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Everything posted by forksandspoons

  1. they can not guard nash, keep letting him drive
  2. schuler currently guarding someone with about 7 inches on him
  3. when was the last time Jones out-coached the opponent? its frustrating to watch him get out-coached almost every game. just like muss...
  4. finally nash is starting to get going.. thats what happens when you don't put him on the bench every two minutes...
  5. Jones' big men are notoriously bad at setting screens! every single year!
  6. also the people he has playing together on the court do not mesh whatsoever.. needs to give 5 guys most of the minutes with 3-4 guys coming off the bench.
  7. Anderson needs to run the point ALL the time when he is in. He is the smartest player with the ball in his hands. Jones also needs to switch up the offense every once and a while!
  8. just listening to what bubba said at the beginning of his interview says a whole lot.. im really excited for the future of UND football
  9. i was hopeful for the playoffs this past year, and IMO the upcoming schedule is more favorable, so i remain hopeful for the playoffs. While i agree that winning four games would be an improvement, i feel there is no reason that UND should miss the playoffs any given year. GO SIOUX
  10. get guys like schuler, stefan, anderson, and antwi more shots when teams go zone against us. why we have so much trouble against a zone beats me, but it also apparently beats Jones too.. although i do know that we don't have enough teamwork in order to beat a zone defense... pass pass pass the ball!
  11. So excited to see who bubba can bring in. I know he won't have long but I still think he will be able to get a few guys that he needs to restore the defense
  12. Just more opportunities to land guys that want to be here and win here..
  13. can we all pool our money in and get a hold of tibesar yet?
  14. i'll consider anything over three wins an improvement i guess
  15. Whoever the new coach is needs to recruit more guys like Iverson. Probably wont have much to choose from this year but in the coming years
  16. What Trenbeath was best at other than his hands was his blocking.. wow could that guy free up space on the field. he also had quite a few freshman receiving records
  17. I definitely like him as a good candidate... I guess that would make Mollberg the starter by the offense he runs
  18. So Hardin graduates this year... is he the best wr UND has ever had? Or is it Dressler? Or is it someone else?
  19. Does anyone have any updates on the IPF? I haven't seen much activity around there since they finished clearing the debris..
  20. I'm just saying Jackson was probably gone regardless and the same with Edwards. How many verbals did we have by this time last year?
  21. I do not like the process at all either. But it is how it is. I too am concerned with recruiting, but at this time last season with the old staff we had very few verbals, so what's the difference? Somehow we have gotten a couple verbals without a head coach, around the same amount as if we had our former staff out and about. I want the right guy so we don't have a coaching staff that can't keep up with recruiting in the coming years like our old staff..
  22. honestly what do we lose by this process taking so long? after this season i think it couldn't get much worse. I trust faison and think there is a reason he is taking his time.. trying to get his hands on more money will only expand his options, especially as bowl games start to be played and put an end to some teams' seasons..
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