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Everything posted by Fetch

  1. How much for the . ?
  2. I drove thru Ray a few weeks ago & it sure has changed - even the house I lived in across the street from school is Gone the school has really built on - I have a 50th Reunion next summer but I can't get enthused about going - Great drive from Williston to Fort Collins thru eastern Montana Wyoming (never drove that route before) Keep Drilling Fracking & Raising the Price of Oil GrandPa's going to need a Power Wheelchair :' )
  3. Ive been in Colorado a lot lately - So who are the Big Guns potential Draft Choices etc. ? WHO WILL COACH THE PP & PK this yr ? Has anyone picked how teams should do this yr ? Is that New Score Board going to motivate me to walk 3 blocks after paying $10 to park when it's 30 below instead of staying home & watching on TV ? 35 yrs with season tickets over 40 going to games - It used to be one of the main reasons to be in GF in Winter --- Last yr not so much :' ( just saw siouxperfan 7s post on who is going to be good #18 - THAT SUCKS - I MAY HAVE TO GO TO Fort Collins & watch Marto play (is he still there ?)
  4. It's good to be Excited about October Baseball again - Come On Twins Get Er Done
  5. I think winning regularly & getting in the playoffs & then the F4 & winning it all is alot more Fun than last yr - But I'm a 40 yr Fighting Sioux Hockey Fan & a 50 yr Vikings Fan (I still have hope our Hockey Team can be Fun) & every few decades the Twins can be Fun - Bottom line "You can't beat Fun for a good time"
  6. I'm still looking - my wife is having knee replacement
  7. Never been there but want to go - this might get me there
  8. I Love The Ralph but Love Winning & at least competitive & being in it until the end I hope we never have another year like last year - 2 or more like last year will be disastrous for the Ralph No improvements to the Ralph are going to help this !
  9. If anyone has one For Sale please send me a Message
  10. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=902088193479373&id=747432502278277
  11. Do you think most of the people that go out to the concourse between periods are students or Alumni ?
  12. Maybe the NCHC & WCHA should merge ? Or split up the PIG10
  13. I think a huge majority of people at the Ralph that have season tickets are not Big UND Fans - or ever went to UND - They like Great Hockey & when we are in the top of the conference standings the Place Rocks - another year or two of so-so hockey & the place will be 1/2 empty or more - I hope it never happens But wishing Fighting Sioux goes away, I doubt will ever happen Something is not right with Recruiting How full has the Arena been & how is the atmosphere at Duluth & Denver been the past few yrs ?
  14. It would be more Fun for me if there was reasonable priced parking closer to the Arena & lower prices for food & drink & A National contender Team every year and/or Consistent scoring & top of the League PP & PK - The people running the video boards & music have never been Great & have gone downhill in recent yrs - A top Arena should have top amenities & product - We are spoiled & want even better - Oh & Bring Back Fighting Sioux The closest thing ND will ever have to Pro Sports needs to be as close to Professional as possible & then some - but I'll give it more thought
  15. Fetch

    Shaw's gone.

    No surprise
  16. Thanks he is 13 & has a little brother Bryce Mattern (nick name Bruce ?) That is awesome at 11 Not just because they are my grandsons either they have had any & all available training in Fargo & GF & have played since they could walk - live in West Fargo - Chase is also straight As
  17. How do we tell ESPN that Melrose should only do color between periods- then everyone could print out his picture & throw it in the toilet & piss on him between periods
  18. Maker not scoring but he is really good
  19. Damn spell check
  20. When your retired everyday is Saturday - so tomorrow ? ? ?
  21. Hate to see a penalty end this one
  22. Well this has been a good one
  23. You testing malt liquor now ?
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