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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. Dustin

    FCS Playoffs

    So UND did indeed outbid Montana. My proposed situation from earlier is actually rendered moot. For shame...
  2. So, two D-II schools and UND?
  3. I am also not happy (and a little surprised) that NDSU got #3. No one from any other conference should have allowed this to happen. Rooting hard for Sac. State this weekend.
  4. I believe someone said both UND and Montana were the last 2 at-large selections. If true, here's how this could have played out: Both UND and Montana (presumably, anyway) had larger bids than their opponents, but both also had inferior records. What would it look like if the committee gave both UND AND Montana home games against teams that had better records? There could have been an uproar with some schools saying, "Big schools can just buy a home game, so long as they are selected for the tournament, even if their opponent has a better resume." Then look at it the other way - both UND AND Montana go on the road. That scenario has a lot of missed revenue, since UND and Montana are both big bidders, so they probably don't want to go that route either. I suspect that the UND and Montana bids were pitted against EACH OTHER, and not their opponents. They gave Montana the home game because they (presumably) bid higher than UND (If this isn't the case, I would be even more upset, because then it was just a screwjob). If UND had outbid Montana (and I'm not saying that's what the goal should have been), UND probably would have been at home and Montana would have gone on the road. I know there's precedent that big schools can and have bought home games, and I know that UND was trying to do that. I'm guessing Montana was also. Did either team deserve one? In my opinion, no. That's why seeding more teams is important for the integrity of the bracket.
  5. Mitchell or Skokna? I think I saw Skokna fair catch a couple of either kick-offs or punts, too.
  6. Did Mitchell ever end up playing this season? I know Skokna was out there a few times, but not I don't remember him touching the ball much. Would be awesome to have these guys at full health for next year.
  7. 8 wins next year is necessary (even if the 8th win doesn't come in the regular season) to show growth.
  8. How realistic is it to have a revamped FCS selection format by 2023? Is there enough of a stink being made about '22 that off-season coaches meetings, etc. will spur change? Seeding 16 teams seems like the obvious solution. Talking expectations for UND in '23: Offense - find a suitable replacement for Hoosman (maybe that's Smith, maybe not), continue to gel as O line, Tommy takes off a couple more times per game when that's what defense gives you, continue to score 30+ Defense - make the first tackle, bolster up the roster with some transfers, implement some sort of new wrinkle in the 3-4 to better fit the scheme to actual players, reduced points allowed (preferably under 20, but that might be such a big step in one year), force more turnovers Special Teams - improved kick coverage, improved place kicking, continue blocking punts Season goals - beat NDSU at home, no bad losses (for the record, I don't believe we had any in '22, but I know that could be debated), quarterfinal appearance at the very least (quarterfinal win preferred, that would put us past anywhere we've previously been)
  9. Was there a reported bid that was higher from anyone else? Montana?
  10. How much of our defensive problems can be attributed to missing the first tackle?
  11. Me either. That’s why I was surprised someone even mentioned him.
  12. If he’s interested, count me interested.
  13. I know his name comes up. Since he is currently an FCS OC, is he better than the FCS OC that UND currently has on staff?
  14. Dustin

    FCS Playoffs

    Not trying to scapegoat UND's failure to win on Saturday on the NCAA, but the process was especially bad this year. I think 16 teams need to be seeded and get to host. The at-large selections (17-24) can be sent to their nearest 9-16 seeded team (if regionalization is still a priority) for the first round. Top 8 teams still get a bye.
  15. Doesn't Schmidt make big $$ at Washington?
  16. BINGO! Implement that. Even if you have to fudge a little by telling the players "This defense is designed to stop the NDSU offense" like Dale Lennon told his defensive players 30 years ago. Make the players believe.
  17. Haha, trying to do this while attending a work meeting. Point is, we were a lot more depleted than I was remembering throughout the season.
  18. There actually were a number of big names missing from the defense from '21 to '22: Holm (grad/retired), Fort (on roster, but injured), Nelson (transfer), Canady (grad/retired), Seguin, Pierre, and Lickfeldt (Can't remember the various scenarios with those last 3 guys). So maybe I've overreacted on calling for a new DC. Still need something big to happen on defense. It'd be nice if it were to happen under Tommy's offense.
  19. Not sure about others, but I was surprised that Schmidt had such an opportunity. I never thought his defenses were anything special, either. After Holinka became DC, I thought the defense was actually better. Until this year. Maybe my memory is not serving me correctly.
  20. I must have a short memory - was last year's defense great? As Frasier Crane would say, I'm listening...
  21. New DC. Even if someone is promoted internally. Need to send a message that defense was the letdown of the team. Hit the transfer portal hard in a hopefully one-time effort to shore up the defense for next season. Hit the recruiting trail hard for better defensive players. It’d be a real shame next year if we have one of the best (if not best) QBs in program history but can’t give him a worthwhile defense when he’s not on the field.
  22. Who is the best defensive assistant under Holinka? When Rudy was let go he was replaced by one of his assistants and things have improved. Maybe that’s a strategy that can be replicated.
  23. Don’t follow FB statistics as a general rule, but that aside I realize the overwhelming answer is no. I’d like to see one of the XDSU’s defensive assistants as DC in Grand Forks. Don’t follow their programs so I don’t know names, but those two were the top defenses we played.
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