make a statement that the MVFC is still one of the best, if not the best conference.  If we get beat by 2 scores or more....not good.  Need to show up Saturday!!

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  4. 35 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    That's not how yo utake a guy down if you think the play isn't over....

    EXACTLY this.  And Maag did get up quick yes, but he was not trying to run towards the goal line.  Also.....when did they change the rules so that the whistle can be blown and the play is over......that as long as in the defenders mind.....they didn't think the play was over.....it's ok to hit someone.  Wasn't aware of that new rule.   But the most telling thing I think is what you said, that is not how you tackle someone when yo think the play is live, he was just f'ing with him.  

    • Upvote 2
  5. Did a real quick run through of the replay.  Man was it a complete sh*t show to start the game.  

    2nd play of game, Schuster runs into the sack...he could have tucked it up and ran a few yards or had time to throw to Bo who was open and crossing

    3rd play of game, Schuster scrambles out to the right and buys time and does what he normally does....but under throws it slightly and is incomplete instead of 1st down.  

    On our 2nd series when in SU territory NDSU DB F's with Maag after the play right in front of official and 99% of the time it's a personal foul but they decide to pull the flag

    NDSU 2nd series they have a long pass that is well defended and the ball bounces of helmet and their other WR catches it...for about a 50 yard pass play

    NDSU's second series they are 3rd and goal from about the 6....Cam keeps it and Pedigo is in perfect position to tackle him way short of end zone and completely whiffs

     We are in NDSU territory and reliable Hoosman, has the wrong play and knocks the ball out of Tommy's hand...when Red was open on the left flag for probably a 5 yard or maybe more gain. 

    NDSU's 3rd drive.....have 3rd and 9 from the 15 yard line.....we hold them but hand to the face gives them a first down and Cam takes it in on the next play from the 7. 

    All of that occurs and there is still 13 minutes left in 2nd quarter and SU is up 21-0


    On the bright side, the OL seemed to play fairly well.  We had a handful of runs up the middle that gained 5-10 yards. 

    Tommy ran at least 3 designed QB draws.....not sure we've really seen that before.  Not sure if it is something specifically Danny saw in their defense or what.

    Buckner seemed to have decent speed in chasing down a RB on a long run, I wouldn't say he seemed slow. 

    P.S. sorry for bringing up bad memories...but had to go back and watch anyway. :angry:

    • Upvote 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, siouxweet said:

    I know I am in the extreme minority but when it comes to hosting playoff games it should be based on what you do on the field not how big of a pocket book you have.  As long as a minimum bid has been met the better team should host despite what the past 50 years have shown.  Just go play and win.

    I agree....however that is not has how it has been....... until this instance.  But we do need to just go and win. 

    • Upvote 3
  7. 6 minutes ago, AJS said:

    My issue with that is UND is so bad at kickoff return in general, but also deviating away from the norm. If they pooch every kick I'm guessing Weber starts at the 40 every time. Honestly, given the elevation, I'm having UND try to kick it out of the end zone every time.  

    If they do those really high shorter kicks, that land about at the 20-25 like Missouri State did to us, seems like often times if that up guy catches it they just fair catch it. Might not be bad to do one of those once or twice, mix it up. Or a hard line drive type down the middle that bounces all over the place. 

  8. 1 hour ago, UND08 said:

    WE (as in UND) certainly DO NOT need to get an attorney involved in anything regarding the NCAA for a long long loooooooongggg time!

    I'd prefer to say the hell with regionalization and just seed the whole thing 1-24.  But then again I also feel like too many teams make the playoffs.  In a sport where guys lay their bodies on the line every week, I feel like every team picked should have a legit shot of winning the title.  That would mean like 8-12 teams in the FCS playoffs.  I know I'm in the minority on that opinion...but it is what it is.

    I disagree on shrinking the field.  There would have been so little interest going into the last week or two of the season.  Even with 24 teams....there are teams like YSU wondering why they didn't get in.  The last week or two there was a lot of excitement and fun speculation about who would and would not make it, a majority of that excitement would be gone except for a few teams.  You would have to say screw the automatic qualifiers then for sure, otherwise it would be mostly nothing other than conference champs in the playoffs....leaving very deserving teams out.  I think 24 is the right amount of teams for the tourney.  

