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Old Fella

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  1. Do the phase 'masoginist have once again raised their ugle heads' have valididy here'. YES!
  2. Went golfing with 2 of my old buddies. Game finished coming of the course. Me: 'Was windy today' Buddy 1: 'No,it's Thursday' Buddy 2: 'So am I, let's go have a beer.
  3. Using CHN Pairwise Ratings. Prediction: Play out east. #3 Western vs 14 Northeastern #6 UND vs # 11 Mass
  4. I am using CHN Pairwise Comparison Ratings
  5. Denver's loss moves them to 4th in pairwise and Minnesota 3rd. UND is 6th. If pairwise stays the same it would most likely look like this. If UND loses tonight they stay at 6 and will be in the MInnesota Region. If UND wins tonight they move to 5th and are in Denver's region
  6. By the By that is where they are now in pairwise.
  7. IMO there is a 25% chance UND will land in the same Regional as Denver. If pairwise has Denver #3 and UND # 6 UND will be placed in Loveland.
  8. Speaking about Cornell. Their loss to Brown sent us down from 12th to 13th in the pairwise.
  9. Watched Montana State/South Dakota State game. Montana St. QB put on a clinic. Not sure what his stats were but he rushed for over 100 yards and passed for over 100.
  10. That time was pre Schaffer and Kennedy. During their time they cut mens baseball and golf, not to mention womens hockey. They wanted to sell the golf course. They deciminated and demoralized UND athletics.
  11. Old Fella


  12. Old Fella


    This sounds like a teenager living in the wreakage of the future. Am in my mid-80's/ received my booster shot yesterday. My vax card, airline tickets and game tickets are all loaded on my phone. The same is true for the other 7 members of the family although they will be car pooling. Looking forward to dining at the best rib place in Knoxville, hooking up with OLD friends and watch hockey. Also have my tickets for this weekend's game on my phone.
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