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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. This is so true. I prefer regular unleaded because I will get an extra 30 miles out of a tank for an extra $1.50.
  2. Then everyone can make nothing selling gas just like Fargo. Notice though FlyingJ aka Pilot "the thieves" and Sam's never lowered the price here. Fleet does not do it anywhere else but Fargo.
  3. That would be Arch not Archie and his mother's name is Mary.
  4. Fixed. One thing I noticed in this cat fight was they kept holding onto their sticks.
  5. RRRRRRRRRRrr HHHHHHHHHHhhhhsssssssssssssssss
  6. How many people there are wearing Canadian Red? Or if you took out the Canadians how many people would even be there?
  7. I saw $10 to park on the REA website. I wonder how many tickets were bought by Canadians? Come down and do some Christmas shopping and hit the game.
  8. http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0005821973.html http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0005821975.html http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues/seasons/teams/0005821976.html All there is.
  9. Hey MafiaMan, They all probably wanted to pay you quickly after watching Jimmy strangling Morrie with the telephone cord.
  10. Heck I never even knew who my advisor for undergrad was suppose to be. I had a real nice lady named Brenda in the dean's office who was my de facto advisor. She knew probably more about the ins and outs of the AS College than anyone. I would go and see her before signing up for classes and see if my schedule would work. She knew what I needed to take and what i din't need.
  11. I think, if I remember right, that other professors were unhappy over the amount of grad students she was advising. She was, they claimed, poaching their grad students. She had a lot of students that she was advising, That was part of the jealousy issue they had. She was too well liked by the students.
  12. Which could easily mean no gold medal this year.
  13. I was thinking this game because they really did not have a full roster and walk ons playing major roles.
  14. I am using the a PC to HDTV hdmi cable like you. Maybe my screen is full just because of how I have the tv settings. I might have it on wide. I only have a 32" tv so maybe that is why I don't get as much distortion as you do.
  15. Or three or four or five or six.... Nice guy but he could not fight in the confines of a kitchen though.
  16. Are you saying you do not get a full tv screen picture? I do.
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