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Posts posted by Sioux94

  1. 11 minutes ago, SteelSD said:

    I don't know how likely SDSU is as Gronowski will be the guy for the next 2 years barring an injury.  I can't see Knuth transferring to SDSU needing an injury to the starter to have a path towards that.  USD is definitely a possibility as the last time they were actually relevant was when they started a Minnesota castoff.  The starting job would definitely be in play for him there.

    Bauman looked pretty good starting for USD towards the end of the year last year and I think he likely has 3 years left.  Although he certainly isn't entrenched as the for sure starter as much as Gronowski would be if he transferred there.   May just come down to if he wants to play right away, or be playing in December in January when he does play.

  2. 1 hour ago, Nodak78 said:

    I really believe Hoos can play in the NFL.  If he gets the chance he will succeed.

    I wish we had him for 4 years.  But Danny needs a bonus for providing the year he had at UND.



    I still remember the week of the UNI game, their fans laughing about how their 3rd-4th string RB was now our #1 RB.  The laugh was on them.  I think he will at least make a practice squad somewhere, hopefully he is at least given a shot.   Nice to see him wearing the North Dakota shirt in the interview.  If he does make it at the next level......definitely a big thanks to the North Dakota football program........with honorable mention going to Weah :)

    • Upvote 4
  3. 29 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    I'd still like to see them work in Q on the 4th and 1 situations. Doesn't matter if people are expecting it or not; it just seems to work.

    I'm sure Danny will continue to do that, works too well not to. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Hawkster said:

    This is how I see it.  8-3 or 7-4.

    Drake W
    NAU W
    Boise L
    SDSU L
    WIU W
    NDSU 50/50
    UNI L
    Indiana St W
    Murray W
    USD W
    ISU W

    I'd probably agree with that. The UNI and USD will be tough road games, need o at least split those.....and then beat SU at home.  As Mr. Wright mentioned.....we have improved on the road and have shown we can win on the road so winning at least one of them is doable. I'm not sure which of them may be the more difficult game, might be the USD one now that they've got a good QB. 

    This has got to be the year we beat SU. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    what are u asking?

    He's not asking anything.  He was saying he will likely break UND QB records for all-time, not just under Bubba's tenure.  He did get the extra Covid year though which did help, although it wasn't a full season.  I believe Klancher started when he was a freshman and started for 4 years, but I could be wrong.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    but can timmy 2 gloves hit the deep ball this year (especially to these burners?)

    I won't sugar coat it, it's not his strength.  However have seen him throw it 45-48 yards in the air....but in my opinion he is too worried about getting picked on the deep pass and often over shoots his WR trying to be safe.  If it's single coverage....and even if our WR only has a step on him.....throw it up and let our guy make a play, or get pass interference called.  On occassion he may get picked deep.....but if he can connect a few times on some deep balls the defense has to be concerned about it and would hopefully open things up a bit more.  

    • Upvote 1
  7. These three on the field at the same time at WR would give us the most speed we've seen from a WR group in a while. 

    And then to think we have Bo, Wright, and hopefully a healthy Klein. Could be a very good and diverse set of WR's. Won't hold my breath on Klein though until we see he is healthy enough to play. 


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  8. 1 hour ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Are we really that thin at RB? Other than a bowling ball short down back I’m pretty confident with the guys we have. Ziebarth and Smith can handle the workload. Skokna and red bring another scat look. Depth would be nice but we don’t need a guy to step in to start day 1 like hoosman. The Oline is more important for the run game.

    I didn't realize Mitchell is no longer on the team? It's only showing 4 RB's right now, but obviously Red can play RB too if needed. I agree I think we have capable guys at RB, but sure would be nice to pick up that kid at RB.  With pretty much our whole OL back and most of the offense in general back, definitely excited about the offensive side of the ball.  They will need to score a lot this year. 


    • Upvote 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Midwestern Hawk said:

    Like I said BH also knew it was time to move on.  On paper, the defense will be worse than last fall and will be miles from some of his previous D's.  Joel will need to be a magician for the D to be even average.

    Why do you think we will be worse on paper this year than last year.  I would think BH would have left last year if that is what he was worried about, we lost a ton on defense going into last year....from the previous year.  This year most are back.  Our corners have more experience, hopefully Buckner has picked things up at Safety....and Fort is healthy, we got a few DL transfers I believe.  Haven't done a thorough look through to compare, but I think on paper we are slightly better than last year.  We were pretty bad last year though, so only slightly better on paper still isn't really that good.  Defense will still be our biggest concern and likely our biggest weakness this fall.  Our offense is going to have to carry us again, and I am just hoping our Defense makes some timely plays when needed.  

  10. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:


    Looks like he can fling the ball around with ease.  Dare I say he looks a bit Trey Lance'ish the way he seems to throw and run with such ease and confidence.  Hopefully he wants to play with his brother, I assume he is Paine's brother.  :)

  11. Fall of 2021 our 3-4 gave up a total of 280 yards of offense to NDSU and 16 points (3 of which we handed to them by going for it on the 4th down), most teams I think would feel pretty good about that.  223 Net rushing yards, which is a quite a bit....but that's all they did is run...and 50-60 of it came on a late drive in the 4th quarter.  

    I think Homer's point is.....other teams have a 4-3 and NDSU has steam rolled them too.  The 3-4 vs 4-3 is a legitimate debate, but bottom line is we need better/bigger players to run the scheme.  

    • Upvote 3
  12. Is Malachi McNeal going to be one of those younger guys that steps up this year and we see a lot more playing time and production from?  Seems like we thought he was a good get in the recruiting process.  

    • Upvote 2
  13. 49 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    I wonder if Dosch was ever considered for DC.  Almost seems like he will be his boss's mentor.

    Agree.  Although maybe at this point he wanted to get back into coaching but not the stress level of being DC.  Would be curious though if there were discussions about it.  If he wanted DC and didn't get it, not sure he would have taking LB coach position.  You make a good point he will likely be a bit of a mentor but he obviously is ok with that since he took the position, and he might look forward to being a bit of a mentor. 

  14. 52 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Solid hire. Guessing he really wanted to get back into coaching
    14 years of experience as a head coach plus another 13 years coaching linebackers. Will be a good resource for Schwenzfeier to lean on.

    I agree....I like the hire.  Listening to him comment on the radio broadcast......a few times he would say something like.....who is gonna be the alpha today on defense.  Dosch seems like an alpha, and I think can help bring that type of mindset to our defense....along with a lot of coaching experience. 

    • Upvote 2
  15. On 2/8/2023 at 9:57 PM, UND-FB-FAN said:

    UND football is the greatest program in the history of all great programs. It is spectacular. Just so great. 

    If you substitute tremendous for spectacular, you might have a future as a Trump impersonator. :)  We are obviously none of the things you said and there is a lot of room for improvement.  But we are also not the 117th best FCS program either....which 90% of your posts make it sound like.  

    • Upvote 1
  16. 3 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I asked chat gpt to write a UND-FB-FAN style post about the program. This is what it came up with. Eire.

    The University of North Dakota football program has faced a number of challenges in recent years. One major issue is the team's overall win-loss record, which has been below average and has not shown significant improvement over time. Additionally, the team has struggled to compete against stronger opponents in competitive conferences, often being outmatched in terms of both talent and strategy. Another area of concern is the lack of investment and support from the university, as resources and funding for the program have been limited, hindering its ability to recruit top talent and build a winning team. These factors have combined to create a difficult situation for the football program, and it will take significant effort and resources to turn things around.

    Could just copy and paste that on a weekly basis for the next 7 months and save UND FB FAN a lot of keystrokes. 

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