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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. Just now, Dustin said:

    Yes, but the reality is this team has only won 3 games. The defense bent and broke about as much as most people expected. Not great. Not horrible. Move on and Try to get better.

    Agree, however I think their record might have been better with Bauman playing all year.  With him in the won their last two games and just beat SIU who went 'toe to toe' with the Bison.  Defense definitely still makes me very nervous and our offense will have to win most games.  But before the game I would have easily taken 19 points if somebody said that is all USD would get.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    Good points. I was thinking the safe play was out the back of the end zone, even on 4th down. 

    Yeah woulda been safer because if it was incomplete they only get the ball on the 2.  But I doubt he was thinking about that....he was just hoping for a prayer on the jump ball.  

  3. Just now, Dustin said:

    If we beat NDSU we would be 8-3.

    Oh haha yeah!  Even better.  SIU and NDSU would be tied at 7-4 with SIU having the tie breaker.    I think my subconcious mind can't let us get to 8-3 because it's been so long, hoping we do! 

  4. Just now, Dustin said:

    Only blip was interception in the end zone. ST bailed them out and then they cashed in. 

    And he only threw that because it was 4th down....might as well throw it up and hope.  If that was 3rd down he throws it out of the back of the end zone.  

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  5. Should we beat NDSU next week and SIU beats them, and YSU wins out.  UND, SIU, and NDSU are all 7-4 with NDSU losing to both schools.  YSU would be 8-3.  Could Bison be out of the playoffs?  I bet all of the sudden people will be thinking the MVFC should get 5 in instead of some people now saying 2 in lol  

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    Still too close for my comfort level throughout the game, but it turned out about exactly the way most thought it would. Kudos to special teams for saving the game. Great job by them. Defense still needs work if we’re going to win a playoff game.

    Agree, but when it's all said and done today....they only scored 19....not bad.  They are better with Bauman at QB than they were earlier in the year when they didn't look good.  Just when I said earlier....why the hell would anybody predict we hold someone to 20 points or less...we do it :D

  7. 1 minute ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    please siu beat the bizons!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is the one time in my life I want NDSU to win, assures SIU is out of the playoffs.  They are the only team that has the advantage on us in a tiebreaker situation.  

  8. South Dakota is going to be tough next year, sounds like only 12 seniors on the team.  They will be better with Bauman at the helm all year next year.  Enjoying this win.....let's get another next week! 

  9. Just now, SWSiouxMN said:

    4th down.

    Took a shot deep with Dennis


    Didn't like that call.  Even if we got 5 on that play we coulda brought Q in for sneak on 4th down.   That said Dennis could have caught that one.  

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