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Everything posted by siouxforcefans

  1. SMH. That's currently a common theme by some people in the area - "Appreciate all he did, but maybe now we can get rid of this diversion crap". People showing their personal agenda, and voicing it at the wrong time, IMHO. May he rest in peace. I hope the end was as quick and pain free as possible.
  2. Ahhhh, my kindred spirits Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!
  3. I expect LSSU to come in and play the hardest they will all year. Our boys better respond and not have a let down like last year.
  4. Keep Mark. I HATE the "this is my version in case a talent scout is in the building" crap we used to get. The song and music and timing of our national anthem should not be subject to some whim or audition for American Idol.
  5. see, I wouldn't break up the Cags/Mac/Parks line right now, so I'm ok keeping Nick with a different group
  6. Boys will be motivated. 4-1 Sioux victory
  7. When did this thread merge with the Fire Hak thread? Jeepers... On topic: This series is really a fun one for the wife and me - so many former Force players in action. We get to see how far the boys have all progressed. Seeing Zane, Colten, and Bryn (and Cam when he gets another shot on the ice) every weekend is great, but Blais pulls so many USHL players, that this series is on a different level. Quick check shows UNO is down to only 4 former Force players this year - I think they were as high as 6 in a recent season.
  8. He's been bitten by the injury bug. Messed up a foot last season and missed well over a month (almost 2?). Had a hip issue this year already, and missed 4 or 6 games. I'd say he grew a little over the summer and definitely put on about 15 lbs of muscle. He's also been a lot more aggressive this season. Will be interesting to see how he does as the season goes on, but earlier I thought he and Yon may both jump after this year. I guess only time will tell how ready he gets.
  9. Thought I heard that not everyone traveled to St. Cloud, so options were limited on Saturday after Bryn went down. That might've been the reason behind Poolman up front instead of bringing in a Panzarella or Sanderson, since they weren't there? It's also entirely possible the person saying that didn't have their facts straight, but I'm just wondering if it might be true. :shug:
  10. Fri - Mark Mac Sat - Luke
  11. Fast game. Drake is an offensive juggernaut?
  12. Sioux win one 4-1, and tie the other. First shootout of the year on it's way?
  13. Back in the 90's I played at a complex in North Moorhead - lagoons AND the beat plant. Wow...
  14. Kinda surprised Frattin cleared waivers. I hope he finds a good fit - Very good read! I've always liked Tim from the first time I met him. Alzheimer's is just such a scary disease
  15. Couple take aways: Stecher was our best D this weekend. Luke missed some prime shots, but once he dials in, he's going to be better that I ever expected. Caggs keeps finding ways to make my jaw drop - I yelled so loud on that backhand, that I think I dislodged a tonsil!
  16. Agreed. We have depth at all positions, so no need to put someone out of position.
  17. Honestly, I was just asking the question to spur discussion, not taking a hard stance. I registered and voted in college before moving out of state 2 years later, albeit for a national election, but the key word is registered. To discuss the points you brought up: Point 1; If they are staying, let them get the ID, like you did when you moved around, or vote where they hold permanent residency. I'm going to reject your second point. Each person gets to vote in their district, no one just gets to take their place. I have family in MN, I didn't get to go vote in place of one of them while visiting. Also, what if the "replacement" student doesn't agree with the prior vote? They don't get a recall. Your point 3; see point 1. When you live there, you may intend to be short term, but a circumstance can change to make it long term. You are currently a permanent resident (ID and everything - probably even license plates if you obey the law), and can act like one. If you're moving next week, whether you vote would likely depend on how strongly you feel about an issue, but many may not care who the next mayor is and would skip it. You mentioned deserving to vote - I'm guessing that's just a word choice, since everyone over 18 has the right to vote (unless they lost it due to criminal activity, or never had residency), we're just discussing where and what ID they need. The better voter question is a trap - just think about what you proposed - if we let people come in and vote from out of state... All too often, this is all too true!
  18. OK, let's open that can of worms; if a college student isn't from the city/county/state the college is in, and isn't changing their address to reflect that they now live in said college town, why should they vote in a mid-term election? They're not voting for the President, but just for local reps of a place they appear to be only temporarily visiting for school...
  19. The lady in front of me (est 50-55 years old) was trying to use an ID that had the wrong address and a copy of a bill. They told her that wasn't sufficient any more and she had to go to the district where her ID was registered. She threw a small hissy fit, finally declaring "Well! I'm just not voting then!" and stomped out the door. I smiled at the shocked election worker, handed her my ID and said "I'll be much easier". Afterward, I just kept wondering how this woman didn't understand what she needed for ID, or that she needed to update her ID after she had moved across town?
  20. Part of me almost agrees with you... But I'm going with a sweep 5-2 and 6-1.
  21. ^^ This sums it up pretty well, although you forgot to mention "via Minneapolis". There is a very clear route that eventually comes up I-94. I can't tell you how many applications I've seen the last year that the previous addresses were in the Chicago area, then move to Minnie before coming here. Our pre-employment drug screen has resulted in some interesting stories coming from these same individuals...
  22. It was a Bank of the West thing. Second set was released, but apparently went quite a bit higher. I might know some people who were trying to do some proxy voting
  23. Agreed! Although my version looks like this:
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