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Mama Sue

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Everything posted by Mama Sue

  1. I agree...didn't the Beatles get into trouble stating about the same?
  2. I read somewhere he has trouble farting in cold weather. I would think a ND kids would have no trouble farting in cold weather. I hope it doesn't hurt his draft stock to much Basically, I would say that weather does not anatomically affect one's ability to fart but then I have never been in an NFL locker room
  3. The Gophers have recruited out of state illiterate, or low literacy, athletes since I have been married (mostly football and basketball). I know very few quality high school athletes who aspire to go there. When one does, it is like BIG news. I really feel bad for what has become of mostly football and hockey. The Golden Gophers were quality athletes you could teach your sons to look up to. Now they can not talk a complete sentence when interviewed on TV. Several years ago I thought, "My education dollars are paying for scholarships for these young men?" When we came to recruiting weekend at UND we were told on Tues. and Thurs. football practice was in the library until mid-terms came out. If you were 3.0 or above, you went to the outdoor field to practice. Again, all of my children could have gone to UND and I would have been a happy mama.
  4. Well momster, I said all of my kids could go to UND, sports or no sports, and I would be happy. I can not say enough good things about the school, community, or staff. As a health care professional, I heard wonderful things about UND's medical and nursing programs. Every doctor or nurse who went to UND was EXCELLENT! If your son goes to UND, he will get a great education and play for a great football team. I am sure you will be happy with his choice, good luck! Those days in Feb. are extremely stressful My son had offers from 3 schools and the LOWEST $$$ were from UND ( they did add his academic $$$ and he got more). The night before signing I asked him what his choice was. He said a neighboring school which was giving him a full ride as a freshman. Then asked me my thoughts. I told him just one thing, "Son, I know you do not want to hear this right now but forget football. You need to pick the school that will give you the best education for what you want to do for the rest of your life." His response was, "Mom, then it is UND." Good Luck!
  5. Well to be positive, will someone start a thread every time someone signs on? A general leaving thread with some positive notes on how to save a future player is good. Also, on the sign on thread why they are coming to UND?
  6. This is a great thread and I appreciate the comments from people who know and understand college football. The Sioux will have a great day in Feb.2016!! IMHO, I think Bubba knows how to recruit and his sincerity must show! How many football scholarship $$$ does UND have compared to others? When a player accepts a scholarship and then leaves, is that money tied up if it is a multi-year scholarship? Can that money be put back in the pot for others? That is my only question about players leaving! My mother always said, "Money talks." GO SIOUX!!
  7. Sorry, could not figure out posting that night... my comment was this is not Ladies Aid because you ALWAYS leave Ladies Aid knowing what is going on!!! Even if it is just a health update of members...this is speculation! Let's work to keep players and coaches.
  8. Ditto Energy wasted....focus on what can be done to keep them!
  9. Wrong about Ladies Aid.doc
  10. Mama Sue


    I think Dale is a class act. I don't know lot about football but as a man, yes he is a positive leader!
  11. I just got up from a nice Sunday afternoon nap, this creates a very graphic image for me. My response the immature, Bison fans on this site would be to eat s#%t and bark at the moon. We still have the nickel and the SIOUX will be back after a 4 year rebuilding. Hope they don't shut this down after my comment!
  12. Mama Sue

    2016 Season

    Now 2 years into the 4 year rebuilding!
  13. Ditto Could not believe it when I read these posts....my limited knowledge was actually offended!
  14. I would like to see the clusterf**k with 13,000!
  15. We are 1 3/4 years into the 4 year plan. Go Sioux!
  16. Well I do not care what the name is... the Sioux remain the Sioux. I have so many codes for my computer at work. I have gone through my husband, kids, our dead dog, and ex-boyfriend. This changing every 90 days kills me. So now I use Sioux, part of a 12 digit code with what ever else is needed! The Sioux stay the Sioux in my book. Just FYI, I had real problems remembering the ex-boyfriend so I went back to our dead dog.
  17. Ditto also ditto to injuries and a young team! At least the Bison lost
  18. Best damn post in months.....who can answer it??? When did it ever quit???
  19. Vision and balls make you go far in areas other than football. I miss going back to the Expedition, turning the heat on full blast, and putting on warm dry socks at half time. Toilet seats are rather cool in the Alerus so what is the difference?
  20. Ditto A logo would really help (one that is supported by fans, community, and staff). Can't say I was impressed when I read some suggestions in the paper. I mean NO ONE in MN liked the Wild when it was announced but it grows on you. Retro fitting a building is expensive and difficult...then you seem to lose whatever warranties you have because when problems develop, everyone points fingers. I would totally support banners, posters, photos of players, other UND teams, etc. I like the 4th quarter beer special and maybe ties to a "Get a XXX Beer for XXX with every quarterback sack!" Anything to create an atmosphere...but, a winning team does that. Patience, Patience GO SIOUX!!!
  21. Tough loss... a year ago I said we need 4 years to rebuild and we will....at some point we WILL be better than the Bison
  22. Not me!!! Go Sioux, go defense! No matter what happens, we have the nickel
  23. Like I said, "I LOVE good defense!"
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