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Everything posted by Fetch

  1. It's begining to look alot like Christmas
  2. I can teach a Mod how to delete ?
  3. "You can't beat fun for a good time"
  4. It's like Denver all had a THC gummie before the 3rd started ....what ever that is
  5. I'm sick of all the terrible bad hits I've seen just in the last few months in youth hockey & College- I don't watch Pros until Playoffs - I saw broken leg & concussions & had a Grand Son at 13 in his 1st ever full checking game get a slight shoulder separation & concussion by a boarding check that the kid that did it got a 5 & game call & went off smiling Those bariatric chambers are great !
  6. How did I miss this ? Is it too late to pick UMass ?
  7. It is if Denver keeps up having Penalties
  8. I really like the Town of Denver & Colorado but too big for me UMass seems like a underdog Cinderella team - But basically don't give a crap - just like good Hockey & what I'm seeing tonight UMass is very good
  9. I knew UMass would be tough Imagine being Good at Special Teams........again
  10. She loved running bear
  11. & that guy in the "Trash can" is (or was) a Moderator ?
  12. I have a xlarge melon ? I'll do one black no moniker Do a decent ball cap with the real Sioux logo someday
  13. I'd buy one or more (but not with white dove) & make them Quality (best logo possible & maybe even fitted) my wife bought me 3 new Sioux hats this last yr & I wear 2 of them but they seem like cheaper China types
  14. AMEN - Well said - I feel the same way - can anyone tell me how /why he died ? Use a Personal Message if you don't want to say here This Place is SPECIAL !
  15. I have not been on & saw this At 1st this did not register to me as Sprig (Glad I went back & read it all)- only met once but have communicated here lots & on other hunting / outdoor sites - He worked back in my home territory & was so glad to get out of there after the last oil boom - Very Smart & a Fantasitic Sioux Hockey Fan - So Sorry & I will miss him RIP
  16. I'd be pizzed if that was against us
  17. My 13 yr old grandson Chase Mattern has not got any offers yet ? ? ?
  18. I believe UMass will be in finals Hope UMD Marron Loons will too I'll wait to see how bad UMass smokes Denver before I pick a Champion Which Goaltender stands on his head ?
  19. Yeah that's what I got have 3 now 2 at home one at lake - never had a problem
  20. For those that don't remember this was before Video scoreboards & other electronic crapola - He was Funny https://b105country.com/do-you-remember-umd-hockey-mascot-maroon-loon-video/
  21. I'd rather see Duluth win it all over Denver Wonder if the frozen water skiing Maroon Loon will be there behind the Zamboni ?
  22. Is The Duluth game on TV tonight ? I'm in Fargo
  23. Has UND ever had a Aviation major (Pilot)as a Hockey recruit - Or is the program not conclusive to Flying ? You would think top Draft picks would want & be able to afford a plane someday
  24. I can hardly understand the Female announcer
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