  9. To be honest, after Saturday's game.......pretty much all of the wind went out of my sails regarding my thoughts of making a playoff run....and I just kinda felt like the season was over.....even though I felt we would make the playoffs.  Then finding out we are going on the road to Weber just added to that feeling initially.  However, I definitely think we have a punchers chance in this game.  1. We have played pretty Well at Weber in the past couple years  2. Weber's result against NAU was pretty similar to ours.  3.  I think Danny's offense can/may work better against teams that haven't played against it year after year.  4. It's an outdoor stadium so noise won't be quite as much of a factor as it could be in a dome on the road. 5. Finding out that we just got screwed by the committee might give us an extra mean streak on Saturday.  5. After the SIU game where we did not play well we came back the following week and were hitting on all cylinders....even though the team we were playing had players that were supposed to be bigger/stronger/faster - Missouri State (granted that was at home though). 

    We need to win the Special Teams by getting some big kick/punt returns and also not allowing them to get good returns, and we need to win the turnover battle.  If we can do that I think it will be a toss up game in the 4th quarter.  

  10. Well at least we finally got proof in black and white that we got screwed!  Not that the team should need any extra motivation....but time to head into that game with a FU attitude!! 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I hope we don’t get any surprises 

    I hope we don't either, but kinda need to mentally get  used to a few players transferring out every year...and probably at least one surprise a year.... unfortunately. Always sucks when the season is over, and now we get to hear about guys transferring out after the season to rub some salt in the wound. Early signing day in December is nice though as we hopefully get lots of positive news each December. 

  12. 26 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Food for thought:

    Bison Starting DLine:     Oline:

    6’5” 282 lbs                 6’6”  303lbs

    6’2” 260lbs                   6’4” 329lbs

     6’1” 279lbs                    6’4”  286lbs

     6’1” 242lbs.                   6’4” 304lbs

                                           6’6” 290lbs 

                                           6’3” 245lbs


    UND DLine:        Oline:

    6’3” 240lbs         6’4” 300lbs

    6’2” 290lbs          6’2” 305lbs

    6’2” 255lbs           6’3” 290lbs or 6’1” 285

    6’3” 290lbs           6’5” 305lbs

    6’5” 250lbs            6’6” 310lbs - 6’4” 285

    6’3” 290lbs           6’4” 235lbs- 6’3” 250

    6’4” 250lbs. 

    I’m not sure size is the issue. 

    Our 290 guys are all NG's though which should be bigger. Our DE's are 240-250.....too light. 

    • Upvote 3
  13. 30 minutes ago, UND Football Fan said:

    Win this game, it will be a small step into getting respect and great exposure to recruit the athletes we need to take this program to a higher level.

    It's also an important game as a measuring stick between the Big SKy and MVFC.  This game could have implications into next playoff selection....when it comes to perception of conferences.  This will be the one time other MVFC schools should be rooting for us to represent well.  

    • Upvote 1
  14. Just now, bincitysioux said:

    Highly recommend attending a game in Ogden to anyone who can.  One of the best road trips I have ever made.

    I am surprised we were outbid by Weber.  Well maybe not.......

    At least we played pretty well and almost one last time we were at Weber, but damn that is a pretty tough draw in first round.....probably the 9th seed. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    iwu is only slightly farther away than idaho....idaho v uc davis makes more sense and a trip straight south for us in the central zone against icarnate word....or if we win the bid...we can host the cardinals?

    Not sure if there played each other this year since they don't end up playing all conference teams, but sounds like they pretty much won't pair two teams in the first round that have already played each other. Either way I'm sure it will be our luck to be matched up with the highest bidder. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    We played awful today. probably in the 10th percentile for worst possible outcomes. I’m so sick of watching bubbas teams lay absolute eggs in big games. Today was embarrassing. This staff hasn’t managed the roster at all. Our defensive cupboard is pretty bare too. Our best LB group through bubbas tenure were all Mussman guys, let that sink in.

    That is what I was thinking after the game.....when I started thinking about next year.....as to what/how would we be any better on defense next year.  Same players next year.....gonna be pretty similar results.  The transfer portal guys we got on D this off season turned out to be kinda blah.  Maybe we can hit on one or two impact transfer players in the portal on defense next year......but not holding my breath.  Red was obviously a home run, but don't think it'll be as easy to get one of those type of impact players on D in the portal.  :sad:

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