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smokey the cat

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Everything posted by smokey the cat

  1. Great story and thanks for finding and posting it. Probably the best thread for it.
  2. Is this the place where no one even watches the game? Are you sure they will let the unwashed masses into this exclusive area?
  3. Because flying to Devils Lake and Jamestown will get them a bunch of tax dollars in subsidizes so that it would be a hard to lose money. Serving a city with only one arrival and departure does not work. People want options of flight times. For a town of Devils Lake's size it would work though. Does anyone remember how much GF gave United to provide service? Vegas_Sioux was right on the mark for why people fly Delta. As for the flying east to go west thing that is very common all over the country. Flying to Denver to go west vs. flying to Minneapolis to go west time wise really makes no difference. As for Frontier they would want money and provide a limited service, think Allegiant on steroids. Frontier really nickles and dimes people to death. When people book tickets on Frontier through a third party website they overlook bag fees. What happens is that people that book tickets through these sites do not get a free carry-on. They find out at the gate that the carry-on is now going to cost them a $100 dollars. If checked in at the ticket counter when the checked in it is like $20. They are a sleazy operation. Frontier has not been the same since Republic took them over and the CEO use to run Spirit another sleazy airline.
  4. Yes and no. Dayton's bought Marshall Fields and changed the name to Marshall Fields for their Dayton and Hudson's stores. Then Target, parent company of DaytonHudsons, sold the department stroe division to Macy's. Macy's then took over most of the DaytonHudson stores as Macy's. Hence why what we always called Dayton's are now Macy's. I always liked Dayton's better than Macy's.
  5. Macy's suits are perfectly fine. They have great sales. Something wrong with people who buy suits at Macy's?
  6. Rolex is a watch for people that have more money than brains. Rolex are actually a junk timepiece.
  7. While Hak benches a player for a loud party ticket.
  8. That is called a plea bargin. Though he was charged and not suspended.
  9. Actually you were just stating a fact this year.
  10. I am glad that you guys pay serious attention to this hiring process. All I have to do is read what you guys are saying so I can have an idea of what is going on. More importantly I can get a good idea of who the best coach will be. Thanks.
  11. Don't let the facts get in the way of a Bison rant.
  12. Are you a graduate of the NDSU School of Law?
  13. False arrest the first time he was charged with resisting arrest? The bar fight was the second time.
  14. We know that Travis got nothing the first go around he had. What about this guy then? This was Travis's second resisting arrest charge and nothing happened the first time. You only mentioned the minor and not the resisting charge? Why is that?
  15. On their first go around. Not their second or third try at the justice system.
  16. Only because he had how many previous charges? Was he suspended on his other charges?
  17. Saw this in the Vegas paper over the weekend. Thought some if you might enjoy it. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/dec/01/ncaa-pokes-its-growing-nose-further-others-busines/
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