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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. 1 hour ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I will continue to pay passive attention to the playoffs. 

    If the team I want to win the most is eliminated I revert to hoping some teams lose.

    anybody but the other North Dakota team. 

    is that bad?

    might be a little jealous 

    I'd be ok if NDSU lost this weekend, but they won't. Therefore I hope NDSU piss pounds Montana 55-0.  Would also like Weber to beat MSU. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Weber and NDSU have mammoth, gargantuan offensive lines. They shoved our 3 DL wherever they wanted them and still had two guys to attack the second level (our LBs). 

    If you run a 3-4 you must have a NG that can consume the center and a guard (see: Tank Harris). 

    I thought Orlando was going to be that guy....given his size coming out of HS and being a wrestler.  

  3. 39 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    Not sure about others, but I was surprised that Schmidt had such an opportunity.  I never thought his defenses were anything special, either.  After Holinka became DC, I thought the defense was actually better.  Until this year.  Maybe my memory is not serving me correctly.

    Under Bubba's first year with Schmidt as DC....there was a huge turnaround from Mussman's last year.  We were horrible on defense under Mussman, Bubba'Schmidt's first year was drastic change......and our D was pretty good that first year....with pretty much the same players, that screams better coaching.  There were some times though where the defense did not play that great over the years after that though, but perhaps it's as much to do with the Jimmies and Joes on the field sometimes, I dunno.  And agree with you we also thought Holinka was great the first few years and this year is horrible  I think this year has a lot to do with.....we need quicker/faster/stronger players on D.  Either way, ultimately Holinka is responsible for the defense.

  4. 1 hour ago, F'n Hawks said:

    It’s not too complicated to work but it’s interesting when a Grad Transfer from Poly doesn’t seem comfortable with the system and didnt get a lot of time right away. Same with Buckner, although I don’t think he was as good as everyone thought coming in.

    The too complicated part might be more true now actually, in this day and age of transfers. In the past pretty much anybody in the secondary would have red shirted a year before they ever really had a chance to see the field. Transfer portal isn't going away.....so it might be something to consider when re-evaluating everything from top to bottom. 

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  5. Nice 7 minute drive by Semo to close the first half......up 17-3 at half.  

    Note - Montana also plays a 3-4

    Semo looks pretty fast on defense....quick pursuit to the ball on the outside.  

    Montana not putting up a very good case to deserve a home seed.  

  6. 2 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    se la just did the same play on fourth down and hit a guy wide open down the middle of the field..easy pitch and catch....next play td


    I've called for it a couple times this year........short yardage with Q in....fake the run and dump it off to a TE over the middle.  We sorta did that....but to a RB, to me better option is to do a TE as there are more eyes on the RB in that situation.  Weber's short yardage that went for a TD was to the TE. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    count me as not one that thinks danny is bubba's heir apparent....name one "good" team we've beaten with danny at oc minus the covid spring season?

    So if your defense is complete horse sh*t......not allowing you to be in a position to win against a top team....that should be the offensive coordinators fault?  That said, I'm ok keeping an open mind and taking a broader look when it comes to the next HC.  

    We had the 4th best Avg points per game in the MVFC this year...playing the 2nd best SOS. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Nodak78 said:

    But we dominate at home.  Home field is huge.  We need to win road battles.

    We do play MUCH better at home.  But we literally only dominated Missouri State at home this year.  We did not dominate UNI, USD, or ACU....all were down to the wire.  None of those teams are as good as Weber.  SDSU dominated us at home.  

  9. 44 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    This year’s defense. I thought our offense was decent enough last year. Freund improved upon it this year. Holinka’s defense regressed by a lot. 

    Agree.  Our offensive regression last year was mostly due to losing 3 starters on OL and having a below average OL.  Yes I get we still had Waletzko last year.  We only lose 1 OL next year at least (unless transfers).  With transfers out and graduation though....we did lose quite a bit in OLB and secondary....and it showed.  I guess when you think about our starting OLB's, safeties....and 1 ILB being gone....and 2 corners transferring out...hmmmm maybe shouldn't be surprising in a sense.  But was hoping we had better depth.   Have no clue how we take a huge step forward on D next year. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Going48 said:

    Disagree.  We lost by 7, at home we win by 14.

    Were you watching the game?  We couldn't stop them on defense.  They got conservative with their big lead.  I think we maybe could have won at home.....but I definitely would not say we were a lock to win by 14 at home.   Could it happen....yes.  But if we were playing at home....woulda been a one score game either way IMO.  

    Let's not let the 7 point score fool ourselves, they dominated us.  

