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Sioux-per Villain

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Everything posted by Sioux-per Villain

  1. Thank God Linda Coates is pushing hard for a new homeless shelter in Fargo for drunks and drug addicts. You find love there...
  2. I suspect you're in the middle of consumption right now with a post like that! My head hurts.....
  3. I confess. I pissed down a gopher hole the other day. Will I be fined for public urination or could I be busted for animal cruelty too?
  4. It should be handled the same way Lucia handled the Blarney underage drinking scandal....do nothing. What concerns me is the consequences suffered as a result of an off-ice distraction. We've all waited the entire season to see our boys perform up to their capability and give us optimism heading into post season, and then this crap happens! I hope it doesn't de-rail our momentum.
  5. "We give the Golden Gophers a No. 1, even though they played like No. 2 against NoDak"
  6. maybe that was an ad at Judys that the boys misinterpreted.
  7. must have been a Potulny in there Sunday night!
  8. I'm feeling confident as long as Sid Hartman doesn't make a prediction for us....."no chance...zero" 40 ta nothin
  9. Trupp continues to pour it on. Sat night he had a hattrick including another shortie.
  10. Guess it all depends on what we lose on D in the off season if any. Right now, IMHO the only early departure risk I see is Chorney. The only for sure is Foyt. Not alot of room for defense unless Radke & Genoway move to forward.
  11. is Blood coming in next year? I thought that our only new defenseman coming in is Lapointe.
  12. last year we split winning 4-2 on Sat after getting hammered 6-1 the night before. Lammy was in net for the win and it was arguably his best game as a Fighting Sioux.
  13. Good point but its still easier to sweep a team at home than on the road. I believe the best we Sioux fans can hope for is no break from recent tradition this year.
  14. the stat of 11 years since Mn swept UND at home scares me....
  15. I'm afraid Elliott and Fisher are a little better than Phil. I suspect the gophers will get 30-35 shots on us. PL will need his best game to hold Mn to 3 goals and we'll probably need to score at least 4 on their defense. He did it last year so there's is reason for optimism. However, I think Mn will be emotionally charged after what happen to them in Grand Forks last March. We need to stay out of the box. Mn is always better on the power play than the rest of the league and this year is no different. I just hope the games are close enough to give us a chance to win.
  16. No question. If we get 2 points this weekend, there's still hope for home ice. But unfortunately that may be an extremely tall task for this team.
  17. Finley? Please. At best he would probably help EJ up, brush off his sweater and escort him back to their bench. Robbie Bina hits harder than our pylon. The only thing missing from his uniform is pink tape on his stick. He may be 6'7" and 250 lbs, but he's really nothing more than a pussy. My money is on Radke or Kaip. Please prove me wrong this weekend big Joe.
  18. I for one hope this venture succeeds, but by your directions, I assume you are describing the plot of land directly south of Famous Daves. That area is being developed now as retail and medical. Seems unlikely that the land available is sufficient in size for the scale of this project.
  19. I highly doubt an at large bid will go to a CHA team. BSU needs to win the CHA to get in. Right now they're a TUC team for North Dakota which improves their PWR with a sweep. We definitely need this more than they do but regardless, I suspect both games will be close.
  20. Sorry, I missed the disclaimer stating constructive criticism was forbidden. That being said, I suspect Negative-Nellies and Homers are at opposite ends of the spectrum. I find myself somewhere in the middle, dare I say... a realist?
  21. There's equal reason for optimism as well as pessimism.
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