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  11. 2 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    it was more the angle of the route AND hoos.....weird angle running to the sideline...q had a ton of time.....easier to has hoos turn it hard to the sideline and pickup the first down or cut to the middle of the field and go for the big hitter AND may use red or isaiah who i'm assuming have more catches than hoos has this year...it's the down the chimney throw your asking a cold qb to make that aint that easy.

    I thought that afterwards too...maybe use Smith in that scenario.  That said, what is supposed to sell it is that Hoos is a short yard type of back.  Also Hoos has has decent hands from what I've seen.  Hoos can't change his route in the middle of the play though, that would have really F'd everything up.  

    Remember how Weber had their slow TE WIDE open on 4th and short and took it to the end zone?  That is how that play could have gone.....but credit Weber for great defense and their defender being all over Hoos forcing an absolute perfect throw.  

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    You want me to do the research for you? Ok I will. Sure.

    What fits your criteria? At the time of ranking? How far they went in the postseason? What "type of team" do you think Weber is? That's a low standard. Idk maybe you were really blown away by them today. 

    You only get a chance to beat "that type of team" once, maybe twice a year.

    Last year UND sucked.

    The year before they beat the #1 team in the country according to Massey, SDSU.

    Can't count that win tho according to your parameters.

    The year before that they beat Montana State who finished as the 7th best.

    And people who poopoo the spring season....is because they sucked during that season or their team dropped out.  The big teams were still there in the end....SDSU, Sam Houston, NDSU, James Madison.  And let's be honest, SDSU rolls Sam Houston if their QB didn't do down in the 1st quarter.  Hell they almost won with a backup with no experience.  The Championship game probably isn't close if Gronowski played the whole game...woulda been a two score SDSU win.  We would have been the only team to beat SDSU all year that season.  That doesn't do sh*t for this year, but you can't just dismiss that win to fit a narrative.  

    • Upvote 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    true....and danny has those damn brain farts...3nd and 2 and really really need a first down..trickish play where you run q out and have him drop a touchy pass down the chinmeny to a rb that has how many catches this year?  so weird and odd...and we punted.

    You play to win the game.   Q in.....almost never throws...defense is keyed in.....I'm sure Danny is thinking that RB will get two steps on the defender....and if their defender  did hesitate just a bit....Hoos woulda had two yards of separation....allow Q to not have to lead him quite so much.   Kudos to their defense for the discipline and being ready.....because if Hoos has two yards of separation on that one......and a good throw he would have taken that one to the house....and everyone is going....WOW Danny...great play.  It's a game of inches, and that one failed so it gets questioned......which I'm ok with.  But Danny took a shot....and it didn't work.  

    • Upvote 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Tangolou said:

    The hardest part of all of this is that the players aren't good enough. It's that simple. I'm sure they are good kids but it's easy to see that we have smaller, slower and weaker players than the best teams at this level. I don't think it's a game plan problem, it's a recruiting and development problem. Too small and weak but we make up for it by being slow.

    Ok now that is funny!  :D

  15. 3 minutes ago, crb1 said:

    Not only will it be acceptable but he will get undoubtedly get a contract extension when it is up. No question about it.

    I'm trying to be optimistic......and I don't think it will happen this time.  Unless we miraculously make a run to the semi's next year.....which won't happen with the current staff.  Take part of that 125k that we didn't have to spend on the playoff game......use as part of the buyout. 

  16. 1 minute ago, MNHawk said:

    “Offense did fine”

    I’m not sure I agree with this sentiment. The offense scored 17 points through three quarters (10 if you exclude the bad fumble call). That’s not good enough and I don’t think our performance should be considered good because we scored a couple of touchdowns against a prevent defense late. 

    I agree....but he also said 'fine', which fine is blah...and not great.  As I said in my post on one of his posts earlier....agreeing and saying...I think our offense is good.....but we need to improve when we play teams with speed like NDSU and Weber.  Remember Weber was giving up 18 points a game on average......so they are good.  Our offense is pretty good.....but still needs improvement.  We looked anemic on offense to start the game against NDSU and SDSU.  SDSU though....does have a good defense two....and we started out gangbusters against them.  Losing only 1 OL guy should help.......because as the OL goes.......  

  17. 1 minute ago, ChrisUND1 said:

    Yeah what an awful showing by them. Crowd was absolutely not a factor or did it add to the student athlete experience.  Is it a Mormon thing today than prevented them from attending?  

    It's Thanksgiving weekend....students are gone...numbers will be small at many games....other than probably Montana.   

  18. Just now, F'n Hawks said:

    I wouldn’t say no doubt we win at home. We still wouldn’t have stopped them.

    Agree.  I think Weber is the better team, but I think maybe we create a few more breaks at home and have a better chance.   I will be cheering for Weber the rest of the way.  They are one of the Big Sky teams that I've never really hated.....just respected.  

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